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Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Black Bugs?

I feel very desperate as to how to get rid of these annoying little bugs. First of all, I have to tell you that I am hundred percent sure they are not fleas nor bed bugs. I know this since I have used extensively, bombs and other chemicals, that would have already wiped them out.

Also I collected some samples and showed it to the local bug inspector companies and have been told the same thing. That they are not bed bugs or fleas. What they could tell me was that they could be "black nuisance bugs", but he was not very sure about it.


Let me try to briefly describe them. They live on my clothes and they bite me during day or night. You feel them moving which makes it very hard to fall in sleep. The only solution I could find was to get up and take my clothes off and just shake or pound them to make them fall on a white surface. They actually do fall when you do that. And whey they fall, they do not jump around or move, they just stay put in one place and you can just pick them up and they would still not move on your hand. (I know they are not fleas.) Currently my only solution was to keep vacuuming the house and try to catch them the way I described, but I keep finding them again and again.
Any idea is welcome.

By John E

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January 2, 201423 found this helpful
Best Answer

How long have you had these bugs? Do they fly, walk, jump? Are they maybe in the dryer or something? I had a nasty bout with fleas and spent 3 grand on chemicals boms exterminators (I know you said they were not fleas), but what did work was salt. I threw salt around the house all over (we wore shoes for 3 days) then vacuumed. That was it - they were all gone!


I found salt works with all bugs. This should at least kill the eggs, then stop the cycle of what ever they are. I'd also try dishsoap in a upside down margarine lid on the floor to maybe catch them? or like a home made fruit fly trap if they fly? Something else I'd try is doing the laundry at the laundromat, or changing detergent. Borax and salt was actually the recipe for fleas, so maybe add some borax to your laundry to stop the cycle there.
Good luck!

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February 21, 20163 found this helpful

i have tried everything salt borax raid vacuming

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May 7, 201614 found this helpful

Thank u from my heart for your post! Im going through what u have! I recently bought a old house that no one has lived in 7 years! I had it exterminate 4times. Each time they told me there where no fleas found nor bed bugs!!! Really I asked? I thought to myself... I could see that? After searching the attic and the 3ft. Crawl space we found a dead field rat. As well as when we first moved in it was invested with mice. After getting rid of the mice because the house was being reconstructed. ...we started to itch! They told me I was crazy at first!lol


Til it got so bad that if u just step in the house u would itch!!!! Then one day I ran across other people like us talking about THE BLACK SPOTS! So yes its very real !!! But guess what the Internet world calls them....r u ready? RAT MITES , OR BIRD MITES! They say they come from anything thats related to those animals . Their nests, their fecal matter, babies even if dead. Once its gone they live off of humans! Til they find a new host! Oh make sure once you clean up the dead mouse or a rat or whatever it is you get everything around it and spray spray vinegar ! So you mean I got these nasty rat infested bugs biting me biting my family. The doctors the exterminators and a lot of scientists have never heard of these bugs. There are two kinds there is a regular rat mite, then you have the tropical rat mite. I pray this works thank you again for your post. Also they say anything with mint or a minty smell will keep the rodents any type away. Also you have to treat your animals at home so they won't get infected as well ! Like you said all your laundry wash it and keep the temperature at a certain level they live and breathe from the temperature being to humid . Don't Spray flea spray it seems like it gets worse after a few hours. I am not a doctor a professional just the everyday person who is living this horror! IM GOING TO TRY THIS....IM PRAYING THIS WORK! I WILL do a new up date! But just so you know the funny thing is why I'm posting this I've never done this before ! I sprinkle salt as I'm talking to you I promise you my ankles have not been eaten up in the last 5 mins.....that is a miracle....! Thanks again!

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July 20, 20162 found this helpful

Thanks will try your ideas they don't fly and are ichy I moved a month and a half ago that's when I noticed them o worked outdoor all of my life and never ran into them b/4

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November 11, 20160 found this helpful

they are scabies...i know because i have the same problem...check on the web and good luck

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January 10, 20170 found this helpful

Black mites

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February 6, 20175 found this helpful

I noticed this same problem starting 6 months ago, just in 1 room of my house. Nobody believed me and now 6 months later my whole house is crawling in these little black bugs and the accompanying wite larvae looking things. If someone was actually able to figure out exactly what they are and how to get rid of them, I wish they would come back to these sites and tell us.


All these other posts are over a year old. So please tell me your not still living with this problem. Please please someone help me!! I'm losing my mind.

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April 26, 20177 found this helpful

I'm going threw the same exact thing with these little black bugs, they bite me day and night and are in my all my clothing I also have tried many pesticide, ammonia, Diatomaceous Earth, nothing works and your right there not fleas or bed bugs,I've been cleaning my clothes with borax laundry detergent, and they keep getting back in my clothes, I got rid of my bed and sleep on a air mattress, I just can't take it no more, I'm getting bit up alive,I have a feeling there coming from the a/c air vents, I actually thought they were chigger mites, I believe they are some kind of mite,but what the hell will kill them and get rid of them .i just keep shaking off my clothes day and night spray a boarder around my my air mattress at night with bedbug and egg home defense. Please help me I just can't handle it anymore. It's causing me to get very depressed. Thank you Charlene

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April 26, 20171 found this helpful

Thank you so much it's 2:30 am and I'm up because of getting bitten up alive I've tried everything and your right every time I spray any pesticide it makes them bite my ankles and legs more I'm going to sprinkle the salt now threw all my clothing and house right now and I'm going to store I'm the morning and buying vinegar and buying some menthal lotion and soap and shampoos, and I'm going to look for a mint spray. Thank you Charlene

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April 27, 20170 found this helpful

Thank you sooooo much your RIGHT salt works.

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May 7, 20173 found this helpful

Omg I am finding exactly the same little tiny black dots that fall in the sink. They don't move, you can pick them up with your finger and they turn white. They don't move but they make your head itch.


What the heck are they? I use straight alcohol- 91 percent. I have a spray bottle and before I got to bed, I spray my hair and my back as there is an itchy rash.

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May 9, 20173 found this helpful

I have suffered the same nightmare for over a year. I have managed to keep these bugs from hell at bay using vinegar and a large spray bottle. These little devils have eyes they can and they have a nose and mouth. Vinegar gets into their little eyes and nose and sofigate them.


Vinegar is save to apply on your body also spray bedding and sofa and the whole house at least twice a day. spray your body when you feel this demons on you be carlful not get in your eyes. good luck! moe

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May 9, 20174 found this helpful

Totally I agree black demons from hell my family wants to sign me away. For some reason everyone sees nothing if they they say its dirt

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May 13, 20172 found this helpful

Im havung the same problem
Has anyone told you how to get rid of these pest
Im cracking up behind them for almost a year
Have been to to many dermatologists they cant helo..Have had my home sprayed for fleas and bed bugs
Please help uf you found a soultion

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May 14, 20170 found this helpful

What type of salt did you use

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May 19, 20171 found this helpful

Hello Charlene,

I am same as you are having. I posted some of things I have done so far but nothing really works. All of them are just to get by every day. Do you get a small paper cut looking bites in your hands? I them sometimes. Let's hope we will be free from them soon. Many prays.

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June 7, 20170 found this helpful

Did this work I've been living with this for 1 week absolutely driving me mad

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June 15, 20170 found this helpful

Any fine salt should be ok

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June 20, 20170 found this helpful

I'm using Lysol and it's working and I bathed in Dr Bronners Peppermint 4-1 soap its good for everyone and everything thing and cost about $10 bucks I think my dog got mites from cheap landscaping straw and brought it in. Im bathing him tomorrow. I washed everything else tonight and including my hair I swear I was afraid of lice but ALL GOOD SO FAR NOW I think a good vacuum and wash dog and it will work

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June 21, 20170 found this helpful

My friend has them in her head can anyone recommend anything please she does live in the country ?

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June 24, 20173 found this helpful

Hi I'm going threw this right now after moving into temporary accomadation the council has come out but environmental health said there not a bug and it never has breathed or ever been a bug they bite so badly I've never seen them move either but they appear on the floor on my bed on my feet in my clothes it's driving me crazy scared to sleep too and your right nobody knows what they really are

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June 26, 20170 found this helpful

*****Gold stars for you.I also have this issue hair is also greatly affected .I figured that they have something to do with death .My moms house is 40 years old and I'm sure there was at least 3 deaths in that home over time .I smell bad blood ,death when I m walking thru house I'll try salting property boundaries which is a good barrier to ward off bad karma and those that wish evil thoughts / actions on you Thank you for simple remedy

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June 30, 20171 found this helpful

Hi, I thought I had this black jumping mite and tried it all. Nothing worked. It would jump on me all the time.My sleeping was a mess. Always waking up itching etc. Got very depressed and in a dark place. 7-9 months. i tried everything u hv.I saw them and everything. Yesterday I went to a N.D. natural dr. he listened to my story. he looked at samples i brought which were nothing. he looked at my blood, nothing. he sd I was under stress and anxious prob trying to get rid of the fleas for 2 months, which made my immune system weaken. It could also be because of all the poison sprayed to get rid of them. Once the fleas were gone these mites came about. he showed me a nerve that goes down thru the whole body and when the immune syst is weakened can cause itching, feeling like crawling on you, etc. He gave me some things to help my immune syst(colon) I take 1 50 billion blend Renew Life brand ultimate FLORA probiotic AT BEDTIME, 2-665 curcumin tablets (NOW brand) with breakfast and 1/2 tsp L-Glutamine powder (5 g) (Now sports) brand 1 hr b4 breakfast and at bedtime. i think my skin was hyper sensitive everything itched. I believe i still hv dermodex mites til stress gets normal, and hot and humid where I live which they love,but have to admit the black mites were a delusion even as real as I thought they were. I still have a few symptoms but due to my immune syst still weak. But so much better even 1 day later. I also bought a small and med-large rm size air cleaner. Also eliminate as much sugar as poss breads pastas etc which they love. He sd Stevia is ok.I don't know about dust mites. I believe this helped me so I am putting this out there

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July 1, 20170 found this helpful

Here is what I did. And it was a lot of trial and error. I covered all my mattresses with a drop cloth and tape. They will suffocate, I still have the plastic cover on all my mattresses. I washed everything in borax. I put all cushions and pillows in a garbage bag and plan on leaving them in there for three months. I treated my entire family with lice treatment. We don't have lice but I figured anything that kills lice should kill these black bugs. (Lice have a hard outer shell so I know they are hard to kill). I made my family shampoo and wash their body with the lice treatment for a week. We also bombed our house for good measure. And I hate to say it but I threw out my couches. I won't be replacing them for a few months till I feel they are gone. I also sprayed my car with raid that specifically says gets rid of bed bugs mites and lice. Than I'm vacuuming all the time. Cars and house. Also washing comforters pillow cases and sheets everyday and will for at least two weeks. Make sure you also get pillow protectors that are made to keep bed bugs and dust mites and allergens away from the pillow than daily wash the pillow protectors. Got mine at bed bath and beyond. Hope this helps

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July 1, 20172 found this helpful

Not sure where you people live. I'm in Melbourne Australia and being attacked by these monsters. Just tried salt in my bedroom and last night they attacked me even more as if for punishment. I know for sure that they drop onto you from the ceiling when your trying to sleep, as they respond to the carbon dioxide that your exhaling. Tried pyrethrum, to various degrees of success, but not convinced that it works all that well. Could not find any rat or bird nest in the roof or under the house. That is suppose to be the key!

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September 27, 20173 found this helpful

They hatch as invisible to the eye so you will not see them unless they are in masses and then they will appear as a white talcum powder or baking soda powder covering across the surface of something. You will feel their bites or crawling first before being able to see individuals. The small invisible ones bites are the worst causing a rather first a pinch or stabbing followed by a burning type of itchy sensation and if a concentrated number attack at once in one area the itching and burning can also be pretty disconcerting. They bite anytime, both day and night.
They eventually become visible as both black and white specs the size of salt and pepper specs that continue to sting when they bite but not quite as badly. They now crawl pretty quickly and can travel from foot to head in a matter of minutes. You will feel crawling and will be able to rub the area and cause the insect to ball up so that it can be pinched away from the skin. They can attach by burrowing at this stage and can still be detected only removing involves scraping with your fingernail to dig them out and then you need to roll them into a ball to pluck them away.
The largest I have discovered them is in small hard shelled nodules reaching to as large as 1mm diam. By this time they crawl up your body to your groin, scalp or anus and attach causing a pricking sensation by burrowing under a couple layers of skin with back exposed and then drink your body fluids. You might not even notice other than by rubbing you hand over the area and feeling a speck of that size.
They do also somehow get to your throat and sting there and then traveling on into your digestive tract when you swallow. If they dont fly then I dont know how else they can accomplish this other than when so tiny being carried by breath. I have noted this experience while it was happening. I have also correlated that when an outbreak occurs I also start having pretty bad pain somewhere around my kidneys or lower intestines and become constipated with my stool looking loose and fluffy. If they dont fly then they must jump. I feel then jump onto my eyelashes and sometimes facial skin. As mentioned, I do experience them in groin areas but wouldnt say that this is more likely than on your scalp or in your ears or nose.
You cannot deal with them by doing laundry or by moping with strong chlorine or by spraying them with vinegar, alcohol, Kleen green or other natural perturbing products. I believe that only toxic neurological substances will affectively deal with these on your body and it must also be accompanied by a complete home fogging done with similar products multiple times throughout several days. By the time you discover being bitten the egg cycle is hatching daily and a simple retreat after three days wont work either.
From experiences I believe that they hide and reproduce everywhere including inside TVs, computers, stereos, and speakers. Couches, drapes, shoes, bedding linins, towels and all that, even you jackets in storage, your hats, scarves, gloves and into every cupboard, closet, crack and cranny they can crawl into and hide. Apparently they can go dormant for as long as 9 months so how can a person their computer, couch, TV, microwave, stove, power tools. Especially difficult items like couches must be fogged or soaked by toxin throughout.
I have taken over 30 photographs showing their bites all over my ankles, legs and face. I went to the hospital and had a doctor examine the bites and was told that they were consistent with bug bites. I have been to the hospital twice; the second time was to obtain a letter to give to Hastings Housing regarding her impression of the bites.
These bites are not being caused by a skin condition as has been used as an excuse to avoid providing assistance. It is true that after a person has mite bites that they can experience false stinging sensations however that was the very first thing I examined myself for and because I have followed the progress of development through their life stages cannot agree that this would be a correct analysis.

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January 11, 20181 found this helpful

I have them too, To sleep I shake body powder from the dollar store. on my sheet's they don't seam to like that. Listerine and alcohol in a spray mist seams to give me some rest for a while. Good luck! if you fine a way let me know

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January 17, 20181 found this helpful

The ones we have are usually circular and hollow in the middle.They can also flatten out straight.They are on the bed,blankets,sheets,borough in clothing where they actually need to be picked off,and I have had to pull some off my skin.Usually where a vein is,back,chest,& shoulder to elbow area.The spots ooze at 1st then scab over.Dr.gave me scabies and bed bug lotion,but it doesn't do anything.Ever since we moved here this has been happening to me only.They bite!!!Yuck!!!

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April 14, 20180 found this helpful

My Solution for Biting Gnats Located in my Bed:
*strip bed including matress pad and pillows. Wash in hot water
*use rubbing alcohol apply it with a sponge or wash cloth over the entire surface and sides of mattress. Let it dry thoroughly.
* liberally sprinkle baking soda over mattress top.
*use two fitted bottom sheets so there no baking soda breakthrough occurs
*if you see any small black dots pick them up and put them in the trash rolled up in a kleenex

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May 1, 20181 found this helpful

I also deal with this disgusting bug i find they only bite when I try killing them by vacuuming they hate salt so I get them good then vacuum again next day i also spray with vinegar and 70 to 90 percent rubbing alcohol slows them down kills many not all . Also you kill or trap one or some you take them all on especially at night using borax is good to but im still fighting after 6 months I'll spray anything at them look 3 exterminator companies left thinking i was nuts cocky overpaid shits didn't even look at all afraid to trust one again but warmer weather is making them multiply get bigger and another breed has come i just couple days ago its terrible and i feel for you best of luck b

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May 1, 20180 found this helpful

As long as she is sure its not lice than teatree oil shampoo works and organic coconut for drying scalp should help good luck

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May 1, 20180 found this helpful

Hi down under im going thru this for 6 months ill say keep using the salt they hate it so much it brings them out from the rugs or anywhere else that gives you the chance to vacuum them up or spray them they freak me out to but if we don't keep it up we lose also put peppermint tea bags in your shoes they hate mint of any no don't boil just dry good luck

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June 23, 20180 found this helpful

I have same problem with bugs in shoes, AND bugs in clothes. To date, nothing has worked, I live in an efficiency in a complex, and the exterminator says he sees no bugs (of course not, they are tee tiny, I had to use magnifying glass to see what was eating my clothes.), plus he really didn't seem to care! So far none of laundry soaps recommended have worked for clothes, don't know WHAT to do about shoes, but I will try the salt. Thanks for the recommendation and if there are any more, please advise. THANKS

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July 24, 20180 found this helpful

My dog gets at least 2 on him when he goes outside ..lifts his leg. They are not fleas ...they are not on me .my apt .carpet . nowhere but on him ...when i pick them off. They do not jump ..just sit there . ..they are driving. Me crazy ...

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July 27, 20181 found this helpful

I have been fighting biting mites that you cannot see but it bits and stings I break out in a rash been going on for almost six months. the best thing I have found is Neems oil and most of the essential oils Iand sulfur soap. I wash my sheets almost every night and mop the floors in bleach was all of my cloths with laundry detergent and 20 mule team Borax. I feel like I am almost free from them. I check my cloths before I ware them and never use or ware anything twice. You might visit Dr. Scabbie I learned a lot from using his sulfur soap. good uck

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January 10, 20190 found this helpful

I have the same problem known the I am crazy crazy Help

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July 7, 20191 found this helpful

You could also try diamaceous earth. It dissolves the exoskeleton of the bugs. You have to put it everywhere. I'd recommend on your mattress underneath your bottom sheet so you can sleep. In the meantime, if they are getting into your clothes, start storing them in ziplock bags. Eventually, they'll die of oxygen deprivation. You can also dust your drawers with the diamaceous earth. This is how I got rid of bedbugs. It was a pain, but totally worth it.

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July 10, 20190 found this helpful

I am having the same problem , with unseen things crawling on my face. they seem to like my chin and keep going for my eyes to suck the fluids out of them , leaving my eyes very dry.
i shake sometimes loads of them off me into my bathroom sink.
they have changed since they first ifested my home and are now stinging me around my neck + tips of my ears. i have even been stung on the eye before , causing it to go bloodshot.
I am now trying a horse + farmyard de-lousing poweder in my home.

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July 10, 20190 found this helpful


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July 10, 20190 found this helpful

I have had the same infestation since october 2018 - july 11th seemed to start after using soil from outside plant pots for indoor plants , also have a problem with mould.
at the beginning i could see these little black mites and noticed the odd queen flying when disturbed...I am constantly trying to make it as hostile as possible for them and have recently thrown handfuls of horse + farmyard de-lousing powder off the ceilings etc ..all over..not recomended , but they are far to resilient to gentle treatments.

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July 10, 20190 found this helpful

Strange what you said because everytime I have did something hard to get rid of them they have bit and stung me more...maybe that's because you might be winning and doing something right.

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July 19, 20190 found this helpful

I have evolved bugs now stiging the edges of my ears + going for the moisture in my eyes

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September 5, 20190 found this helpful

Do you have popcorn ceilings? Step into your closet with a flashlight and look up. Are they in your ceilings? Next, have ya noticed them on kitchen cupboards? Well, now open your chili powder, Mrs. Dash and spicier spices. Anything moving? I was told they are cigar beetles. I got ALL NEW spices and put them into three large Lock n Lock containers (I labeled the spices in each). I cleaned the cupboards with Dawn and bleach. I vacuumed the closet ceilings where they lived. Im happy to say that they went to the cigar beetle heaven in the sky!

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September 18, 20191 found this helpful

Dont take this the wrong way, those are non hair louse, aka body lice, you got them from an individual who may or may not wash their clothes or shower often go to walmart or your pest control store immediately. They will only get worse & worse. Read up on it.

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October 8, 20190 found this helpful

Minute pirate bugs

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October 15, 20190 found this helpful

I also have these tiny black bugs, thought it was from lots of birds, in trees over my apartment. They tracked in off my shoes from bird dung off side walks. They also are on every thing. I have 4 med bottles full of them in alcohol to take to someone, they recently got on me in my skin which troubles crazy . I've sprayed with exterminator spray slowed them down.i seen them start in kitchen, & bath counters &floors ,then spread on everything. Hot water, alcohol on my feet &shoes. All the answers have really helped me a lot, thought it was just me. I showed them to my Daughter, she can't see them so tiny&black. Thanks for all the help from everyone. At least now i can know all I should do.

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February 5, 20200 found this helpful

I use stick on gluey ant pads buy at lowes depot i catch many put on floor kitchen by cabinets by your bed bath i catch so many keep puting glue ant traps it lures them i do not have many more dispose of full ones put new ones i have very little now

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March 4, 20200 found this helpful

They fly, bite, on bed,laundry,window sills and with thin skin, I am going bonkers. I cannot handle anymore, they leave red spots and itch. These are not fleas or bed bugs either. I will try your suggestions and hope.

Thank you

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July 3, 20200 found this helpful

What works: Table salt, salt+borax for laundry, food grade diatomaceous earth (powder gets all over when applied), exterminator.

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August 15, 20201 found this helpful

this is a couple years old but I'm doing what you said now. and I am at my wits end.

what about baking soda? I'm putting it in all the cracks and every crevice. I've bought a steamer, two small dehumidifiers one for closet and one for bathroom, air purifier, two vaccuums, had a air conditioner but it didn't seem to help and expensive so returned it.

have this consumed my life for the last three weeks. doctor thinks i'm crazy, apartment building management thinks i'm crazy, nobody will acknowledge these things, when i show them, they say its just crumbs... at first it was but now, i'm pulling these things off of me and saving them. there are different ones, probably the stages, but also i think theres a family fued going on. the ones that constantly live on us and then the invaders.... they both got big for their britches due to humidity and temp. and maybe thrift shop items.

UGH, Please put me in a coma and wake me up when its over!!!

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August 15, 20201 found this helpful

please tell me the end result of all that and where are you now... i am at this stage. so now what?

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August 15, 20201 found this helpful

what if you have ones that eat through the plastic!!! vaccuum bagged storage bags like "space savers", they lose their suction through the tiny tiny holes , i guess these suckers were hungry and when their buddies get together, they can take turns biting the plastic to get to the stuff in or OUT too. refridgerator even and in the microwave!!

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August 15, 20201 found this helpful

i think it was an outbreak... how did this turn out

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November 17, 20200 found this helpful

How do you get rid of them, I m loosing my mind.
No one believes me, it has been 2 years.i just can not take it anymore. Thank yoy

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January 22, 20210 found this helpful

Yes I have seen it literally open up as Im looking at it and it has eaten my skin

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January 22, 20210 found this helpful

No it doesnt Ive tried everything including neem shampoo and pills .tea tree oil pure and shampoo ivermectin permethrin and ever other over the counter remedy ..

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July 20, 20210 found this helpful

I have these bugs now and I am losing my mind literally. They are relentless.

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September 26, 20210 found this helpful

These appear to be coming out of my sons skin, especially when he uses an acne wash with sacrylic acid. These black dots are on the shower walls and floor, floors of apt, inside of clothes, car, everywhere. He cleans for hours everyday. 3 dermatologists say nothing is wrong and it is psychological.His apt has been fumigated for bed bugs, cockroaches and fleas. His cat has been checked, nothing found, but cleaned. Bugs? Wake him up. He is losing his mind. He treated himself for lice for a month with strong products months, yet combed out nits? From hair and body yesterday. Please help him. Would it help to have a lab examine these black dots to determine what they and regurgitate source. He lives in Denver. Any such lab in Denver ? After 2.5 years, he is so so unhappy.

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October 6, 20210 found this helpful

Salt does work. Also, wash your floors with lemon and vinegar it helps but salt does help.

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October 22, 20210 found this helpful

YES! they don`t move.. whoever said that is exactly right in explaining the bugs i have! Spraying with pure alcohol "strong vodka" is the best .. washing your hand then spraying with the vodka. making sure you spray your floors each day. Mopping also. It seems that they can only be controlled. Please remember to wash your hands before going to the restroom.!!! We Have to shower every night.

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October 27, 20210 found this helpful

They just took my little boy. I have sores get mrsa. They have put me in mental hospital twice. Its been 8 yrs. I moved here over 5 yrs ago. It has flare 2 times
All this is same as you all say. Rife frequency helps. Go to YouTube search frequency insects. Play with the different sounds. Searc6 for other stuff.

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December 17, 20210 found this helpful


Pyrethrum (or Pyrethrins) Bifen IT®

To reduce bird mites that may migrate indoors, spray an insecticide effective against mites. Sprays and aerosols containing the active ingredient pyrethrum (or pyrethrins) kill mites immediately on contact, though the treatment will remain effective for at most a few days. Bifenthrin is another pesticide that is effective against many mites and retains its killing properties for longer periods. Bifenthrin can be used, according to label directions, in living areas, attics and crawl spaces. Commercially bifenthrin is sold under the trade name, Bifen IT®. Treat outside around windows, doors, and other possible points of entry.

By DoMyOwn staff

Mites: Rodent and Bird Mites in Homes

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December 24, 20210 found this helpful

I have the same issue and dish soap does not work

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December 24, 20210 found this helpful

Dish soap, bed bug or flea sprays don't work. I thew everything out, furniture and clothes. I could not take it. My hubby also thought I was crazy.

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January 24, 20220 found this helpful

I feel your pain I have the same problem. I would love to talk to someone who is going threw the same thing.

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March 1, 20220 found this helpful

I've been dealing with the same thing for the last 10 years nobody can figure it out little black specks on my skin clothing seeds everywhere nobody else seems to catch it but me it comes and goes comes and goes what the hell is it I wish I knew and what can I do cuz my skin is pretty scarred up and ugly it's me look like that I'm a crazy person but I'm not because they have picked it up and biopsies in my skin they've also picked up the stuff that my skin leads me home have you had any luck yet

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April 11, 20220 found this helpful

They are bird mites or black pepper flake bugs.

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July 28, 20220 found this helpful

I have had these black bugs tightly gripped to my hair and on moving my body for a year. They are like pepper flakes that move. At one point they were really itchy. I have tried products worth hundreds of pounds & nothing worked until I used powdered coconut & vanilla bath soak directly on my body & hair. It has sodium bicarbonate, sodium sulphate & citric acid in the ingredients. Make sure yours has all three. It has melted these things on my head almost all of them went on first application & my scalp feels clear. I have not seen any on my body for the past few days. I think I have cracked the code of these little horrible things & I now know what kills them. Good luck.

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April 24, 20230 found this helpful

True I have these black bugs in my shoes and they bite hard they're in the bed on the sheets and covers around the house all on the floors they're very hard to get rid of you turn around and wipe your bed sheets off turn them back around and they're there again sometimes they fall from just fall out of nowhere they never move you never see them move I have no idea what they are

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April 24, 20230 found this helpful

True I have these black bugs in my shoes and they bite hard they're in the bed on the sheets and covers around the house all on the floors they're very hard to get rid of you turn around and wipe your bed sheets off turn them back around and they're there again sometimes they fall from just fall out of nowhere they never move you never see them move I have no idea what they are

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April 29, 20230 found this helpful

Wow! Thankyou for comments Neighbor moved and here came his fleas looking and finding thier host My poor cat and Myself. I've been using lemon and water spray Peroxide and Daematious Earth food grade . No bombs Due to my cat. I've bagged up all things using laundromat. I'm going to get some Borax. Thankyou so much

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
January 3, 201411 found this helpful
Best Answer

You do not say where you live. That might be helpful. I would try to find out what these things are; I have never heard of "black nuisance bugs" - sounds like something this fellow made up to me. Do a search on the internet. Phone your public health office. Contact your Department of Agriculture or a university science department. Are these insects breeding in your home or coming in from outside? These are all things you need to investigate to be able to get rid of them.

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February 8, 20160 found this helpful

Ayes I have the same problem I live in Kansas city ,mo they go in my hair then on NY neck and that's where they bite

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June 24, 20160 found this helpful

I believe him, There are things that bites they be in my bed all over the house they don't move I clean them up next day same thing

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June 25, 20161 found this helpful

It feels like a mosquito bite, but when you look, it's a tiny beetle type critter. Thankfully, I can feel them landing and swipe them away. I've never seen these before, and I've been a landscaper gardener for 30 years.

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July 23, 20162 found this helpful

Hister beetles! They may group on windowsills, air conditioners, ledges, etc. They may smell a bit. They bite if you disturb them on your skin. Curl legs under for protection. Different sizes and shapes, but commonly look like little shiny black seeds. They eat bug larva, and dead things from old food to dead mice - which accounts for smell. Live in almost all states in US. Non-toxic people and pet safe sprays with pyrethrins kill them, but it's best to find what they are eating to get rid of them and they eat lots of things.

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August 2, 20162 found this helpful

No he's not making it up. I have same kind I think. The are black tiny bugs. They get In shoes, on clothes in ur bed. They do not crawl or jump . they just appear. Bite feel like mosquito bite.they are size of pin head. U smash kill em, there a black sooty looking substance....

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August 2, 20161 found this helpful

I have them too not fleas and they bite BAD Leave huge itchy bumps

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August 27, 20160 found this helpful

I too have the same problem I live by some open fields where they are building lots of homes my building is 6 months old, what can they be, where do they come from and how can I get rid of them?

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September 10, 20161 found this helpful

No he is not crazy. Im having the same promblem theyre black small specks and the jump from the floor on your skin and when you pick them up with your fingers they dont move. I need someone to please help me learn what to do. Michele Williams

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January 20, 20171 found this helpful

I am suffering from the same thing and nobody believes me. The little bugs bite and you can feel them crawling. Sometimes they are in little white cocoons.

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January 21, 20174 found this helpful

I live in texas an been experiencing the same thing little black speck looking like pepper in my hair an eye ears private there not a oart of ny body ,they leave skin leasion when going in an out ,I itch constantly not getting sleep an its been going on for years ive tryed to get help in several different place an was made a fool of an told I was crazy but I know im not when the same thing on my animals the only thing I have found that helps a little. Is borax an tea tree .an t gel shampoo an washing constantly but im still not sure what they are but they driving me nut please if anyone know what these thing are people need help I have been reading an it seem to be a lot of people with this . An trust me it not in our head we are not crazy an im rather tired of people saying so .

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February 3, 20173 found this helpful

OMG! I am as well. I was starting to think I was going crazy, my husband keeps telling me that I am. For some reason they don't seam to bother him like they do me. We moved to my river house in South East Texas about 6 months ago. For about 20 years my family and I have just vacation hear and always had to clean up the bugs that got in the house and died while we were gone. The house has never really been lived in and has been exposed to the climate changes over the years. So when we finally got settled, seeing any bugs in the house really didn't bother me. I had no idea there was a bug problem. At first I thought I was just bringing in Chiggers from outside. We live in the country and have lots of deer that rest in the gully by the river. I started to notice that my iching and bitting was getting worse. My dog was started to scratch more. I know that we don't have fleas. We treat her and the house regularly. Same for the property around the house. I started asking some of my neighbors if there was any insects giving them problems other than the normal seasonal bugs we get every year. One said, she notice that her house cat has some little black bugs and does not know what they were and was having a hard time getting rid of them. A friend of mine in town started complaining about black bugs bitting her and found out she had bed bugs. So as a precaution I did the Bed Bug test and washed all the bedding, sprayed everything down with bug spray. Vacuum everything from the floor up, even the ceiling. Wrap my box spring and mattress in plastic. Wash the dog several times. She isn't very happy with me right now. I Have not found one bed bug. I just dont get it. What is eating me alive. Google house bugs, and came to the conclusion that I am having a allergic reaction to Dust Mites. That makes complete sense. I replaced all the curtains and carpets, washed all linens, vacuum and sprayed the furniture again. Whipped the walls down with bleach water. Sprayed everything with anything that would help get rid of them. Thought for sure that was the end of it. I thought wrong. Whatever I have just got worse. I now see these little black bugs, more so at night. I also have what looks like larva eggs. They are mostly white to tan in color. Both are small, the size of the tip of a pin. The black bugs bite and the other make me itch like crazy and feel them on my body. Notice both more at night or if I have been sweating. They are on every thing. My clothes blankets, towels and furniture. I have been using dust like products on the floor, cabinet and drawers. Hopefully that will dehydrate them and they will die out. For the small black bugs, I have been using bugspray. Not sure if that kills them since they don't move. I make sure and vacuum and change the bedding every night and spray after. I shower 2 sometimes 3 times a day to get the bugs off me. That seams to be helping. Still can't get rid of them. I am fighting a battle against something I don't know how to battle. Lately I have been sneezing a lot. My nose will itch. After blowing into my tissue I look at it and noticed what look like the larva eggs looking bugs. I really hope I am going crazy. Don't even want to know if those bugs are getting inside me. Please help me figure out what kind of bugs we got and how to get rid of them. No one seams to know. I'm sorry to find out other folks are going threw this as well. Knowing that I'm not alone with this fight does make me feel like there is hope. Good luck. I will post back if I find anything that will help with this bug problem.

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February 23, 20174 found this helpful

Help have same problem in illinois

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May 19, 20173 found this helpful

Hello, I have same bug! They are everywhere tiny black specks. They are in my clothes, shoes, car, and everywhere you spend time. Also white specks everywhere around me including iPhone PC ... I vacuum everyday washed all my clothes or throw away. Dry cleaned all of my work clothes. Threw away sofa, bedding and using futon sofa covered with bed bug encasing. Wash body with coal soap, sulfa shampoo. But seems like I'm loosing over them. Pin prick bites and crawling feeling especially behind neck gets worse. I live in TX. I look out them under microscope and they look like some type of lice. I used NIx and killed a lots of them but they are still in my environment and clothes so I get infected by the end of day again. I use ammonia to soak clothes seems working better. Someone said they are in white cocoon that's true. I saw them landing by doing that. I also noticed shinny tiny specks in my clothes even after dry cleaning . I used calamine love action all over my body before go to bed is working. I blow fan all night so that they can't bitesme. But they completely cover me at work. I just can't get rid of them. Please share with me how you guys get rid of them.

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May 19, 20172 found this helpful

Yes. They are in the air and landing to you or environments by white cocoons. They are black speck looking or white specks.and everywhere especially in clothes. Even wash and dry or dry cleaning they are still attcking me. Please help me!!! They are in my house, car and at work. Now I can feel them in my head. I used lice shampoo and I can see a lots of black specks died but since they are in my environment I get them back again. I clean everything and everyday but they won't go away. I think they are not exactly body lice but maybe something similar to them. I soak all my clothes after wear one time to ammonia. This seems working. But they live in wall and ceilings. I don't know what to do. I used black soap and sulfur shampoo and put calamine location covered entire body and plus DEET all over so I won't get bites. But I can't get rid of them... if I use pesticides it seems working but a few hours later they are worse than before. I used vinegar water or Microcide SQ everyday after vacuum. I started taking ivermectin found a tip online.... but nothing really works perfect. I'm loosing it.

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May 22, 20173 found this helpful

You're exactly right. Take one of your little friends and bring it to your county agriculture office. Check the website first. Ours has a biologist on duty in the office during the week to identify your mystery monster. Just took one of ours in, but it's not a permanent resident like yours. Knowing what it is, from someone who knows how to get rid of it, is incredibly helpful. I say, hooray for government offices that make themselves available to answer questions!!!

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May 30, 20172 found this helpful

Hi I have the same problem, in my clothing and bed body etc, please help me tell what I can use to get rid of them for good. The sad part my family don't believe me, they think I'm crazy

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June 24, 20172 found this helpful

hister beetles? I'm posting a picture pls tell me if this is what it is... i did see this one move and curl up a little - yes drs think your going crazy because they have no idea what it may be -
Wow ty
I think this is what we have - I went to the ER and they Dx me with scabies but I see little specks on my clothes and skin- from face to other parts of body.
Nix helped rid the itch and bite of supposedly scabies... it's not as bad any more but just started feeling them again
Gonna get rid of our sofas and check our dog too :(
ok will look for dead animal or something and look around window seals hope I find something. I just wiped my face with ACV and a cotton swab and to little pepper like smaller size were on it - thank you so much for your post

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July 2, 20170 found this helpful

Exactly which part of the OPs story gives you any sort of indication that it is made up?

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August 4, 20171 found this helpful

I'm live in chicago heights,ill in an apt building,, i thought it was bed bugs eggs or hatched bdbg babies, or bugs being tracked in from the very nasty maintained carpet in the hallway & stairs, i mop & vacuum daily but to no avail, i notice that their even in my clothes furniture.i have used spray,de,foggers, etc & I'm beginning to believe that they maybe airborne because after vacuuming i go over things with a sticky link roller i can still get some on the roller, athough 91% mixed with half water seems to help but u have to do it every day or so & i notice they excrete some sticky stuff that u can't get them up no matter what u use. Please give me some advice

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August 21, 20170 found this helpful

I have them also and when you smoosh them they're full of blood, yeah mine. I'm in Delaware/Maryland and we also treated for flea's and bed bugs and it don't kill these bug's.

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October 14, 20170 found this helpful

Not made up..we just started getti g them on the back porch and a friend getting them on houses he paint. Indian

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October 24, 20170 found this helpful

I live in Montauk, NY. I live by a nature preserve. I've seen the strangest bugs here. I even have a small case of stink bugs. But this little, black and shiny bug was on my brand new mattress!

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November 4, 20170 found this helpful

I'm visiting San Miguel, El Salvador and having same issue. I don't think is made up. The bites are very real.

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March 7, 20180 found this helpful

I have the same bugs it makes you so depressed there never ending the bite is vicious leaves a tiny hole sometimes they get in ur hair and skin and clothes I've been told by people I went to for help in delusional bloody cheek

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June 22, 20181 found this helpful

I have tried everything. First place doctors act like you a crazy, they ignore the issue because they don't know what to do. I am wondering is it the carpet or in the air or in the house. I can feel better couple days and back again, makes you feel Ugh

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June 22, 20180 found this helpful

Yelp that's it. I think it is some type warfare.. Doctors act like they don't know. But they see them claim don't know how to get rid of. Told me to sell everything leave it hose and all, like I can afford to do that.
Might be trying to drive people crazy.

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July 10, 20180 found this helpful

he maybe lives in Scotland as I have been getting bitten especially more so on my arms...they are not fleas because fleas jump...the little black flies do fly and they are so annoying and the bite is very itchy..if you scratch the area you will bleed from the bite..they are impossible to catch as so small and fast...but you can hit them with your hand and squish them but that's only 1 you have killed as there is literally hundreds of them...I have maybe 3-4 at any one time annoying me...I have hovered my bed and I only have one carpet in my house now in bedroom as rest is laminate so nowhere for the little blisters to hide...they are driving me just makes you feel dirty and unclean even though am the cleanest person in the do I really get ridvif them?? any help please????

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November 19, 20180 found this helpful

you have never encounted these critters have you hundreds exsist in my RV Come see.

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May 18, 20190 found this helpful

I have them outside I'm from bogalusa Louisiana u never see them move or fly or jump they really tiny tiny you cant hardly see them but u definitely feel them I don't have no animals outside either

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June 3, 20191 found this helpful

Please don't say this guy made it up ,because I have some here to help finding out what there are first and prove us wrong,,I don't mind being wrong..thank you , ,Monticello Florida

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July 5, 20190 found this helpful

I have them also around in my home. When you squeeze them? It bleeds. Look like a block I got rid of most of them. By spraying several different cans. Vacume helps. I got a rainbow vacume. It sucks powerfully.

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August 22, 20191 found this helpful

There are little black tiny bugs you can hardly see but they do bite and they get on your clothes and your bed in your hair and make you itch all day all night

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August 22, 20191 found this helpful

There are little black tiny bugs you can hardly see but they do bite and they get on your clothes and your bed in your hair

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August 22, 20190 found this helpful

Chicago Illinois

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November 1, 20192 found this helpful

Are they in your hair

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November 25, 20191 found this helpful

I have them too it's terrible it starts out like little bug n they grow to worms they r a parasite.. me n my dog have it whether u have any pets?? Or been around any pets.. they multiple fast n so hard to get rid of.. u have to go to dermatologist n not only get scrapping of skin bot get I believe 30mm punch test done n then the bug will show up with the punch test.. n u need to get ivermectin n docomociline prescribed n take sulfuric bathes... There r steps if u enter about ur bugs on Google it will tell u what people have been give. Hope that helps or if u got help let me know what they said I been to so many docs waiting on dermatologist now

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April 10, 20201 found this helpful

There many tiny black bugs they dont move t hey g o on my back and eat away they be in the bed in my hair on the cat fur iam going crazy.please help me i can take it anymore

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October 15, 20201 found this helpful

i have same trouble

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January 22, 20210 found this helpful

What did they diagnose you with so I can get help ...I took ivermectin and permethrin six times and I still have it .. please help your situation sounds more like mine its eating my skin up .

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April 21, 20210 found this helpful

These black biting pepper mites breeding in my apartment biting me and luv to go in my butt. I am disgusted. A solution i need.

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May 31, 20210 found this helpful

We live in Florida.

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November 6, 20210 found this helpful

These insects come in from outside and the baseboards they fly and biting me in bathroom come from the call around tub and toilet. So.e are white and flying everywhere help me .

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November 8, 20210 found this helpful

North Carolina

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November 23, 20210 found this helpful

I live in Central ks. So sad how I have changed into a home body, no work. Sleep all the time. Please help. Going crazy here trying to get dr to believe. Is it that the drs don't want to diagnose because it will turn in to too much government and WHO detectives asking for alot of paperwork? Well they tell me to use horse ivermectin, but for my weight. How much do I take and how. Lord help us. These things hav been around for billions of years. Fossils and sea shells are being eaten, even my rock slices you hang up, they are there. They eat through metal, and really anything. If taking to ag center it will have t be in medicine bottle or other, with something to eat (like hair or other bugs. Toilet paper with human blood on it. Amazing I loved entomology all my life ,had collections in certain boxes. But now I'm not so sure.

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January 1, 20220 found this helpful

we have black bugs --in Berkeley, Ca.--that are attack my wife. On the table cloth outside they crawl about , tiny of course but they bite my wife and seem to be attracted to cloth....they are not mites because we can see them .they have a hard shell.

How do we get rid of them....

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January 10, 20220 found this helpful

I have the same issue I 've been battling this situation for 8 months I moved to a new apartment I threw out most of my clothes spent money on chemicals bonds spray and on exterminator nothing is happening I am going crazy please help me

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February 4, 20220 found this helpful

I have them also I live in Kansas. But I am having the same issues you are. I am the only one being bitten by these nasty things so everyone says I am crazy. What I take pictures of there is a long black thread type of thing that is always around them and the smaller onces wrap this around them so it just looks like a string. So crazy right . No I am not these things are killing me. I have found white worms now in the carpet. I know I am dealing with carpet beetles but I also have these small black bugs as you described. Help I have had them going on 3 years now and I am so over it. Most are the size of pepper flakes. They get into your food in all stages. I have found the white worms, black bugs in our food sitting on the table after we are done eating they are already there.

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August 5, 20220 found this helpful

Believe me. He is not making this up. I got the same problem two weeks ago. The are tiny black bugs that look like a dot. They do not seem to have legs and won't move when you touch one but hurt when they bite. I even burned one and it wouldn't get away from the flame. I don't know how or when they move, but they must because they are getting into the bed and on the floors, everywhere. I stayed in two different hotels in Reno and they were there also. They aren't bed bugs. They are small tiny round black dots that must be a type of beetle. No antenna or legs that I can see. I live in Nevada and am trying everything. He is correct that you have to shake out your night clothes and bedding. But they come back, bite and it makes you itch. My house is clean. This just started and is annoying.

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August 5, 20220 found this helpful

They aren't bed bugs, carpet bugs or
fleas. Just round black dots that bite. Even exterminators don't know what they are yet.

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December 5, 20149 found this helpful
Best Answer

You have Carpet Beetles! Heat on clothing and bedding will get rid of them until a new bunch of eggs appear. Vacuum carpeting a lot and regularly, also shampoo with a steam cleaner monthly. Don't loan ANYTHING from your home to any friends or family members, as you will be spreading the joy from your Beetles will be on any item.
Put mattress bedbug protectors on all mattresses and bowstring.
Buy sacks of Diatomaceous Earth at your Home Depot, and place completely around your home. This keeps 90% of all unwanted pests out! Good luck.

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July 9, 20170 found this helpful

Consider scabies. I think I have them. Much smaller than a flea. There are nights when I don't sleep at all. These online remedies scare me. Not sure what to do.

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October 25, 20191 found this helpful

Hi everyone I hope this gets through out there. I have been biten by the tinest little black bug so small it is almost invisible. They do stay in my clothes I am sure. It is driving me crazy. Help! I live in NorCal SF Bay area.:()

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May 7, 20200 found this helpful

Hello the answer to your bugs issue they are starch bugs. I had a storage room and forgot a d bag of flour ang got infected with those bogs. Carpet bugs are miniature beetles brown or black and white. A good clean up will do. I put cinnamon powder all over the area for few days then major clean up. Good luck

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January 16, 20212 found this helpful

Hi everyone, these are black pepper mites! Get some enzymatic cleaning solutions it breaks their exoskeleton. It takes a couple of weeks to be done but it work. Take baths in it clean everything with it!!!!!! Good luck. These thing will make you lose your mind. Clean every day vacuum every day spray enzymes everyday!

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January 22, 20210 found this helpful

Its nit scabies I took the treatment for scabies six times and I still have it.

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August 22, 20210 found this helpful

I have had an infestation of nasty Black Carpet Beatles too. That cost me thousands of dollars because I had to throw away a couch & a bed & all my clothes. Carpet Beatles eat holes in your clothes. I won't live anywhere with carpet now. What most people are talking about here are not Black Carpet Beatles. Carpet Beatles have three distinctive life cycles. They change & these black hair bugs are the same all the time. Don't advise if you are not listening very well.

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June 5, 201651 found this helpful
Best Answer

These are a new breed of insect mites. CDC website has over 100 posts for help. Doctors, exterminators, and allergist clueless. has some tips on helping to fend mites off.

Nothing kills them including foggers, fumigators, and exterminator spraying.

Black, white, dot to powder dust size. Hard do mot move when not on a human.

Wash clothing weekly, change daily use hottest temp over 40 mins.

Oils with mint, menthol, and mineral oil mix on skin can help.

Getting rid of without a continuous killing spray is impossible. Get off in shoes, floors, carpets and where you go.

Get reinfected at places you went. Get on those in a 3 to 8 foot radius of you. See up to 10 people all scratching, rubbing, and wiping eyes, face, scalp, and body. Epidemic must happen to address issues.

Worst part is in scalp.

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May 1, 20177 found this helpful

loads of people have this and don't seem to be able to get rid of it,
we are in the uk and have been fighting this for years it just seems to keep coming back it lives in your hair, clothes ,duvets cars with cloth seats and even on your pets , it is mad.

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May 8, 20174 found this helpful

I have just done my house with diggers and spray and been cleaning my house like a crazy maniac for the last 5 days and I feel like it's just got worse....its driving me insane and the I found these posts and noticed am not the only one and I am from Glasgow in Scotland and I am so frustrated how do we get rid of these pests?? Because I can't live like this ave been breaking my heart too for I feel like am going insane for I haven't ever noticed this ever before and I thought it was coz my dogs had fleas which was confused for they should been protected, but after reading this it's helped me so much for I now realise it's not because my dogs were playing around outside on grass. Frustrating coz I knew they didn't look or act like fleas and the white egg things were confusing the life out me.

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June 24, 20174 found this helpful

I have had these little black mites for the past few years . They infest my home in march and usually last until the middle of July .
I have been fumigated with high strength insecticides and smoke bombs twice and it helped for two weeks and now they are back. My face looks as if one side of it has really bad acne. But it is these mites biting me. I live in Scotland uk. It hS been so bad this year that I moved in with my parents . I have moved back home but that me scratching like a maniac again. Don't now what to do . Used ammonia through my steamer Hoover twice a day and was all surfaces down daily but nothing helps. It's exhausting mentally .
Hope someone can help

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July 11, 20172 found this helpful

do these bugs fly. these fly ,look like white dots and they bite.
Have tried everything, bombs, fumigators , exterminators, even had van steam cleaned. nothing is helping

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July 29, 20171 found this helpful

I have similar bugs. In my bedding clothes every where. I fogged and had terminix come out. They don't know what it is and could not see anything. I had just vacuumed. I put the clothes in hot water dry on high heat and sprayed ortho max in the dryer prior to drying and prior to washing. Still alive. I am exhausted.

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September 14, 20172 found this helpful

And no one has figured out how to eliminate yet? Salt seems to slow em down somwhow.

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October 28, 20174 found this helpful

Oh my GOD! YOU Are so RIGHT......I have been suffering over a year with started when we moved in a new house........nothing kills them ..except windex, ..diam earth ... ......i am ready for a break down over this.....loosing all hope

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January 14, 20184 found this helpful

We've been having this same problem how do you contact cbc
We live in illinois. At first there to small they just feel like a stick in the skin and then they crawl and bite (they get into areas you dont want them in ) and they embed into skin and looks like a pimple and scabies track look at times but isnt when you wash your hair it tangles and you feel little granals falling and biting and we think they fly as they get to a certain stay but there white so when they take off you only get a gleam of it. When in you hair they get into you eyes which is terrible. They are so adaptable it crazy it's like cleaning a clean surface and than seeing the black dot.

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April 10, 20180 found this helpful

I used the green rubbing alcohol and yes I used quite a lot but it worked it got rid of all of them. But you MUST FIND THE DEAD MICE OR BIRDS or they will keep coming

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June 29, 20180 found this helpful


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October 21, 20180 found this helpful

You say they r white then black W is it?

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October 28, 20181 found this helpful

What are they I've been threw Hell please help tks kelly

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November 16, 20180 found this helpful

Hi. Im in the UK too and got these. Think they were brought in by cat whos no longer with me. Thought they were fleas but they are tiny pin sized. Have had professional spray 3 times and used other sprays, hoovered and washed. Gets into everything and feel them crawling and biting me as soon as I sit in car, sofa, bed etc. How do we get rid of these?

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November 29, 20180 found this helpful

What is this, being going thru it for a couple months and it's old me and my room that's infected

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December 8, 20182 found this helpful

Your description matches the insects i have , i think i got them at school (college) its awful they are in my car and house i treat the house monthly and slmost eradicate them from my home but i keep getting them in the car , my children dont have any bites but i habe been bitten daily this had been going on for 3 years , i got a new car and in a week its already infested , im so depressed i cant enjoy life , or have friends every time i go anywhere i feel this crawling tingling on my scalp and these tiny dot like thing jumping on my face amd i see other people start scratching if they get too close i dont know what to do they are too fast to catch and id doctors treat me like im crazy

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August 16, 20192 found this helpful

NOTHING, including bleach would get rid of these Zebra Mites.. But after a few weeks of trial and error I found a simple inexpensive solution, that ACTUALLY works and causes them to stay away.. BORAX mixed with sugar & a little water!!! YOUR WELCOME

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August 22, 20190 found this helpful

They're both but the worst is one if that little blackdot get on your skin and stick in sync feel like a sting and it goes everywhere in cars like I'm facing this problem I'm in Chicago

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September 28, 20190 found this helpful

Hi , I have had these micro creatures biting and stinging and going for the moisture in my eyes... try DESI-DUST NATURAL INSECT POWDER, RED MITE, LICE, BEDBUGS (100% ORGANIC NATURAL)

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September 28, 20190 found this helpful

The idea of desi dust is it is meant to be dusted ( lierally to make a ploom of dust . to stop deprive these creatures of moisture and thus stop them breeding

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December 2, 20191 found this helpful

They are black but the eggs they lay onand sound are white they mites however are black and the size of a ball point pin point

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January 10, 20201 found this helpful

Same is happening here and the worsted is on your hair.

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January 10, 20201 found this helpful

I did the same nothing helps, Ive been doing over four months did everything sprays, bombs, powders and oils nothing works .

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January 17, 20200 found this helpful

I have dealt with these tiny mite on me for 7 months. I thought I got it from the hot temperature s this passed summer in my garden I really don't know. They have ravaged my body. It's a horrible thing . I've tried doctors and,all natural things. It's been very hard. This Emuaid max helps.

  1. Horton al
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January 17, 20203 found this helpful

Before I got these tiny black pepper size bugs, I had a bed bug and a flea infestation. After I got rid of very flea and bed bug,this is what I get. I have had these tiny black specs for two years. They are in face ,nose,eyes,hair ,clothing ,under your finger nails ,in your eyelashes,Even when you breath they get in your mouth, and Their in the food that I eat.. I get baking soda and I mix it with Apricot scrub or any facial scrub and I scrub-my whole body with this mixture. Then with really hot water , I Rinse off.I use tea tree oil shampoo, that I get from Ross department store.I mix it with a handful of baking soda , and scrub my Scalp .I Went to the dermatologist and he gave me some kind of oil for scabies. It does help but doesnt get rid of them. I just moved and they are still Haunting me. I throughout away every piece of furniture and clothing that I owned.I live out of plastic boxes. My doctor needs me to go see a psychiatrist because he thinks I see things. I am still afraid to go anywhere because I dont want to give this to anyone.Even though I have Those issues,my husband and I do travel a lot. And just to let you know, those tiny black bugs are everywhere, even in the hotel rooms we stay at. And When I tell the owner of the hotel, that they have bugs, you know what their comment is, Well, everyone has bugs. Where is the CDC??? Unfortunately, not only do I have these tiny nuisance black bugs everywhere I have some kind of parasite that is infecting my eyesight And I have floaters that look like worms. My nose the hair inside is moving like little worms are coming out the corner of my aunt my mouth has some kind of parasite. I dont know why in the world is going on with all these microscopic bugs any ideas?

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March 6, 20200 found this helpful

I need help !! I have the feeling of bugs crawling all over me, it happens all day n night but there is a certain time of day when it's at its worst. Which is between 6-dusk then I usually will turn the lights on all night. They stay in my clothes even tho I wash on hot and also the use of my dryer. They cant be seen ,when you go to wipe off sometimes I see a black speck the eggs are kind of a ting crisp round seed like also they are in the lint and on my dog.
It seems as tho my scalp is darker too. When I kill the seeds I sometimes get a piercing pain in the same spot on my back n the bottom of feet.
We had bedbugs and were professionally sprayed 3xs but I do know this is something else...I'm so tired of continously vacuuming doing our bedding bathing the dog ...

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April 14, 20202 found this helpful

is this something like that? Its actually extremely small but its up close.

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May 3, 20200 found this helpful

I have something like this in some of my clothes. Little black teardrop shaped. I've sprayed the crap out of my house. I got the house cleaned up, thank G-d, but found I can't seem to get them out of clothes. I just washed a pair of pants I thought were ok with my new clothes and I swear there are more than before. I rewashed the new clothes w/o said pants and I hope that does it. I thought I could save the affected ones in plastic. But now I don't know. My SO says toss them. It's a LOT of clothes. Any ideas?

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August 15, 20200 found this helpful

whats the update to this? you get a conclusion?

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September 10, 20200 found this helpful

I have been spraying with Natural Genesis Kleen Green for several days.
After it dries, I vacuum.
When the spray hits a bug...ant, bed bug, mite...they die.
The active ingredient is Citris Oil.
You and your animals can bathe in it and it kills what ever is causing the itching.
I spray it on our 39 year old parrot as I believe the black/grey tormentors are bird mites that she acquired sitting on the deck near the bird feeders.
We also use Steri-fab. It is a bactericide, sanitizer, fungicide, mildewcide,insecticide,
Deodorant, germicida and viricide.
However, I didn't see any bugs die the way I did with Kleen Green.

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June 24, 20210 found this helpful

I believe I have this. Can you tell me more? I am desperate and about to send samples off to UC Davis epidemiologist but no doctors seem to know anything and nothing g has worked.

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September 1, 20210 found this helpful

I have been having this problem for months now. I've tried everything from tea tree oil to eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil ,lavender soap, tea tree oil expensive shampoo for bathing and washing hair Epsom salt, antibacterial soap I have even went as far as kid a fly strip because they have gotten so annoying in my hair that nothing's getting rid of them that I put it the tape actually around my head and taking it off and they sticks to it it stops them from falling in my face and getting in my eyelashes and in my eyebrows this is sad and embarrassing it makes me scared to go anywhere. I have been to a doctor a dermatologist, completely his time! he was an ass!!! Told me they were some type of mites like part of the dirt mite like scabies family or something and then walked out of the room laughing and said wait until the eggs hatch and start laughing! so that was the last time I saw him. I'm a very clean person I would like to say... that first of all !!! but, I let some people stay with me for a while and it pretty much and from the dog they had or possibly they're not as clean body wise! that could have caused a problem initially. so, that was the last time I saw him. But, he did put me on a heavy antibiotic would seem to help at the moment and made some differences.b very strong creams. that was supposed to kill the bugs on site.... but seems to only make matters worse it stings for a minute then your skin is sore the next day. Anyone has any other suggestions I'm willing to try anything!??

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October 29, 20210 found this helpful

That is exactly what I'm going through right now and there freaking driving me crazy in my apartment all over my body, my feet is the most annoying but there literally all over my body and my scalp. I am having my landlord get pest control to my apartment and try to get rid of them, I might just have to move out this apartment cause I'm not sure if pest control will work, does anyone know what is the name of this bug ? they are black and they fly and they get on your clothes and they bite hard, someone please tell me what these bugs are and how to get rid of them please

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November 23, 20210 found this helpful

Same story here.i actually used Neem Oil insecticide all natural, on my hair and body or just put some in your shampoo. Check hairbrush and clean daily. Using a nubby rubber scrubber, it's flat (looks like drawer liner) to help scrub your skin, rinse offer and the last "rinse out" of your hair. They jump onto the rubber scrubber for some reason. This is all for now. Thanks

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January 7, 20221 found this helpful

Wow! I feel like this describes exactly what Ive been dealing with and I actually have reached a point its all in my head as no one sees what I see or is affected. I feel uncomfortable in my skin all day long- I see dots and specks and sometimes casings but nothing moving. I have had a bed dog come in, took specimens to an exterminator and nothing. I also tried to reach out to master gardener which no help.I feel yucky all the time and paranoid. I had to quit talking about it as everyone thinking Im crazy. I have looked over all the images and found nothing like Ive seen. I have tried everything sound bug killers, spray, baking soda, diamocous earth, even rubbing alcohol, even pererithrum. This is so frustrating and I dont really know where to go for answers. I travel public transportation often so not sure if picked up there but everywhere I go I see things and I just feel like its really affecting my state of mind- I havent been at ease in my body for months

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February 27, 20221 found this helpful

EXACTLY!!!! YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! NO ONE LISTENS!!!! I KNOW MY BODY, MY PETS, & MY HOME!!! NOT bedbugs or fleas or lice or carpet're correct bc I thought I had ALL those as well! It's complete torture & ruining my life! I literally see them go on my socks, clothes, carpet, floor...& they bite like *%***!!!
Makes me paranoid & full of anxiety! They survived thru hot wash cycles & dryer melts them into clothes...& they love to hide in seams n sting...& embedded in my scalp & skin...I have had them in inside corners of my eyes, eyebrows, disgusting...I'm itching CONSTANTLY & have honestly been SUICIDAL due to this!!!! It's impossible!!! HELP!!!

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February 27, 20220 found this helpful

How do we use this concoction?
On us? Laundry? In dishes as traps? Spray bottles? Please advise...I'll drown myself in it!!! Whatever works!

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February 27, 20221 found this helpful

I feel your pain!!! Hugs! Same ass dermatologist...I thought SCABIES also!
Ok...these have HELPED temporarily BUT OBVIOUSLY I STILL HAVE THEM...I've filled spray bottle w/ salt & baking soda & completely soaked my hair, wrapped it, (in aluminum foil actually bc no shower cap, lol)...left on for an hour...went in shower & they were FALLING off....if u get them embedded in skin, I've used my razor & kept shaving over & over (also exfoliated).
I've put vaseline btwn toes & all over feet under socks & even NEAR bikini area. I wear my bf boxer briefs & long pj pants tucked into socks & even slipper socks over.
I vacuum always n sprinkle baking soda/salt on carpet, furniture...everything...even put in my hair n on brows over vaseline bc I itch CONSTANTLY!
I've used vinegar, apple cider vinegar [in hair, as spray, drank it...sprayed on myself when freaking leaves...essential oils...I swear I'M READY TO GET SOME DAMN CHICKENS & I LIVE IN THE CITY!!!
Anyone have EGGS in your hair??? I do!!! GREEN ONES!!!
I AM JUST SICK OVER ALL THIS...USED ALOE, powder...lotion...
I'm losing my mind!

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March 17, 20221 found this helpful

No they are not carpet beetles. U der a microscope you can see they are not beetles. I know 3xactky what this poor soul 7sgiubg through. OMG! I CANT BEGIN TO TELL ANYONE HOW IT'S DEVASTATED MY LIFE SINCE THESE THINGS CAME FROM OUTA NO WHERE.

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April 23, 20220 found this helpful

Yes these things are everywhere on my body to. My nose hair is doing the same thing yours is. I'm sure they are in my mouth also. My doctor couldn't see them and so far has put me on steroids and anti itch meds. Next we tried scabies and mites cream that hasn't killed them either. I've tried everything and I can't kill them. I'm going crazy.

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May 5, 20220 found this helpful

Hi, do you have any pictures of these mites? I think I have them. Cant kill them, they are immortal. Thx

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June 27, 20220 found this helpful

Blue listeren or anything with ammonia

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August 29, 20220 found this helpful

Ive had this for awhile nothing works or only temporarily. Scalp is the worst .. Ive tried everything and have bites etc.. been documented with exams and pictures.. but no one Ive seen knows what it is or what to do. Salt kills them for sure and white vinegar. But not all and I am endlessly frustrated by drs who tell me they dont know what it is. Or worse..

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September 26, 20220 found this helpful

I'm having the same problem. I thought they were chiggers, my mom always told me if you get into chiggers take a bath with dog shampoo, so I did and it actually helped a lot, I was able to sleep, but next day it started all over again. I have used dawn dish detergent and water and just soaked my whole house down. That seemed to help for a couple of day then it started all over again.but at least the dog shampoo helped me sleep.

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April 30, 20230 found this helpful

And that's not what I have what I have I see crawling on the walls up to the ceiling and when you spray them they jump and turn into a red plus blood pocket blood ball and it's a big bite marks all over you

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April 30, 20230 found this helpful

And that's not what I have what I have I see crawling on the walls up to the ceiling and when you spray them they jump and turn into a red plus blood pocket blood ball and it's a big bite marks all over you

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January 1, 20140 found this helpful

Salt kills bugs. If you throw salt around the house and leave it for 3 or 4 days then vacuum, they should be gone. It dehydrates them so it should work. If they are egg layers it will at least kill the eggs that are gonna come. You may have to do this for a while.

Also if you put a margarine dish lid upside down on the floor and put dishsoap in it with a light, they should land in the soap and die.

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June 21, 20200 found this helpful

Salt does not kill these black bugs. I know I tried and I live in Georgia.

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
January 3, 20140 found this helpful

Could they be body lice? Research that on the internet. I do not know anything about them, but I know that head lice do not jump, and they bite and make your head itch. Body lice live all over your body.

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February 27, 20220 found this helpful

Nope. They are not body lice!!!

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
January 3, 20140 found this helpful

Check out the photos at this Purdue University site of the insidious flower bug:

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February 4, 20141 found this helpful

I have the same bugs. I have tried everything. The salt idea sounds good. I have been adding a half cup of salt to my laundry wash cycle and vinegar in rinse cycle. They are killed or washed off my clothing so I dont get as many bites. I'm open to try anything to get rid of these bugs permanently.

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November 11, 20150 found this helpful

I live in Montana and I have the same bug i can't get ride of them they leave bite marks then turn in to a scab then you can pick them off but they come back the scabs are white with like a black bug in them the white part looks like it has legs

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December 11, 20174 found this helpful

Is there any way we can become a unified force regarding this problem? Has anyone started a website yet, where we could at least share, care, and help one another? I keep reading and keep reading and yet it seems as though NO ONE is fully able to get a grip on this problem. We obviously have a significant number of our population going through a living hell on a daily basis, all without any sign of resolve or relief in sight. We have got to find a way to band together, to get ourselves accounted for, and then to demand immediate help! When I read the post from the fellow who said he had considered "ending it all" because he could no longer live like this, it brought me to tears given the fact I have felt the same way. I have never created a website. Hell, I wouldn't even know how to start one. But, I am damn ready to jump in NOW and help anyone who can. How do we know whether or not we ALREADY have an epidemic on our hands reaching nationwide proportions? What is the prognosis as to what is going on inside our bodies? I don't know about the majority of you, but I am scared half to death. Quality of life has come to a halt when, basically, every spare minute is consumed with trying to control or rid ourselves of this problem. We pray for days of normalcy; we can barely remember plagued, uneventful days. We have to unite, SOME WAY, and we have to do it NOW! I haven't a clue as to the rules and regs of this site. However, I have no problem giving out my email address for anyone wishing to join and band together as a united front, and gaining a numerical strength in getting this living nightmare addressed and resolved. With enough participants, we can actually take our problem before the proper authorities and demand that we be heard and settle for nothing less than action be taken, immediately, to find out what the hell is going on. How many of you are ordering online? I am so spoiled that practically everything I buy... I order and buy online. Have we really thought about the origins and routes taken by those boxes and packages? What about the actual product itself? These are issues we need to address. These are issues for which we HAVE to compare notes. We have got to compare similarities. We have got to compare differences. We must unite, and we must unite NOW. We are in serious trouble; we need help.
My name is Carla.
My email address is:

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February 28, 20191 found this helpful

Yes unite against the mite we live in North Georgia Us Hollywood could not make up this nightmare

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November 3, 20201 found this helpful

I feel the same way. I am completely consumed every minute of the day with these things ! Are they parasites ? Bugs ? I can't find any answers anywhere. I literally sleep with a magnifying glass, a flashlight and a lint roller. I downloaded an app, cozy magnifier plus. I take pictures of them and then I can enlarge them even bigger, because they are no bigger than a spec. Kind of like this ' ... But I get to see them up close, and it makes me feel so disgusting that I am so depressed I don't want to eat, can't sleep, don't leave the house. I have scars everywhere from scratching. I don't know if they are burrowing into my skin or coming out. I get itchy spots now that I can pinpoint exactly where they are on my body, I immediately grab my phone and photograph it. Same as when I feel them squirming under my clothes or body in my bed. The magnifying app is a big help, I can see exactly what it looks like, and it has a function where you can invert the colors and lighting, also has a microscope, but I get better results just enlarging the pictures. But you can actually see they have a sucker, and you can see their insides. I mean they literally do have stomachs and everything else !!! I have thousands of full lint roller sheets that I keep in a tightly sealed plastic bag that I just keep adding to. I have a giant file of pictures, I was paranoid that someone on facebook would be able to see my hell, so I deleted thousands of pictures but I started saving them again that same day. I have a plastic cover on my bed that I spray with bleach and wipe down, I took all my clothes out to my car in bags, I have just a few things I wash every few days. I buy brand new sheets and maybe get a nights sleep before it starts all over again. I've sprayed my entire body with all kinds of poison, bed bug spray, flea spray, roach and spider spray, lice spray. Covered my bed in it and slept on soaking wet sheets covered in poison. I've put the DE all over my room, I have tried borax under the sheet and on the floor, I also spray alcohol all over myself and my bed. Nothing and I mean nothing is helping. I actually stood in a steaming hot shower with a scrub brush crying and begging God to make it stop. I am severely depressed, I have lost interest in everything and everyone. I'm ashamed, some days I want to die and I think about suicide but my kids just lost their father to an overdose two years ago, so another tragic avoidable loss is just too much for them. The itching is starting, right now it's almost 5:30 and they will be getting more active as the evening progresses. I don't know what to do. I need help. I'm begging, please someone read this and give me hope, because right now I have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. My mind is already gone. ... You can reach out to me if you want to talk, or can help. God bless

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November 2, 20146 found this helpful

John E., I live in Las Vegas and I have the same exact problem going on. We just got an exterminator and have been bed bug free for 3 months (I'm positive). I have tiny black specks biting me all of the time now.

When I finally get one it looks like a black speck. No legs, head, body, just a black dot that doesn't move. I would appreciate any help in finding out what these things are. I also find them on my sheets, they don't move but I'm constantly being bit by them. It feels like a pin prick. Help is appreciated!

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October 21, 20180 found this helpful

Same black speck here. Also bed bugs. Im going crazy so degrading no life it's all fighting these things n being driven crazy by them. Please help.

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November 27, 20180 found this helpful

Same issue here. Does anyone know how to get rid of these? My email is

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 135 Feedbacks
November 4, 20141 found this helpful

I feel so sorry for you, having those bugs. Maybe they are mites? I've read that thorough vacuuming of carpet, drapes, mattress and washing all bedding in hot water should get rid of them, but you may have to do the whole process a few times to get them all. Really clean the vac after each cleaning too... dispose of the bag if you have a bag-type cleaner. Good luck to you.

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February 15, 20162 found this helpful

We have the same problem. We have tried all of your suggestions and none of them worked. I told my apt property manager and an exterminator is coming out on Thursday. I noticed the date of your reply is over a year ago. I am hoping to find some more current information as i read on. We also have hair looking pests. I was tripped out when I saw them move. They also sting like a pin prick. They also get in threads which we have also seen move like a snake. We have pulled them off whatever cloth they happen to be connected to and put them on a flat counter an stood back and watched. The clothes dryer didnt even kill them which we thought for sure would be the one thing if any to kill them. Ugh!!! I feel like they are burrowing inside of me. We are using diatomaceous earth. We use both the food grade and non-food grade, permethrin concentrate mixed with lotion of choice for a body treatment and with water for a spray. Now we have order an enzyme that has some good reviews through Kleen Free. This is my first post and I will continue posting. Especially now that I know others are having the same problem confirming I am not crazy. Oh and we took the evidence of what looked pretty much like a lot of lint to OSU Extension Services and all they could come up with was it was lint. I was relieved til I get home and it seems to have gotten worse. Then when I was doing an internet search I came across a link that said LINT BUGS. I was actually posted by an exterminator sharing an experience when on a house call for a consultation. This is so frustrating. I cant even have my grandkids over.
#help #lintbugs #frustrated

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June 6, 20170 found this helpful

I'm in Columbus too and I've been dealing with these bugs for the past three months...have done most recommendations with very little to no success. I'm currently doing a parasite cleanse and diet becausev I just realized I'm the one infesting my environment.

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November 17, 20141 found this helpful

OMG... I'm having the same exact problem. We moved into our condo sometime in August, at the end of sept I notice one morning when I was waking my older two kids for school one morning my 2 year old scratched his head, I noticed this as soon as he did it being he never did so. I then freaked out grabbed him & started looking for head lice, I wasn't able to find anything.

The next day my head started itching as well, I searched and searched couldn't find anything. Three days later I checked my sons hair again I seen little eggs, but not lice eggs. My hair was the same thing, then I started seeing these tiny tiny tiny pin point needle size black bugs on him first, then on me. They jump but when you catch them they don't move. If you get in the bath tub and take a bath you can see the eggs coming off and then you see the dead bugs.

I've tried everything lice shampoos, lice & bedbug bed sprays, bombs, 4 different pest control, I've been professional sprayed and bombed for fleas and chiggers, they inspected my mattress and said no bedbugs. I've been told they were fleas and chiggers as well. They're everywhere in my house. My youngest, myself & my husband are dealing with this pest, thankfully my oldest two have never had any signs of them.

I've even turned to a doctor who could find eggs in different places of my body, but couldn't identify what kind of bug they are, he then prescribed a pill that killed parasites and lice bugs, I took this pill 3 times over a three week period, I did find it a bit of relief but not much they were still there.

I'm really starting to believe their fleas, so I washed my hair with Bio Active Care for dogs. A lot of bugs were dead, some small, some bigger, then I noticed this bug was around the metal in the bathroom stopper and the metal around the drain. I don't know anything about fleas. I haven't tried the salt trick or borax trick, I will now. Please someone help me. I've read online a minute ago in a forum that scabies live all over, outside in your shoes, garage, wood furniture. Does anyone think this is it. I'm completely stressed and depressed, I don't sleep that great, and I don't eat barely anymore I hate hate bugs & it's just the nastiest yuck feeling ever. Please someone help!

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December 5, 20141 found this helpful

I am deathly allergic to chemicals of any kind, but may have to have my home fumigate soon. I bought a Mobile home 3 years ago and even though the seller was well aware of her infestation yet did not disclose what I was going to live in. I had to toss my queen bed set out, and though all of the carpeting must be removed, I have only stripped the bedroom. Hopefully when the carpeting is out, and the infested sofa is removed, then fumigation should do the trick. I hate these bugs and Beetles, and have had them in my ear twice. But one way or another there has to be an answer.

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July 22, 20151 found this helpful

I realize that your post is over a year old but your post is the only one that sounds simular to what is happening with me and I was hoping you had found some answers that you could share with me because, like you, I had taken a bug in and was told that it was not a flea or mite or anything that they have seen before. They had frowned at the size of it and compared it to a Chigger but it is not a Chigger or Jigger. I have looked at so many bug photos I'm getting a little grossed out from it and none are this tiny black bug.

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August 20, 20151 found this helpful

I have the same bugs. little black dots some bigger some smaller all very little. no visible legs or head. never see them move. getting bit day and night. any positive information from those that have had them? Seriously with all due respect to other people, I would like to know what HAS worked on these bugs if anything. They are not bed bugs nor are they fleas.

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April 3, 20160 found this helpful

It depends. If they fly, they are most likely some form of sand fly (no-see-um). If they don't, well, I can't say.

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June 10, 20160 found this helpful

How do you get rid of these tiny black bugs in the coach of the dogs and cats they are not fleas they don't jump there tiny black bugs

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June 18, 20161 found this helpful

I have the same or similar. The exterminator got everything except these black tiny biting bugs. They seem to be in my clothes and pjs. I find them in the dryer lint and blankets, and have caught them on tape. When they bite I have a roll of clear tape to get them. They are not in the rest of the house but stay on me. Brought them to my exterminator to identify. They are wearing me down. HELP

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June 26, 20160 found this helpful

In m experience I have carpet beetles. The beetles eat clothes and. Never see them. I feel bugs crawling on me and biting me and I don't see them on me. But I found little black dots that don't move. Turns out some people are allergic t the larvae hairs that shed which is the feeling of crawling and biting. And the dots are shells that shed not bugs which is why they don't move but are on you because you are laying on them and they're on your bedding.

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July 28, 20161 found this helpful

I have these little black bugs that are about the size of a flea & they bite. What can I do to get rid of them?

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August 23, 20161 found this helpful

I totally feel your pain, regarding the little black biting bugs. Yes, they live in our clothes and bite us all night. I have been to the Medical Dr. , and also the Dermatologist, and they confirmed I had no lice, however I was rolling these little black bugs off my body. I have tried everything, and have found over the counter " hot Spot ", for fleas, ticks and lice work. And, lots of prayer.

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July 10, 20170 found this helpful

Yes, Hot Shot has a bright purple label and offers everything needed, usually found at a big box home goods/hardware store. It contains 0.025% Prallethrin and 0.005% Gamma-Cyhalothrin

I also recommend Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil (STRONG) shampoo all over your body and the intense conditioning treatment from the same line that even has a shaving cream now. Coloring your hair may help, but I'm not sure whether it's actually necessary.

Everything else seems to be a complete waste of tume and money except very expensive prescriptions of Ulesvia or Sklice (better) for the entire body. Home, vehicle, and office will still require treatment at the same time.

(Hot Shot was the ONLY product that worked years ago, the last time evil people literally stalking me went out of their way to purposefully infect me with these awful bugs. This time I spread it around their stomping grounds before treatment... so payback is a b****.)

Good luck everyone!!

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August 24, 20160 found this helpful

I am having the same problem and every morning I find bites on my legs...bad bites, and when I look at my bed and sheets they look like black pepper. I think I have found the answer. I bought diatomaceous earth at LOWES and put it on the carpet around the bed and rubbed it into the mattress , box springs and even on my sheets at the bottem. So far it is working and no more bites.

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November 11, 20162 found this helpful
Best Answer

They are scabies. I have had them for a long time now, the seven year itch mite and very hard to get rid of. Good luck.

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August 10, 20171 found this helpful

They are not scabies. Scabies are microscopic and can't be seen with the naked eye.

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December 3, 20170 found this helpful

Do they have wings?

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January 31, 20180 found this helpful

they are not scabies. Scabies area parasites rhat burrow under your skin and stay there. And there is treatment for scabies.

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May 28, 20180 found this helpful

Can u please tell me about your experience why u call it scabies.

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March 5, 20190 found this helpful

Scabies burrow UNDER the skin with lines from where they've gone. You Cannot See Scabies with the naked eye. Geeze. You Have To Get A Special Topical Cream From A Medical Professional.

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June 27, 20190 found this helpful

Sergeants Skip-flea & tick shampoo for dogs and puppies work. Use it in the shower it has the same medicine in it that doctors prescribe (pemetrin 10% it work use until itch go away.

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September 24, 20190 found this helpful

The bugs I am talking about are only outside .. and they are not scabies .. I dont have animals and I do not live near woodsy areas .. I have no larger trees. Just a few small ornamental dwarf trees .. I have a small yard .. mostly concrete and rocks surround my house .. These bugs start attacking me really soon after I go out side .. and they bite .. draw blood and it takes a couple weeks for the bite to heal

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September 12, 20160 found this helpful

My husband and I have battled similar bugs for maybe 3 months now and I am desperate too- don't know what to do. Please let me know if you find any solution.

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September 18, 201611 found this helpful
Best Answer

Bird of rat mites. Look for bird nest in eves of house or attic.
Or just roosting birds. Do u or neighbors have chickens?
Do u cats that bring dead birds or mice onto ur property ?
Even if the dead animals r left outise u can get them on ur clothing when walking by. Mice or rats under ur house?
Go to
These r very difficult to get rid of.
Also read about springtails. They eat mold. The mold or fungus in ur home gets on ur body. The springtails will crawl on u to get to. It. Check for damp spots in ur home.
Read the book. THE YEAR OF THE MITE.
This woman and daughter and house got infested with bird mites. It's very well written. I was glad I read it.
Good luck. Be diligent. What works for one person to get rid of these may not work for you.
There is no one time treatment for this. U have to work at it everyday. Also treat car and work space.

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October 25, 20180 found this helpful

Just a comment, I have collected black bugs that seem to fall on me and or jump..all of a sudden I feel something land on me and then it bites it's way through my skin, I have gone to the dermatologist and she says there are no bugs on me,just dry skin, the black bugs are in my car ,my brand new home and on my clothes, I have had my home exterminated and they keep coming back. The Orkin man says for me to get the bugs identified, so he would know how to treat my home. I have gone to the environmental Dept at the health department and they have not returned my call as of the meantime I have scar's on my arms and legs, I have also noticed these little black bugs in and around town and at other people's houses. please let me know how to treat my home like I said it's a new home I thought the bugs came from the building materials to build my home... I m so ready to move...

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July 17, 20190 found this helpful

Holy shit! I already have Parasitosis and after reading that I am about to jump out of my skin!

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September 13, 20200 found this helpful

I have these little bugs all of the sudden in my room. My dog goes out only to use bathroom and he sleeps in my bed. My neighbors chickens are always in my yard. This has been for a few months. Maybe thats what it is and my dog is bringing them in or they are coming through the screen holes.

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July 8, 20210 found this helpful

I have hundreds of these little black hard shel biting flying bugs on outside of house. Mostly around doors and windows.

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October 7, 20210 found this helpful

I have this same issue going on now. How long did it take for you to get rid of it? Head n Shoulder has a detoxing shampoo and conditioner that works amazingly. Also if you can get a scrub for your head. Sugar one or salt. That feels great. Use Epsom salt 1.5 cups in each load. I made up a spray that's killing everything. I spray everything with it. Clothes furniture car everything!!!! Peroxide whole bottle in spray bottle then bout cup water to it. Then 20-25 drops lemon oil 15 drops tea tree oil. I was gonna Patton it. But hey let's just help each other. We have to remember to give it to God. Let him fight this tough battle for us. He's much wiser and tougher than we are. Build up your immune system. Take Astaxanthin each day 12 mg Get a air purifier in your home. Remember to praise God a lot and say your prayers. Don't fear God did not create fear. Satan did.

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December 12, 20210 found this helpful

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one experiencing this tiny bug problem, I have been driving myself crazy, this has went on for over three years, some time worse than others. They are eating us alive, I find them in my bedding, clothing, laundry of any kind, carpet definitely has them. The strange part is I have been to doctor after doctor. I mean like 35 times, from ER's, family doctor's, dermatologist, and even dermatologist specialist, they are useless and clueless. I'm at my wit's end, I don't sleep, I'm exhausted from cleaning constantly, my fingers get raw from picking. I'm literally in tears every other day. I'm a very very clean person, bathe every day, clean daily, laundry daily. Can someone please help with this problem?

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April 12, 20230 found this helpful

Most likely carpet beetles and or bird mites. You will have to be so diligent. They love fabric. They breed in the fabric because the larvae eats the fabric to grow and stay alive so even leather cotton anything fluffy basically they will attack your carpets also but mainly you will find them on the edges of your carpets but hard to see them really there are a couple of different types one type is completely black and then there are ones that are brown with a little white fleck on it. You can get rid of them but you have to be diligent. We tried the whole washer dryer borax thing and it really didn't do much but what did help with getting rid of our furniture. Yes I'm not kidding and yes it hurt to do that very much but I think they had been there for a while and at this point there was no way of getting inside the cushions to the point where we were going to get deep enough to keep them from breeding. I wouldn't recommend that to everyone but in our situation it helped immensely. We got rid of a couch two chairs and my mattress and a few rugs and for the first time and two years we've had some peace. We have an exterminator terminix however and combined with what we're doing in terminix we seem to actually be seeing results for the first time and it's helping me to sleep. I was getting bit s do bite but they don't bite everyone but some people are more allergic than others I happen to be very allergic and they like to kind of burrow in your skin a little which is very nasty and disgusting but you have to keep yourself very clean also lots of soap and water all over the body once or twice a day get lotion with mint in it they don't like the scent of mint. Also use your vacuum like it was your best friend but dump everything outside in your garbage not inside and do it immediately after vacuuming but you have to vacuum everything the drapes the walls the baseboards the cupboards everything and dust and don't dry dust make sure your cloth is damp not wet but damping off to pick these bastards up off your furniture you'll see them on the cloth if you have a white cloth when you do it. We use a Swiffer mop the wet one and you can see them on the mop every time. Don't give up it is not hopeless but do take action immediately and it does help to have an exterminator it really does in addition to everything else some people swear by Borax in the detergent I don't think it helped us much but it might help you but a mixture of carpet beetles possibly mites and maybe gnats but whatever you have you have to be diligent that I can't stress enough. There are sprays that do work for mites and carpet beetles even but you do need a professional. If you have carpet you may have to tear it out but steaming does help but it has to be a certain temperature has to be very hot but not wet it can't be wedding what you're spraying with steam. So there are some tips on tricks but you can take a quick look online under both or all three hijackers mites, carpet beetles, and possibly gnats. If you're seeing them around your windowsill it's probably carpet beetles or gnats. Carpet beetles can fly. I don't believe mites do but they are very hard to see. So even if you're slightly nearsighted or farsighted use your glasses and or magnifying glass and check your mattress at night with a flashlight and a magnifying glass you will see them there if you do that if they're on your mattress. Keep your lights off or low around your couch and your bed at night and also try to get ultra protective screens for your windows
There is light at the end of the tunnel believe me. It might kill you to throw some things away it did me I know it was very very difficult but it was either that or live with this and I wasn't going to live with it that's for sure. Also when you wash your hair or take a shower try using some tea tree oil added to your shampoo and soap it helps a lot. Those are the best tips I can give you but make sure you empty your vacuum cleaner each and every time you use it even if you vacuum three times a day you have to do it there's no if ands or buts about it you have to do it. They'll just climb out of your vacuum cleaner right back on your floor and your belongings. But vacuum your couches your furniture when you vacuum wash your curtains and dry clean your drapes you can also try putting your drapes in your freezer for a few hours or overnight. Keep your pastas your rice your flours in airtight containers. I know this sounds excruciatingly difficult but it is the only way these things can reproduce like crazy so you have to do it if you want to get rid of them remove any leaves from your gutters as well and keep all plants that are in your house checked for mites as well and gnats. A light spray of food grade hydrogen peroxide will help immensely for your plants plus your plants will love it just don't use it a lot. Lightly spray the soil. I hadn't heard about using the salt but I'm game for trying it. Even if you get them trapped on something many exterminators don't have high-end microscopes believe it or not and they still may not see it or believe you so you may have to take them to some University or a co-op. But if you think you have something more than likely you do. But the other comments are very good as well so all of these things should help good luck to you

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November 10, 20160 found this helpful

i haven't got the bugs identified yet, and i don't know how to eradicate them. but i do know how to beat the little s.o.b.s down to a minimum exept for my cats,and i ain't givin up.ain't no way i'm goin to put them down..... try tim-bor, it's made for wood boring bugs but it beats the hell out of any bug. yet, it is less harmful than tablesalt to humans. boil water, put 1 cup t.b. in to 4 cups water, spray on almost everything you got,ok, not the computer, especialy your bed and surrounding area. your couch, chairs, floors, toilet, etc... after you spray, rinse sprayer with hot water so the sprayer doesn't clog. after it dries on your bed, use a duster(from flow master?) like in the old days when they put a pesticide on plants. ya put t.b. in shake it a bit and push the handle in and the powder comes out in a fog so to speak. this you can spray a bit on your electrical devices and throughout your household try not to breath too much. my friend isn't afraid of any bug cuz he's been using this for about 15 yrs. i warned him several times about problem and he also lives next door to another person with bugs he don't get em, i think it's more of a preventitive than a kill em all like we are both looking for. also put some in a sock tie the end and when one bugs you rub the sock on the spot, like magic no more itch there.i used to wake up with 2-4 in the corner of my eyes, but since i took the sock and daily poofed my face, neck, pillow, plus i rub the sock on facial hair and closed eyes i am gaining. let me know if this at least helps you, and if you find a kill em all thing let me know

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November 11, 20160 found this helpful


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November 25, 20162 found this helpful

Me too. I am in Northern California and live in an apartment complex with shared laundry. Not fleas, not rat/bird mites. I went to our county vector and was told these are just debris but these sting me at night and they are in my hair/ body and take a look at my shower floor after shower. I don't know if it is related but I found an infestation hiding in in a piece that keeps the shower doors up. I doused with Dawn, waited then blasted shower spray in the groove and out came a horrible infestation. Also went to ER thinking these are scabies but I don't itch. They just sting. Next considered hair lice and used a lice comb and pulled out a bunch of this stuff as well as stuff that looked like brownish/yellowish goo and eggs. Hair lice professionals said not hair lice. What i am thinking now is body lice and boiled some nylon bras, socks and a fleece vest and these egg-like things came to the surface. So body lice sounds to be the answer but these things are all in my carpet, kitchen walls, hiding under range hood, drop on floor and I think my dog has what looks like eggs around his eyes. Body lice sounds to be the best answer because they are on almost all my clothes now that I've become aware and when I open a bag of dirty laundry, I get attacked by the stings. But the part about being on my walls, drains, furniture (wood and sofa) just doesn't sound consistent with body lice. I can't afford to throw all my clothes and belongings away and found that Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) on my carpets, bags of dirty laundry and hair every night and it seems to calm the stings to almost nothing within 24 hours. I figure this will buy me time while I throw out or sanitize my clothing. Also, I have a dehumidifier running that collects a gallon of water in 8 hours and that is helping. Does anyone know if body lice can get on more than clothing, carpet and furniture? BTW, my dishwasher broke and I found an infestation with eggs in the kitchen drain and the dishwasher. The last 2 months have only been filled with neurotic daily laundering, daily vacuuming, alcohol spraying everywhere and 2 long showers using Dawn, borax, tea tree, hydrogen peroxide and sulfer soap. My life has been put on hold and I need help too.

Photos are:
-debris after shower
-my neck got crepe with a horrible rash (on my arms, shoulder and feel stings on legs, crotch...everywhere)
-the stains on wall that I thought were grease but these were also stuff I got out of my hair
-Image of the eggs that suddenly appear on my white kitchen counters. After wiping, they keep coming back.

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May 19, 20170 found this helpful

Did you find cure?

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July 4, 20171 found this helpful

Hi Nancy,

What part of northern california are you from? I am from Sacramento and am dealing with the same thing as you and am equally as baffled by it. Mine all started when I moved into an apartment complex that was infested with bed bugs. I ended up moving out of that apartment to get away but these things followed me to my new apartment. Its going on 2 years I have been dealing with this and nothing that I have tried seems to work for more than a day or two. My theory is that the black specks that you and I see are not really what is causing the biting and crawling feeling, and the true parasite is either to small to see or simply transparent. I purchased a microscope and almost always the black specs are lint or some other form of debris. So far I have yet to see one thing that looks like an actual bug, but I have seen thousands of eggs in my clothing. Like thousands in one piece of clothing, it is disgusting. Im still trying new strategies all the time though. Im on day number 3 of this so called SALT idea and so far it hasn't seemed to help very much but im going to keep it out for another day or two and see how well it works. I promise to come back with the cure if I discover it.

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December 13, 20160 found this helpful

Sands fly

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December 26, 20160 found this helpful

We're do they come from.

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January 10, 20170 found this helpful

Sounds like black mites to me, have it too, driving me insane
I heard try acidic stuff, lemon lime

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February 7, 20171 found this helpful

I don't know if you're still checking this site but I've got the same things. In my clothes,coats and furniture. We've flea bombed,sprayed,boil washed and tumble dried. We've salted everywhere. We've blitzed the house and ended up throwing our bed and mattress amongst other things. What the heck are they? People seem to think I'm mad but my clothes feel like they are crawling. I thought at first I was imagining it until I saw them in my coat which is beige. Some are like fungus gnats or drain fly ,some are like black lint. They don't jump and they don't seem to crawl when picked at.
We are at a loss. Just wondered if you'd figured it out.
We've even decided to move after sending all our clothes and fabric items to launderette and kept them bagged up. They are even in our towels so we boil the hell out of them and just hope they don't get in our hair. They have been before and we freaked. We now shower and wash our hair every night without fail and my hair resembles Wurzel now due to the excess washing and drying.
We Daren's buy another mattress until they are gone as they infested the last one.
We are so clean it's ridiculous as I have ocd so this is doing my nut in. Any advice anyone please?
We have no pets,don't have plants etc.
We've had pest control and it's definitely not bed bugs or anything serious according to him. I beg to differ as this is serious. It's affecting our life.
We've flushed drain gel down all drains ,snaked them out and having a plumber come check them.
We never see anything except in clothes or bedding or throws which makes it even more odd. I've sprayed for moths and powdered for carpet beetle. It's weird.

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February 12, 20172 found this helpful

I am being bitten i cant see anything they are in my clothes they feel like needle pricks my skin is red and blotchy nut no sores i have tried natural oils steam cleaned carpet i used vinegar alcohol and bleach and ammonia they are hell at night and i cant sleep they treated my apt but they say they cant find anything they put out sticky traps but they dont get on them they are in my towels clothes and i am at my wits end on how to kill them.This has been going on since Dec 2016 Can anyone help me

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February 21, 20172 found this helpful

I have seen these things and the next time you see one pour some salt over it and wach it jump...i think i know where there coming from, i see them all over stores and practicly everywhere i look. i have developed a keen eye...iron your rug, i truely believe this is an epedemic happening in the usa...

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February 26, 20171 found this helpful

These sound like what I have the bugs I have they don't look like bugs but I know they are they fly around my house first I thought they were mites I'm still not sure there in my clothes on and in my skin they are all over my apartment and I clean and they just keep coming back again and again I have had these for a year now I have told the landlord board of health and housing inspector and everyone tells me they are not bucs but when I say what are they everyone has no answer. The doctors think I'm crazy I have ordered this shampoo and stuff for around the house from the stuff does work but they still come back cause my apartment is infested I really don't know what to do any help would be great PLEASE, I have had these for a little over a year,.

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March 18, 20173 found this helpful

Hey Johnny
I am dealing with the same exact problem for like a year now, haven found a solution yet to get rid off these annoying suckers, I get bitten day and night worse at night, their bites feel like a needle prick going into your skin. My only relief now is,I wear double loose layer of shirts, and I just wrap a towel on my pants to cover my legs when I'm home. They bite me on dick as well which I disguise the most, and leave open sore blister sores. I know what they look like and feel like when they bite, so I just rub a rag on whatever spot to remove them, they often get scared and try to leap and hide in my hair. I'm extremely desperate, nobody knows

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April 23, 20172 found this helpful

I also have microscopic biting black bugs that jump on me from our bedroom quilt, desk, and up from the carpet. I feel like they are also in my clothes and wonder if it could be because we use a shared laundry room in this apartment building and wonder if the bugs could be from other people who have animals in their apts.?? I just washed all the bedding and had the carpets cleaned but I'm going to put down flea and tick powder tomorrow when we go to work and have the carpets cleaned again next week... I must admit that we eat in our bedroom and I'm pretty sure that doesn't help. What does everyone think?!

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June 22, 20172 found this helpful


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June 26, 20171 found this helpful

I have been having this problem for months my house has been exterminated six times I threw everything out and I still have these tiny black dots like bugs they don't seem to move they are in all my clothing and bedding the only thing that seems to work is yellow Listerine I spray my bed and sheets every night and I spray myself with Listerine after washing my clothes I put everything in plastic bags plastic Ziploc bags until I am going to wear them my house is upside down I don't allow anyone to come over and I only go over to someone's house if I just took a shower I don't have any answers to getting rid of them altogether this this process seems to only lessen them my exterminator insists that these diets are not bugs and have not been diagnosed under a microscope thanks for sharing any possible suggestion

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November 9, 20170 found this helpful

Have you found out what these little black bugs are. Im havig the same problem. I read this and it could hae been my question. I have been going thru the same thing for 3 months.iv took mydog to the vet twice and had the Orkin man and the Terminix man tell me its not a bug. I cant sleep or eat. All i do is clean and wash clothes. Im desperate for answers.

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September 20, 20190 found this helpful

My doctor had no idea and thought it might be fungal. well I was given a Corticosteroid shot and used Nystatin and Triamcinolone creams and the itch is much better, not completely gone and still have some bites at nite. We put our mattress in zippered bed sack for mites and bugs, we wash all clothing and bedding every 2 days, vaccum often, have borax and diamataceous earth around baseboards in bathroom and bedroom. my husband is not getting bitten but I have every nite. Feel something crawling on my skin and very disturbing to sleep. We cleaned sprayed and keep up this ritual every few days. in bed i check before I get in and in the morning to see what might be biting me, the only thing is a small black hard dot that is almost not visible but can be found by running hand over the sheet. Its not an obvious bug but it may be as i do not have a microscope. The doctor states if not relieved by the Rx creams then she will send me to a Dermatologist for skin scraping to be microscoped for scabies, well I have also used Permethine spray on bed and applied to skin, not much help! Last nite I used bug repellent before going to bed and this helped alot! but i sleep in socks and covered from neck to ankles in thermal PJs. Still get crawling feeling on my skin......will continue to monitor for bugs and I do not have any eggs or infestation visible, have cleaned all corners and furniture in the bedroom, so now I just have the rest of the house to clean!!!!!

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December 6, 20171 found this helpful

Yes!!! to all who answered scabies is 95% right bcuz not everybody will/has/have had scabies. It's now considered an STI, as it needs close contact with a new nesting source to be contracted for the most part, there are obviously other ways of getting it but that would be best bet. Either way you don't want that bs cream the Dr. will give you cuz that just masks the problem. You want the pill that you will never be told about and have to order it online(not carried in canada). I don't remember where I found it online about 6 months ago i maybe so it's out there. Take that along with the cream as well as neem oil and turmeric capsules*usually find at an all natural, organic, homeopatic and other healthy foods store*. And there you have it, I'm surprised it took so long for anybody to come up with one of few logical possibilities instead of coming up with one of those crazy pepper mites or bird/rat mites or other paranoid mental state of delusional story. Scabies invades shelters and any other overcrowded unhealthy dingy whatever it is that jus screams infestations. So vacuum lots, shower or bathe in neem oil at least once a day and do your laundry in hot water dry on high heat even toss in some neem oil just bcuz, why not won't hurt nothing but those lil black biting bugs right?!!

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March 8, 20181 found this helpful

I am wondering if you still have this problem? I have been dealing with this for a year-and-a-half now. And the matter is getting worse they infest everything. I'm about to get a divorce over it as my husband thinks I am crazy. I have had many visits from several different pest control , all of home also looked at me like I was crazy and said they saw nothing or found nothing. Did you ever find any solutions?

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February 7, 20190 found this helpful

I have found that the following things have helped me but you have to be consistent:

Use Arm and Hammer laundry detergent add about 1 -2cups of Permethrin SFR (I found this on Amazon) to the bottle of detergent and I add Borox to every load for laundry. Also some clothes you may just have to throughout. I also keep clean clothes in trash bags.

Next I use Dr Teals Epsom Salt Detoxify/Energize with ginger and clay comes in foaming bath and salts to soak also add vinegar and tea tree soap to water if soaking. If showering use foam soap vinegar and tea soap.

I just started DHerbs ParaWrm formula it is a Combination of herbs that help to rid parasites from your body. Checkout their website. I also suggest doing a cleanse and cut out sugar it seems to help. Also take a colon cleanser (Walmart has 1 $8) now I was told that I could add a food grade DE to kill them and I may try it but herbs are helping.

House cleaning vacuum all flooring even wood and vinyl. I add bleach but not on wood on those use a little windex instead also add Borox and Mr Clean Summer Citrus clean often also use in bathroom and to clean table and chairs you can wipe down. Oh I did leave DE on my floor for a few days while away and then vacuum it and clean as suggested above.

Get your car detailed (Groupon it) and try change into shoes that u do not wear in your home. I realized my shoes was reinfecting my car and home so take shoes off at the door store in trash bag and add mothball lavender scented works.

If something is really infected with these bugs get rid of it trust me it is not worth it.

Oh I was also told mites very vague Good luck and praying we all succeed with getting rid of this crap

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July 3, 20190 found this helpful

I am having exactley the same problem as you have described.
I've had them crawling all over my exsposed flesh and they sting the tips of my ears and other places.

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September 20, 20190 found this helpful

#me too!!! very annoying and does not affect my husband!!

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July 19, 20190 found this helpful

have you brought soil or houses plants in lately ?

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July 21, 20190 found this helpful

Does your home have poor air quality. maybe problems with soot or mould?. feel there is a connection in my home. + in my home they are evolving..saw a tiny little grey thing on my bathroom tiles, so squirted it with an air freshener and it leaped approx 2 ft and survived by dissapearing. makes me believe they are a super strain of bug , mite . whatever they are.

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September 17, 20191 found this helpful

Hello I have been experiencing the exact same issues as most of you described with the tiny black bugs or mites that you can hardly see, but definitely feel! Theyre so tiny they look like a spec of dust or dirt. They do not crawl move or fly and like others mentioned, they itch, its hard to sleep, they bite day and night, you can only see them when you wipe them off with a white cloth or paper towels.
Im not sure what they are. I Also have tried everything. Doctors prescription creams that get rid of lice scabies and beg bugs from your skin.
Ive used multiple lice treatments until the chemicals started Making us sick.
Im still suffering from this for the last year now for the 1st time in my life because we keep getting reinfected. My home is clean but I do extra cleaning wash everything in hot watcher then keep it all in bags every 2 weeks to a month now for the last year! Its very much wearing on me not to mention no one accept my 11 yr old daughter believes me because shes had them too. Everyone thinks Im crazy and imagining things. However doctors do believe me they can see the bumps and rashes they leave on our skin but they always tell they dont look like bed bug flea lice or even Scabies bites at all. The closets diagnoses we got so far to the truth has been scabies, but like I said the doctors Ive seen all said the same thing about them not matching up but will go ahead and treat it that way to see if it works.
The cream they perscribe does work but only temporarily because it forces the bugs to come out of your skin and onto who ever u might touch they get on everything you wear sit or lay on!
So far the most effective solution I have found to works the best and gives relief from itching is start wiping your skin down with a white wash cloth or paper towels dipped in very hot almost scolding water. Also with paper towels peroxide gets them to come right out as well. Its incredibly disturbing to see how many tiny black specs of bugs you see on the towel. Invest in a set of essential oils tea tree lavender eucalyptus peppermint and rosemary buy a good tea tree soap or shampoo wash your hair and body in it regularly it feels great and all bugs of this nature hate it and will not survive Long with tea tree and pepper mint oils. Also mix all the oils into a spray bottle with water and use it to spray everything with it daily. Pets beds mattresses bedding carpet furniture cloths on Babies things too. Its not toxic at all and is actually healthy to Breath or taste if u happen to get in your mouth. I been doing this continuously for a year now. It works great but they do come back and I still dont know what the heck they are yet. So like the rest of us suffering from this terrible skin burrowing human blood sucking things that wont leave us alone Im open to any suggestions to a permanent solution. I made it 38 years of my life never experienced anything like this before Id like to believe I can go back to not having them again!
Thanks for reading,
#desperate for answers and suggestions, sincerely LM

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November 22, 20190 found this helpful

I may be wrong but these things don't like alcohol .
I have wiped all surfaces with rubbing alcohol , including objects and underneath furnishings and clothes drawers + fridges , freezers and cookers. then wiped alll the floors with alcohol rub pure alcohol , using a spray and cloth and I think I have given them a bloody nose... they do not like alcohol

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January 22, 20200 found this helpful


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January 22, 20200 found this helpful

I agree , I too have started to use alchol and straigh fettol to wipe down my maninated flooring , and the supris is that I picked up thousanfds of these little vlack fluff type things that I shook off in the sink..

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June 21, 20200 found this helpful

These are not scabies and salt will not kill them! They are not bed bugs, fleas. They are drawn thru the widows from the ac unit. They could be in dryer vent as well. They are too small to see. I saw them with a jewelers eye glass. And you are wrong . They bite and you can feel the crawling. I have them. I have not been out of my pace since January and have had no contact with humans, therefore they can not be scabies. I suggest looking in your widow seal for a tiny black spec. Use magnifier. Someone please tell me what will stop these bugs!

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August 15, 20200 found this helpful

have you found help? this is my life too right now!!!!

the weeks upon 8 hours a day researching, reading medical research from all over the globe...

Personally, I think its a myriad of mites.. scabies is a mite. those are the black specks that burrow, but you also have their cousins that live on us naturally... and the temp, humidity, and multi dwelling is all contributors to the mite explosion. Since they all have different life cycles, when one ends, another begins, so when you think you have relief, it comes back but different... at least for me since i'm allergic to dander , which is one of the cousins... theres at least three. two you live with forever almost since birth... scabies is acquired like a step child and wont be rid of until a divorce where you lose e verything including your mind!!!! but all i can do is try and cry and cry and clean. FML!!!!!

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January 23, 20210 found this helpful
This should help diagnose everyone on this page ...

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August 6, 20211 found this helpful

I have had mites , mixed with pieces of stuff I shake off myself at nights ( tiny little fragmnets of microbes of all shapes and sizes . black and light brown. ) At the beginning I brought in some sandy soil , which I took from someones ton bag of it to plant some outside pavement slabs so that i could plant some outdoors plant pots, but when I brought the soil in to plant some inddor plants. then in october 2018 I used to soil to plant indoor plants . and then all hell broke loose. irt started with tiny flea like bugs , and then tiny slit like things which can leap very far. now i can't even see them , yet they bite my face and ankles and sting or suck from my exsposed hands and forearms through the night. I am noiw going to try using surgical spoirits to harden up my hands , as they are attackling inbetween my fingers a lot of late. they seem to have evolved.

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May 22, 20220 found this helpful

OMG Hydrogen peroxide HELPS!!! THEY DIE! Kind of most of them. I've been fighting for 2 years! My hair is breaking (usually it's past my but and thick) now its thin and to my boobs.
I bathed in hydrogen peroxide because I'm sure we all have cancer now from sprays and crap. It helped SO FREAKING MUCH I SLEPT 9 HOURS!! OMG I hope this helps you

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May 27, 20220 found this helpful

They are Carpet beetles .

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