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4 Week Old Puppy

Feeding a 4 Week Old Puppy?Very young puppies can be given goat's milk or special puppy formulas available at pet stores. As they mature these liquids can be mixed with puppy kibbles and blended or softened depending on their age. This is a page about feeding a 4 week old puppy.


Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

House Training a Yorkie PuppyHouse training a puppy is a necessary and sometimes trying part of pet ownership. The successful completion of this training is well worth the time invested. This is a page about house training a Yorkie puppy.


My Finch Laid Eggs

My Finch Laid Eggs?If you have a female finch, they will likely lay eggs at some point. This page contains information about what to do when your finch lays eggs.


A dog sitting on the grass scratching at fleas.

Using Diatomaceous Earth for FleasFood grade diatomaceous earth is an flea killer that is non toxic to humans and animals. This is a page about using diatomaceous earth for fleas.


photo of a dog

Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?This is a page about the causes of sudden death in dogs. It is devastating when a pet dies suddenly, with no prior history of disease.


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Ideal Weight for a Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua?How much should my Miniature Pinscher Chihuahua cross, weigh? He eats a lot when other dogs are here and he is gaining weight.


A momma cat laying with a kitten.

Safe Flea Treatment for Cat with KittensThis is a page about finding a safe flea treatment for cat with kittens. Flea treatment for your cat is important especially if it has kittens.


Dalmatian puppy at the vet.

Puppy With Blood in its StoolThis is a page about a puppy with blood in its stool. There are a number of reasons your puppy may have blood in its stool, some more serious than others.


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Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?One of my cats started doing something strange this past year. Jesse is a 4yr old neutered male. He brings dirty laundry downstairs. I know he's trying to tell me something, but I can't figure out what it is. He'll grab a sock usually, but sometimes he'll bring underwear, t-shirts, pajama pants, and once he brought a blanket!


Jack Russel Terrier Mix

Jack Russell Terrier Mix PhotosThis page contains Jack Russell terrier mix photos. Some of the best family pets are mixed breed dogs.


Blue Heeler

Blue Heeler Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains Blue Heeler breed information and photos. The Blue Heeler or Australian Cattle dog is a working dog bred for herding. They can make good pets, but need lots of exercise and activity to keep them occupied.


Cat getting flea medication applied.

Using Advantage for Dogs on Cats?With careful measurement many pet owners can safely use Advantage for dogs on their cats. This is a page about using Advantage for dogs on cats.


A Pomeranian in a grassy yard.

Housebreaking Problems with a Pomeranian?This is a page about housebreaking problems with a Pomeranian. Not all dogs understand that they need to relieve themselves outside, and need some creative encouragement.


Baby ducks hatching in an incubator

Incubating Duck Eggs?This page is about incubating duck eggs. If you don't have a broody mother duck, an incubator can help you hatch poultry eggs.


Boxer Dog

My Boxer is Not Eating?If your boxer is not eating it could be a the sign of a serious issue that requires veterinary help. This is a page about my boxer is not eating.



Dog Scratching at Fleas

Dog Still Scratching After Flea Treatment?Treating your pet for active fleas is only part of the process for getting rid of fleas and preventing re-infestation. Your home and yard will be to be treated. Even if your pet no longer has fleas, their skin may still need treatment to promote healing and discourage scratching. This is a page about what to do if your dog is still scratching after a flea treatment.


Raw oats on a spoon.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Oats?Oats are very healthy and are a valuable addition to a dog's diet in moderation. However, dry oats may cause dehydration which can be less desirable, especially with an older dog. This is a page about whether dogs can eat raw oats.


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Dog Has Fecal Incontinence When Sleeping?My 3 month old pit bull dribbles pee when she walks and sometimes poops when she sleeps. Why?


Zebra Finch Not Sitting on Eggs Looking Down at Nest

Zebra Finch Not Sitting on Eggs?Zebra finches are popular pet birds in part because they are avid breeders. If your pair is not sitting on the nest there are a couple of possibilities. This is a page about zebra finch not sitting on eggs.


Using Garlic to Prevent Fleas

Using Garlic to Prevent FleasThis page is about using garlic to repel fleas. The presence of garlic can repel fleas if used safely.


Rawhide dog bone on white background

Flavoring Old Dog BonesThis is a page about flavoring old dog bones. Dogs will often lose interest in their rawhide bones after a time. You can try adding peanut butter in the crevices, boiling them in bouillon, or even tossing them into some of the stored food for a couple of days.


A beagle puppy sitting on the grass.

When Can a Puppy Safely Be Outside?Leaving a puppy outside alone, will depend on your yard and how secure and hazard free it is. The age of the pup also is also a factor. This is a page about, "When can a puppy safely be outside?".


Low Cost Pet Clinic

Finding Free or Low Cost Pet Clinics in Sacramento, California?If you live in Sacramento and need low cost pet care, there may be some options for you. This is a page about finding free or low cost pet clinics in Sacramento, California.


A cat looking intently at a burning candle.

Removing Candle Wax From My Cat's Fur?This is a page about removing candle wax from my cat's fur. A cat's need to check out everything can sometimes put them in a hazardous spot, such as too close to hot melted candle wax.


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Giving Parvo Puppy Gatorade?We adopted a collie/retriever mix yesterday and today found out he has Parvo. My 4 year old is heart broken! They gave him IV fluids and some injections to help with vomiting and diarrhea. Is there anything else we can do at home? Can we give him Gatorade? This puppy has had a rough beginning, I don't want him to have a rough end too. Please help.


A puppy hiding under a bed.

How to Prevent Dog From Hiding Under Bed?A new dog or a rescued abused one may feel afraid or insecure and hide under furniture such as your bed. This is a page about how to prevent a dog from hiding under the bed.


Two different breeds of dachshunds

Differences Between Standard and Miniature Dachshunds?This is a page about differences between standard and miniature Dachshunds. Certain dog breeds have been bred to have two distinctive sizes; the larger a standard and the smaller a mini version. Other than size their appearance is basically the same.


Determining the Age of a Chihuahua

How to Determine the Age of a Chihuahua?A vet is a good resource for determining the age of your dog. They will typically check the dog's teeth, a method that you too can employ at home. This is a page about how to determine the age of a Chihuahua.


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Federal Law Regarding Refills On Vet Meds?I was just told by my vet that I would no longer be able to get the medicine we need for our pet's eyes without coming in for an exam. He said it was a federal law. Does anyone know what federal law it is?


vet using a stethoscope on a dog

Shih Tzu Breathing ProblemsShih Tzu dogs are one of the brachycephalic breeds meaning that they have short noses and flat faces. This can, and often does, lead to breathing issues. If you have one of these popular pups check the information in this page about Shih Tzu breathing problems.



A cluster of burrs

Removing Burrs from Your Pet's FurThis page is about removing burrs from your pet's fur. Burrs tangled in your animal's fur can seem impossible to detach.


Homemade Parrot Food Recipes

Homemade Parrot Food RecipesThis page contains homemade parrot food recipes. Making your own parrot food can help save money and provide excellent nutrition.


blue and white budgie

Budgie Keeps Laying Eggs?This is a page about what to do when a budgie keeps laying eggs. Bird owners are sometimes concerned when their pet is constantly laying eggs.


Man sitting on a plastic covered sofa with his dog, surrounded by boxes.

Preventing Fleas from Moving With You?Flea infestations can move with you on pets and as the result of eggs that are taken to your new home. Treat pets and bedding, etc. before the move. This is a page about preventing fleas from moving with you.


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Getting Dogs to Sit Still for Nail Trimming?I have 2 dogs that need their nails trimmed; I have dog nail clippers but neither one will hold still long enough! Any suggestions?


A skunk getting ready to spray.

Removing Skunk Smell from a DogThis is a page about removing skunk smell from a dog. Skunk spray is oily and can be tough to remove from your dog's fur. Luckily there are ways to remove the odor without harming your pet.


A baby stroller being used as a dog stroller.

Converting a Baby Stroller Into a Pet StrollerThis is a page about converting a baby stroller into a pet stroller. You can save money by converting a baby stroller that your child has outgrown, or one from a yard sale into a pet stroller.


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Older Dog Has Started Running Away?I have a very old dog and just yesterday she has started to run off. We have to chase her down because she will not stop for anything. She has never run off from us before, as a matter of fact she is always at our side when she is outside.


Gourd of puppies sitting together in the grass

Dog Not Feeding Her Puppies?This is a page about a dog not feeding her puppies. If a female dog stops feeding her puppies, first check to make sure she does not have an issue with her nipples. Then depending on the age of the pups, you can help them out by feeding liquid puppy formula or goat's milk for older pups.


Mallard Duck Tending Nest of Eggs

Mallard Duck Laid EggsThis page is about Mallard duck laid eggs. Wild ducks often will lay their eggs in your yard, on a deck, or other places in close proximity to human activity.


Making Homemade Kitten Formula

Making Homemade Kitten FormulaThis is a page about homemade kitten formula. Keep your kitten happy and healthy by making your own formula.


tombstone and dog

My Dog Died Suddenly?It is shocking and heartbreaking when your seemingly healthy pet dies suddenly. This is a page about my dog died suddenly.


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Using Dawn for Fleas on CatsMany pet owners use Dawn to bathe their pets when fighting fleas. While this method does work, it may leave your pet's skin quite dry. If you have concerns check with your vet before using this flea control solution. This is a page about using Dawn for fleas on cats.


A dog jumping up on a woman.

Training a Dog Not to JumpThis is a page about training a dog not to jump. Many dog's think that jumping up is a great way to say hello. To avoid muddy prints on your clothing or being knocked over, it is a good idea to discourage jumping.


A bulldog with a flatulence problem

Remedies for Dogs With GasThis page is about remedies for dogs with gas. If your dog has problems with flatulence, it must be something in their diet.



nursing kitten

Kitten Trying to Nurse on Older Cat?This is a page about kitten trying to nurse on older cat. Sometimes weaned kittens will try to nurse on older cats, including males.


German Shepherd

Is My Dog a Pure Bred German Shepherd?Although a genetic test is the best way to accurately define a dog's breed there are physical characteristics that can help distinguish between a pure bred and mixed breed pup. This is a page about, "Is my dog a pure bred German Shepherd?.


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Getting Rid of Fleas In Neighbors Yard?Our neighbors have 2 dogs that are outside most of the time. We have treated our dog, the yard, and the house.


A mama cat with her kitten outside.

Helping a Stray Cat With KittensThis is a page about helping a stray cat with kittens. Finding out that the stray cat hanging about your house has a litter of kittens, may spur you on to deciding what to do to help mom and her babies.


dawn for fleas

Dawn Dish Soap For FleasMany pet owners consider using Dawn dish soap as an inexpensive shampoo for fleas. Dawn's formula has changed over the years. Most versions include a warning to avoid mixing with bleach, which is a sign that there has been ammonia added to boost the cleaning power.


Black Dog Hiding under a cement structure.

Dog is Hiding and Won't Eat?A dog may be in pain when it has unusual behavior like hiding. This is a page about dog is hiding and won't eat.


The inside of a dog's ear.

Identifying Dog Ear Problems?If your dog is rubbing and scratching their ears it could be either an infection of an ear mite infestation. A trip to the vet is a good way to identify the problem and to determine the best treatment.


Dog on leash.

Is Our Dog a Pure Bred Belgian Malinois?Please help. We want to know if our pup is a pure breed Belgian Malinois or a cross breed. His small face/head looks like a German Shepherd. I saw a Belgian Malinois (same age) and the head is large that's why I wondering and thinking that our pup is not a pure breed Mal.


A cat owner pointing at a cat guilty of peeing in the house.

Cat Peeing in the Same PlaceCats can certainly be creatures of habit. If your cat is peeing someplace you don't want them to, it would be best to stop them from peeing there as soon as possible. This is a page about cat peeing in the same place.


A Belgian Malinois lying on the grass.

Belgian Malinois Photos and InformationSimilar to a German shepherd, here are some pictures and information to help you learn more about the Belgian malinois breed of dog.



Using Mouthwash to Keep Cats from Peeing on FurnitureSome people that have successfully used mouthwash as a deterrent to prevent cats from peeing on furniture. This is a page about using mouthwash to keep cats from peeing on furniture.


Rolly Pollies (Pill Bug)

Caring for Roly Polies (Pill Bugs)Children love roly polies and often what to keep one as a kind of pet. This is a page about caring for roly polies (pill bugs).


A skinny dog eating.

Helping a Dog Gain WeightThis is a page about helping a dog gain weight. Dogs who have been ill or recently rescued sometimes will need to gain some weight.


closeup of kitten's eyes

Cat Has Milky White Discharge from Eyes?I'm looking for help with my cat's eye problem. He is a 5 months old and every now and then his eyes start to discharge some stretchy, milky white goo that looks like mucus. If I don't clean them the goo starts to cover his eyeballs. First there's usually some tears from his eyes followed by an infection.


Pug with bandage leg.

Treating a Pet's WoundTo stop superficial wounds from bleeding, home remedies may be just the cure. This page is about how to stop superficial wounds from bleeding.


A cat wearing a cone on its head.

Keeping a Cat From Licking a WoundThis is a page about keeping a cat from licking a wound. It can be very challenging to prevent your kitty from licking a wound or surgical site.


two backyard hens

Treating a Chicken With HeatstrokeThis is a page about treating a chicken with heatstroke. Knowing how to recognize and treat heatstroke can save your chicken's life.


Finches Near Nest

Finches Not Incubating Their Eggs?Finches are a popular bird to be kept as a pet. They are also known for the ease with which they breed in captivity. Make sure you are completely familiar with the breeding habits of your birds and then watch carefully to determine if there is a real issue; birds typically lay all of their eggs prior to incubating. This is a page about finches not incubating their eggs.


Dog is Acting Strange Since Taking Rimadyl?Does anyone have a dog start acting odd after taking Rimadyl? The lab work came back OK but since my 17 old pit mix started taking Rimadyl, she goes off by herself at home which she never used to do.


What Breed Is My Dog? (German Shepherd Mix)

What Breed Is My Dog? (German Shepherd Mix)This is a page about, "What breed is my dog?" (German Shepherd mix). Many pet owners have mixed breed dogs. Knowing the mix is not only interesting, but can be helpful in understanding your dog's behavior and by giving you an insight into potential health issues.


Close up image at face level of a yellow labrador retriever laying on it's back on a bed with blue sheets

Dog Pooping in My BedThis is a page about dog pooping in my bed. There are a number of possible reasons that a house trained dog might start pooping on its owner's bed.


Feeding a small puppy with a bottle.

Feeding a 5 Week Old Puppy?Caring for and feeding puppies young puppies that typically would still be being fed by the mom may require purchasing some milk replacement and perhaps offering moistened puppy food. This is a page about feeding a five week old puppy.


Two zebra finches in a cage.

My Zebra Finch Has Laid EggsIf your zebra finch has laid eggs, this page can help give you advice about what to do. Most importantly, do not move or touch the fertile eggs or the mother may reject them.


A German Shepard and a Jack Russel next to each other.

German Shepherd Jack Russel Mix PhotosWhile not a typical cross, because of the size difference, German Shepherd and Jack Russel terrier mixed puppies are possible. This page contains photos and comments regarding German Shepherd and Jack Russel mix pups.


Cat at Front Door

Cat Keeps Pooping at Front Door?Citrus, ammonia, or some essential oils smells may help keep a cat from relieving themselves in a specific area. This is a page about cat keeps pooping at front door.


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Cleaning Slug Slime out of Puppy Fur?How do you get slug slime out of puppy fur?


Remedy for a Cat with Acne on Face and Head - cat with scratches and acne on face

Remedy for a Cat with Acne on Face and Head?My cat has chin acne, but it has spread to his head and face. It scabs up, but falls off then he scratches till he bleeds. The vet has given me shampoos, steroids, medications, and a change of food. I've spent over 1000.00 and it still hasn't been remedied. Any suggestions?


Tea Tree Oil

Using Tea Tree Oil for DogsThis is a page about using tea tree oil for dogs. Many pet owners have found ways to use tea tree oil as a remedy for various pet aliments.


Hand picking up a Dachshund Puppy.

Weight of Dachshund Puppy?Knowing the average weight of your puppy's breed at different growth stages will help monitor her development. This is a page about the weight of a Dachshund puppy.


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How Long Will Shih Tzu's Hair Grow?My Shih Tzu is 11 months and I would like to know if her hair will grow to the ground? And if so, at what age will she be? She is the best baby I have ever had. She comes with me almost everywhere. By the way, I groom her twice a day, is that too much? Her hair is about 2/3 inches off the ground but her beard and whiskers are short. Thanks. I hope you can help me with my question.


A cat scratching fleas.

Herbal Remedies for Fleas?Many people want to avoid chemical flea treatments on their pets. Some homemade herbal treatments can be effective in deterring fleas. Here are some natural remedies for cats and dogs.


Dog brush, scissors, razor, and dog fur

Dog's Hair Isn't Growing Back?This is a page about dog's hair isn't growing back. Some pet owners shave their pets either for health reasons or during hot weather. Fur growth following its removal may be unpredictable and slow.


Horse's Face

Treating Bumps on Horse's Face?This is a page about treating bumps on horse's face. With the high cost of veterinary care many pet owners initially will try to care for their animals' minor ailments themselves.


Mother and daughter comforting a young smiling husky as vet looks on

Does Anyone Have a Positive Parvo Story?This is a page about "Does anyone have a positive parvo story?". Parvo is a deadly virus that sicken and kill dogs quickly.


small reddish brown dog

Chihuahua/Pomeranian Mix Breed PhotosThis is a page about Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix breed photos. The PomChi is a sweet small mixed breed dog that may be perfect for your family.


A Yorkshire terrier on a white sofa.

Preventing Yorkshire Terriers from Peeing on the CouchThis is a page about preventing Yorkshire terriers from peeing on the couch. Some smaller dogs and many terrier breeds can be more of a challenge to house train.


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Rubbing Alcohol as a Flea RepellentTo keep fleas at bay, you can spray your pet and the bedding and carpets with Wintergreen scented rubbing alcohol. It's an easy, inexpensive solution for an occasional flea.


Homemade Cat Litter Box

Homemade Cat Litter Box IdeasThis page contains homemade cat litter box ideas. You may need a litter box of a different design than you can find to buy.


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Are Elm Tree Leaves Harmful to Dogs?Are elm tree leaves harmful to dogs?


A cat getting a check-up from a veterinarian.

Finding Free or Low Cost Pet Clinics in...When looking for veterinarian services it helps to find a clinic you can afford. This page is about finding free or low cost pet clinics in California.


Kitten Being Held

Help With Kittens That Do Not Like to Be Picked Up?Making kittens feel safe and comfortable when they don't like to be picked up may take time and gentleness on your part. Try holding them when their are tired. This is a page about help with kittens that do not like to be picked up.


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Golden Retriever Chasing Tail And Eating Fur?Why does my 1 year old golden retriever chase his tail and then pull out the fur and eat it?


kitten with fleas

Getting Rid of Fleas on KittensThis is a page about getting rid of fleas on kittens. While topical flea treatments are readily available for older cats, young kittens will require alternative methods to rid them of these biting pests.


dog being injected with a microchip

Can Microchips in Dogs Move?This is a page about "can microchips in dogs move?". Putting an identification microchip in your pet dog can be a great help if the dog is lost. If the microchip were to not stay in it's original planted location it may be hard to find with a microchip reader.


baby bird

How Old Is My Baby Finch?It can be difficult to determine the age of a finch hatchling. They will typically leave the nest between 11 and 19 days. This is a page about, "How old is my baby finch?".


Kitten With Worms

Treating a Kitten With WormsThis is a page about treating a kitten with worms. Kittens can easily get infected with worms of several types. Because of their age and small size you will want to be careful how you attempt to treat them.


Mosquito Repellent Coil

Insect Repellents Safe for Use on PetsThis is a page about insect repellents safe for use on pets. Keep bugs from invading your pets using a repellant. Use care when choosing a repellent to use on them.


french bulldog puppy

Treating Fleas on a PuppyThis is a page about treating fleas on a puppy. The method used to treat fleas on your puppy will be determined by factors such as his age.


Husky puppy getting a vaccine.

Can Immunizations Cause a Positive Parvo Test?According to the ASPCA "some immunologists believe the vaccine antigen should not generate a positive result at all while others believe the weak positive is a true positive. However, a positive test accompanied by clinical signs should be interpreted as positive regardless of vaccination." This page contains discussions regarding the question, "Can immunizations cause a positive parvo test?".


Clipping a Duck's Wings

Clipping a Duck's WingsThis is a page about clipping a duck's wings. To keep your pet ducks at home when they are grazing in the yard, you will need to clip or have their wings clipped.


Hairless Chinese Crested Dog

Hairless Chinese Crested Breed...This is a page about hairless Chinese crested breed information and photos. These dogs are both hairless and when with hair called "powderpuffs". A family friendly breed that is good with children and other animals.


red spray bottle

Homemade Bitter Apple SprayThis is a page about homemade bitter apple spray. Bitter apple spray is used to help train dogs and puppies not to chew inappropriately on things such as your furniture.


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What Can I Use as a Substitute for a Flea Comb?I have a 2 year old Shih tzu and she has fleas that I can't get rid of. I've tried flea shampoos, flea sprays, and flea collars, but no results.


Cats laying on a woman sleeping in bed.

Training a Cat to Not Sleep on Your HeadThis is a page about training your cat to not sleep on your head. Many cats love to sleep with their owners, however they don't always honor our personal space. Sleeping on our heads may be their way of showing that they care, but it can interfere with a good night's sleep.


Dog In His Own Bed

Dog Pooping In His Own Bed?This is a page about a dog pooping in his own bed. Occasionally a well trained pet will begin to have potty accidents in unusual places.


cute dog looking guilty

Dog Pees in House When Left AloneThis is a page about when a dog pees in house when left alone. Even a house trained dog will have accidents under certain circumstances.


Proving That a Dog is Not a Pit Bull?My dog is a mixed breed but I am being told that she is a Pit Bull and that I need vicious dog insurance. What can I do? She is not vicious, she plays with all of the neighborhood kids and is a wonderful dog.


Siamese Mix

Siamese Mix Cat PhotosThis is a page about Siamese mix cat photos. Siamese mix cats are quite common and range from those that look very Siamese to Tabby crosses and other mixes.


Removing Dead Animal Smells from a Dog

Removing Dead Animal Smells from a Dog?This is a page about removing dead animal smell from a dog. When your fourlegged friends are out playing they can get into some situations that result in them coming home reeking.


Golden Finch perched on a nesting basket in branches.

Keeping Birds Warm in an Outside Aviary?This is a page about keeping birds warm in an outside aviary. Pet birds are often not native to the area where they now live. Consequently, they may not be well adapted to outside conditions.


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Yellow Finches Stopped Coming?I live in Charlotte, NC. I placed a feeder in my yard and attracted a lot of yellow finches. I replaced the food with a different brand and they stopped coming around. I then got the food they liked and I cleaned the feeder really well.


A dog holding a paw up to one of his ears, as if listening.

Natural Treatment for Yeast Infection in Dog's EarsMany pet owners choose to treat their dog's yeast infections with natural products rather than seek medications from their vet. This is a page about natural treatment for yeast infection in dog's ears.


Dog taking medicine from a person holding a weekly pill container.

Can Medications Cause a Dog to Pee More Often?Certain medications such as antibiotics and steroids can cause frequent urination. Check with your vet to see if this is an expected side effect of your dog's meds, if not it is probably time for a return visit. This is a page about, "Can medications cause a dog to pee more often?".


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