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Tiny Black and White Biting Bugs?

I started having the feeling like something crawling on me three months ago and started getting pinprick bites. My doctor can't identify what type of issue I have. The exterminator said there are no bed bugs. Even though I threw out 90% of my clothes and my furniture including the bed they are in my new clothes and everywhere.


I vacuum everyday, wash everyday, and soak my clothes in ammonia, but they come back. I sprayed vinegar and water mix everywhere in my house and felt normal for a few hours. But they came back. They must be in different shapes depending on their stage of life. I see black and also tiny white particles everywhere. I can feel them from my laptop and iPhone.

After I started using coal soap and sulfur shampoo I feel a little relief. I covered my body with calamine lotion and spray DEET before go to bed. So I don't get big bites during the night, but feel pinprick bites instead. Sometimes I get small paper cut looking things on my hands. The worst is at my work. I can't clean crazy like at my house and I have a very tall ceiling. They are living in the ceiling and fall on me as soon as walk in. I get them all over me by the end of day. Because I cleaned the floor so well, now they are targeting my hair and scalp. I spray 91% alcohol on my scalp, but they keep coming back. I can see glitter looking particles on my hands and clothes. They are maybe eggs. I thought they are maybe lice, but the CDC said body lice are easy to eradicate by washing clothes in hot water and drying them in high heat. Yes, I have done all that plus cleaning everyday, but it is not working. I'm a very clean person and am wearing clean clothes everyday. Please someone help me.

Tiny Black and White Biting Bugs - tiny bug

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May 22, 20174 found this helpful

Until you identify them, protect yourself with a layer of bug repellant. Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil has no chemicals, but keeps bugs from biting you.

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July 21, 20185 found this helpful

My Grandchild has this, take a tube of lice shields, rub it on the back of your neck, this will pick them up, I dont know what they are, they look a grain of pepper, I dont know what to do , please help!

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October 14, 20181 found this helpful

Lye kills them

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November 19, 20187 found this helpful

I have the same problem I was wondering in you found out what they are. I could have wrote the exact post. I took everything out of the house it was sprayed a few times but they keep coming back.


Can you help. Pest control doesent know what they are.

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December 31, 201812 found this helpful

My best guess is that the black ones in your pictures are various stages of midges or noseeums. I have them in my hair and nothing gets rid of them. I have so many sore spots on my head and my comb will get caught and pull a patch of ingrown hairs out that have white things all over.


The weather warmed up a bit and now they are all over everything, the worst is my clothes, no amount of laundering helps and putting them in plastic bags is out of the question as they like to eat frustrating I hope some doctor somewhere will help

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February 25, 20192 found this helpful

Where do you purchase lye at? Are there a certain brand?

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March 11, 20199 found this helpful

I have them too. Every nite all over me biting me. Small black bugs the size of a grain of pepper some r bigger and i see the little white things too. They jump. They stick little hard thing in your skin. When a egg many babies but tbey rso small u cant see them but can feel them hopping all 9ver u.


My face and all. I scrub with a scrub brush every day. I feel like i just cant take it anymore. I have tried everything. I dont sleep with my husband fearing they may gwt on him too. I stay in one room. Ive been to Doc 3 times. No help. Im running my washer n dryer to death. I vaccume all the time. HELP!!!!!

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July 24, 201919 found this helpful

I've recently got this mystery itch,little pepper size and smaller specks that don't see to move or be alive,some are gold and reddish.I notice a glint like glitter sometimes on one when light reflects it right.What the F..K!


Doctors call u crazy and I'm the most grounded logical sane guy in the world.
There's something connecting people with this,because there's no answer as to what,even if they are bugs at all.Like aliens,jk,but I've researched everything,no answers.
I'm a truther,im more than hard on my government,public education,poision in our food and water, nonconsensual vaccinations,abortion because of unresponsability,political correctness,feminism etc..
I'm a straight white male 43yrs old,fr and live in the southeast United States.C ant think of more,but we should share info and look for connections.This ,by all professionals from pest men to doctors to college professors have told me im tripping,thats bullshit.None of my senses are hyperactive,consiously or not,im not crazy,im not on drugs(well,I been taking Suboxone for over a year,o ld work injury and that great workplace insurance,they loved to keep me coming back,i became extremely addicted to more and stronger opiates),so I'm an addict ,though I never took it for a high,im also a towboat pilot.

This hasn't failed me for a real long time,few months,ive went all out trying to identify this.University of Alabama Birmingham,LSI Baton rouge,Layola med school,personally talked to diagnosticians,called government agencies like CDC,even talked to doctors without borders to see if this was maybe from overseas spreading here.NOTTA,Only that maybe I should talk to a behavioral specialist(shrink),WTF!!!!

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July 31, 20199 found this helpful

They swell when in water.
Hole your at the doctor soak one hand to the wrist while you explain this situation to your doctor after about 6 or 7 mins take your hand out and with the dry hand rub the back of your wet hand until you see them pop out. Your doctor can't tell you that your crazy when they will be able to see with thier own eyes

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August 8, 20191 found this helpful

Hi was wandering if you found anything out ive been also dealing with this for too long idk what else to do srry not an answer

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August 8, 20194 found this helpful

Hi was wandering if you found anything out ive been also dealing with this for too long idk what else to do srry not an answer

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September 15, 20193 found this helpful

OMG! I'm in AZ and take subs. The first I've heard anyone say glitter

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October 10, 20190 found this helpful

Don't even think about that is dangerous is caustic soda, that guy must have meant something else or he she is an idiot

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October 11, 20192 found this helpful

Are u still suffering?

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October 31, 20198 found this helpful

I have been ravaged by bugs similar to your description. If i sit on my bed cross legged and just look at my sheet I can see very tiny dots. Brownish or tan and sometimes black.
They bite hard and i can pick them off and burn them but there are just more and more. I cant see the shape or how many legs but at times suddenly i see a short 1" or so strand of hair that is not mine and it just appears on my sheet. If that little hair thing is on inside of my clothes it feels just like the bugs bite? What the heck are these things? I have washed my clothes in hot water but as soon as i go to put them on i am bitten! Try to take pucs but its way too blurry. I have felt them crawling on my face and in my ears. I try to use bug speays but it doesnt help. I moved into my new apt and became infested. I am losing my mind with all the crawling at night and biting. Help!!!!

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December 13, 20198 found this helpful

Wow. I have pictures exactly the same as these! People think I'm crazy including my family but these things are driving me insane! I showed them pictures just like this and they still roll their eyes.
Why is it only myself in the dog bitten my wife in my kids are unaffected. I don't understand. It's been nearly a year and it can vary from being unbearable to manageable but they never seem to go away.

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January 11, 20202 found this helpful

I'm with you guys is all I can say about it and you're not crazy, but this can drive you there if its unrecognized. Seems I'm not continously affected but in bouts of it. Name is mark cabe. Gentlemen I hold your answers although you may not want to hear them. That's all I'll comment publicly on. Your welcome to contact me.

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January 14, 20202 found this helpful

Im going through the same thing. Ive done how got this happening in my Toronto Ontario home and Florida. I cant seem to escape this nightmare.

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February 6, 20209 found this helpful

Hello! I hope this comment is seen, I literally just made an account to respond . I , TOO, have this problem. I have been researching fleas like crazy until I made my search more broad and found this forum. In my experience (southern California) , they are a dark red , black or white . Most just look like specs . Many often look like a piece of hair or lint. The ones that are white are similar to salt , crystallized (their eggs perhaps?). I have done the soapy water trap w a light (when I thought fleas ) and didnt really catch any. When they attach my skin , they almost feel like a splinter when I pull them out . I also think my dog is plagued by them (hence flea research again ) and I know Ive seen them
on my babies (5 month old and 2 yr old) and all over my couches/food when we sit there. My husband has NO idea what Im talking about and thinks Im crazy . Clean like crazy , borax, vinegar solutions , vacuum, etc etc - I mean it cant hurt right - but it doesnt get rid of them . NOW, one thing I havent seen on this thread is the word MORGELLONS DISEASE which I also just found . They used to consider it something psychological , HOWEVER, 2019 research is changing that. One study showed a mix of two types of bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi and Helicobacter pylori) present at the site of a bite, meaning they could possibly pinpoint what it is!
Another piece I read was about spirochetal infection . Spirochetes are spiral shaped bacteria and link to Lyme disease /tick borne illness that could be what we are experiencing. OK university doing a study on it bc they say it often only affects ONE person in a household . Very interesting ! And annoying obviously ... hope this helps you stay sane !

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February 10, 20202 found this helpful

Plz contact me as i could of wrote the original post and yours my name is john 3308437098 txt first so i know whos calling

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February 10, 20202 found this helpful

Same here we gotta find a common denominator here contact me my name is john im i fellow suffer i do know some things that help but dont have all the answers if anyone elses sees this feel free to contact me but u must txt me first stating who you are or i wont answer ....plz know you are not alone there are alot of us

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February 10, 202014 found this helpful

Did you ever figure out what was wrong? My symptoms are identical to yours! This started about 4 years ago!!!!! I was just addicted to opiates as well and am prescribed methadone but Ive been on it 10 years and have 9 years of sobriety. Im also prescribed adderall and thought maybe the adderall was causing the crawling sensations and making me too focused on it and exacerbating the symptoms. My symptoms start out with the crawling feeling and the feeling of super tiny particles jumping on and off of my skin! I get a bumpy rash and my skin becomes severely dry and itchy! If I rub lotion on my skin little black pepper sized specks will start just appearing and I can pick them off but they dont seem to move, at least that I can tell! I also get tiny pieces of what looks like hair but its thicker than hair and stays extremely straight even when I pick it off me! I also experience white granules that resemble salt. If I dont touch my skin and just deal with it then it starts to look glittery and like theres a powdery coating on it! When I get that crawling feeling and I itch it I see something move but I dont see any actual bug or particle or anything I just see the movement, if that makes sense. When I touch any fabric it immediately gets covered in like little fuzz balls and theres a white powdery looking residue on it wherever I touch like I dipped my fingers in baby powder and then touched the fabric! Its the weirdest thing! My head also itches and tons of hair falls out when I wash it! When I am typing on my phone/watching a video/etc. my screen gets COVERED in black and white particles and the very surface in the rooms Im in the most gets covered as well! When I vacuum my vacuum is FULL of gray/black/white lint and fuzz even if I had just vacuumed a couple hours prior! The thing is that IM THE ONLY ONE ITS AFFECTING so my family just blows it off and starts questioning if Im using again because my behavior is so weird....OF COURSE ITS WEIRD, SOMETHING INVISIBLE IS USING MY BODY AS A PLAYGROUND AND IS WREAKING HAVOC ON MY QUALITY OF LIFE!!!!! I need answers and a solution because I have 4 kids and Im constantly a nervous wreck because of this crap!!

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February 13, 20203 found this helpful

i have the exact same problem as you. like black pepper on my bed every night. do you have a nest on your house?

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February 13, 20203 found this helpful

I have the same problem as you klynn you basically explained everything im going through. just wondering if you have a nest in your house, vents or attic?

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February 23, 20205 found this helpful

Omg I'm reading all these messages and I have the same damn issues for a yr now,I moved threw all my furniture away and thought I had got rid of it. We had 1 nice day and it started all over again. I am a recovering addict and prescribed suboxone, that I have been on for like 4 or 5 yrs. Everyone in my family thinks I'm crazy and that I'm using, I try and show them but they have no interest at all they would rather call me crazy. My oldest daughter is 28 yrs old and she wont even talk to me cause she either thinks I have relapsed or fallen of the damn cookoo nest lol..I'm literally driving myself crazy trying to figure out what it is,and how to eradicate it..I hope there is a end to this hellacious nightmare

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February 24, 20200 found this helpful

I live in Colorado springs and i have the same problem. Wife thinks I'm crazy. So far the best help you can do iskeep shin moisturrrized. Andsteam clean everything.deem to help.

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March 5, 20203 found this helpful

Look up Morgellons disease. Sounds like what it is, if you look under a microscope, they are not bugs but lint your body is making. Caused by lyme disease. This is what it sounds like, I thought my dog had fleas and they were biting me, I was the only one is my family affected. Coconut oil on any rashes helps (and you might even see them appear before your eyes as they come out of your skin) Still trying to deal with this myself but this is the exact same thing I was dealing with and after researching it is the only thing that I can find. It's bacteria?? and it is just starting to come out that it is real and not a mental disorder so a lot of dr's have no idea how to treat it. Coconut oil kills fleas as well so if they happen to be fleas that will help with it as well..but sounds more like morgellons and explains why the colors change, most insects are one color

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March 5, 20202 found this helpful

This lint my body makes is not true. I have just moved into a new house and the upstairs is carpet. There are 4 bedrooms and it is just me. In areas I may have been in once or twice for a short period, if taken a Scotch Lent roller it will produce or pick up several of the thin like hairs In different colors. I also at one time took a cold ice cube up to my face when I felt a crawling sensation and this is what got absorbed into the Ice cube

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March 24, 20200 found this helpful

Where do you get lye

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March 25, 202012 found this helpful

Ok everyone stop what youve been doing. Do exactly this. Phone your doctor and make an appointment. When you visit your doctor tell him/her that you believe you have a candida fungus internal infestation and you would like a prescription of Fluconazole. Once prescribed take once a day for two weeks. Along with it buy the following supplements online: Apple Cidar Pills with Mother, Garlic 1000 mg, Charcoal Pills, Milk Thistle, and Collodial Silver Oral Droplets. Take those twice a day for 30 days. For bathing, buy several cans of garlic powder and soak in warm water with tea tree and peppermint bath wash 2 times a day. For your clothes wash in vinegar, dye free all detergent, and liquid lavender fabric softener (insects hate lavender).
For your home take the attachment from your vacuum and vacuum every square inch in your house including furniture and it will suck them up. Do not bother wiping or spraying anything because they will just cling to the counter as for fabric is their main source to thrive upon. Once you do this every day for 30 days they will be gone and you will be at peace. I have gone a week now without a trace of them.

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March 26, 20201 found this helpful

Have you taken the samples to an exterminator so he can look at them under a microscope? If you do and they say what you brought in was just lint or fuzz then they are the invisible black dot bugs like they told me. If they are invisible, they do not exist. All the sores and itching day and night on my head and body told a different story. It took me 2 months to figure that out and get them out of my life which I did.

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April 8, 20201 found this helpful

I'm suffering the same issues I feel like I'm going crazy please help with any answers as to what these are

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April 14, 20202 found this helpful

omg yes! i just took a long hot bath and i feel the bite, itch it and then bam the water is full of puffy white things much bigger than the little black specks

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April 23, 20203 found this helpful

I have these only there not kust in my skin there in my blood. And every doctor I go to says Im crazy meanwhile Im being eaten alive and my blood is turning to red jello. When I close my eyes I see them eating me. Please help me if ur able. I am not crazy

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April 23, 20201 found this helpful

This is around my house

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May 7, 20200 found this helpful

Did you find out what this is@ markc

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May 16, 20201 found this helpful

I'm having the same problem it's been going on for months now I don't know what they are i tried everything and nobody believes me help me please

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June 18, 20200 found this helpful

That is a lot of work any luck identifying it

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June 18, 20201 found this helpful

Hi Robert, I hear you have tiny bug answers?! What are these blankety blank blankers?!

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July 17, 20200 found this helpful

I be to know ! If you have the answer please tell me and better yet how do you get rid of them

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July 26, 20200 found this helpful

You're not crazy!!! I have bites from my ankles all the way up to the back of my knee! I know I'm getting them from sitting on my back porch, I live on middle, eastern Florida. For days it felt like pin pricks and everyone said nerve damage like neuropsychology but I don't have diabetes. Little tiny red bites and the little bug looks like a speck of pepper!! They don't jump, I had my husband take a picture but you can't zoom in small enough to see it!!! Maybe bug spray will work, I'm going to try that and disinfect the chair I've been sitting in and the whole porch!!! Wth are noseeums????!!!!! Also, I've been on Subutex for a month... Not sure if there's a connection.

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July 26, 20201 found this helpful

Has anyone found out the answer to this? This is ruining my marriage

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August 6, 20201 found this helpful
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August 10, 20201 found this helpful

Have any of you ever had your heavy metals and minerals tested? Maybe try looking up mercury toxicity ya symptoms are all so very similar it never hurts to try. Thats what Im doing Ill let yall know once I get the results.

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August 10, 20200 found this helpful

Have any of you ever had your heavy metals and minerals tested? Maybe try looking up mercury toxicity ya symptoms are all so very similar it never hurts to try. Thats what Im doing Ill let yall know once I get the results.

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September 2, 20201 found this helpful

I've got same problem for about 3 years. I did tons and tons of research. Nothing worked. I came across an article that mentioned MORGELLONS..... I mentioned it to my daughter and my PCP.... BAD IDEA. My daughter thought I was crazy and my PCP immediately referred me to a Phys. Needless to say I never mentioned that word again.

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September 5, 20200 found this helpful

Did you get your results back@ kimberly w

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September 8, 20204 found this helpful

I cant believe how everything you said is what Ive been going through since March alone. I have a vacuum in each hand and I vacuum the same area over and over and more come back. Ive done anything and everything to try to get rid of the white bugs. I also have dust mites. Orkin came, bought fog bombs and did 3 times, put a new floor down etc. this is just one bedroom. Im a clean freak and my parents think Im hallucinating even though when I show them the eggs and they put in a jar to show the orkin guy. Its so bad that the bugs are in my body. My hands, face and especially my feet have swelled up unbelievably. I bought covers for my mattress and box spring. I put everything in separate bags tied up. The exterminator gave me a spray that is supposed to be so strong that only people with a license can spray it. Nothing is working. I cant even clean that long because my back starts to burn from cleaning non stop. I have not slept in a bed like a normal person since March. between dealing with the bugs no one believed me or even help me clean plus I covered myself from head to toe (and its summer) I Even taped plastic bags around my feet. But finally I find Im not alone going through this hell and not hallucinating. Youre story made me feel for the first time in a long time Im not alone.

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September 9, 20200 found this helpful

I finally found what's going on I have the exact same problem for years I have been dealing with this. Its fungus that people pick up unknowingly. Trichomycoses. I'm not Crazy I'm so relieved. I found an article on it explains everything. I hope this helps the thousands of people out there suffering thinking they are crazy. I cried when I finally found out

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September 14, 20200 found this helpful

Ive been suffering with the same things. My Dr. Thinks Im crazy. Please help.

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October 5, 20200 found this helpful

Any tips for treatment options?

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October 12, 20201 found this helpful

OMFG, same here. I could have written the post. All the way through, the light and dark colored, the glittery, the ceiling....all of it! It's been 3 years and Ive been to 11 doctors, 3 of them dermatologists. 37 doc appts. They claim I need to stop digging my skin open (called excision).
Apparently, your local cooperative extension could try to ID them. At one point I read that they want you to get a lint roller sticky sheet and just go crazy rolling it until it's not sticky and send that in.
This is a mite of some sort. Of that I'm 100% sure. It is estimated that there is millions of types of mites still unidentified.
I have no idea what's gonna work anymore....gasoline and a match, maybe?

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October 12, 20202 found this helpful

in the car. Pretty darn close to your pic.

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October 20, 20201 found this helpful

Hi finally I know I'm not going off my head I have tried everything to get rid of the "things " bug spray, steam cleaning, smoke bombs, new bed and bedding as well as every day cleaning and nothing works.
I am constantly finding these little black things and white and have also saw glitter on my bed !! My legs are all bitten and so is my scalp I can feel these things on my eyelashes at night and on my ears. My feet and legs swell up as well ut up till now I did not connect this to these "things " What Are They please someone Help this has been going on for months I can not get a sleep and have had to get my husband to sleep in the other room because I'm also scared of infecting him I pulled a white thing out my skin today again I just cant cope with this much longer.

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October 23, 20200 found this helpful

I sent you an email.

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November 7, 20202 found this helpful

I have been suffering from this exact same thing for nearlya year now. I don't use drugs and I'm not ins ane,but I'm getting pretty close to it. No one in my family is affected by this,so obviously they don't believe me. I even admitted myself to a psychiatric hospital (just incase I was crazy) It has me feeling tired constantly. Lack of sleep because I'm up all night and day cleaning. I can't wear any of my friggin clothes unless I spray them down with lysol or bleach .I've tried everything and anything,but do far nothing has helped. Depressed and suicidal. I just want to be normal again. I'm not a germaphobe or a hypochondriac, but I just don't think I can keep going like this. Please, anyone else who can help me. Tell me what the hell they are and how to get rid of them. Just seeing so many people describing exactly what I have been dealing with, proves that I'm not crazy. But I needhelp. .

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November 19, 20200 found this helpful

What about your clothing or fabric items? I have tried to launder them several times. Doesnt seem to work

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November 19, 20200 found this helpful

What did u do exactly to get rid of them?

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November 29, 20202 found this helpful

I am living the same nightmare!!!!! To be perfectly honest I want to kill myself because I can't get relief. I've tried bed bug spray Diamond tacious Earth bombs creams lotions you name it I tried it all I've even tried tea tree oil and citronella oil nothing works they just keep coming back and they're everywhere on everything and I'm having real allergic reaction to and it's causing my face to swell my head. That bite me around my ears nose mouth I feel like little stings. I've had to shave my head because of this shit!!! I also have chronic anemia because of it. I can't see my granddaughter or my son and daughter and have them over I feel sick all the time and weak and tired it's got me so low I just I'm ready to die just to get relief. My landlord refuses to help does it is my fault if they were here and the only thing she's concerned about is her future possibilities are not getting paid out anything from anyone else if I move. I can't afford to move because I'm on low income disability and I can only afford so much amount a month rent. Nobody understands they all think I'm crazy is there hard to see any when you do see and they look like fuzz they're all different colors and shapes that are tiny tiny tiny to see they look like Pepper or they look like little white pods or fuzz. I'm so desperate for any kind of help any kind of help I'm not on a lease with my landlord either so I can't legally take action I can't afford an exterminator!! Miserable and I need help please I beg anyone for an answer please!!!

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November 29, 20200 found this helpful

The swelling and rash on my face..I've even had to shave my head because they got so bad in my hair!! Lice shampoo won't even work

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November 30, 20200 found this helpful

Pure peppermint oil

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December 1, 20200 found this helpful

I've tried tea tree oil and it did nothing..I'll have to get peppermint asap. I'll try anything within reason at this point. Thank you

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December 8, 20200 found this helpful

How did you get rid of them I have tried everything and do u know what they are

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December 18, 20200 found this helpful

Weird I've got the same thing in my hair and it itches and stinging bites and my dogs to s
Tried Straight alcohal and apple cider viniger slsobptax

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December 22, 20201 found this helpful

I would like some answers. 43 years old with 4 year old twins and My skin looks scary. I look like Ive been sticking needles in all over my body. Guidance welcomed please.

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December 24, 20200 found this helpful

Have you figured out anything this is really killing me and my family we don't know what else to do .

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December 30, 20200 found this helpful

Research bird mites, they come with "friends", notoriously difficult to get rid of and professionals say they don't exist. Buy a steam cleaner and need to use something like cream or Lennon all over your body. Support group in FB big help

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December 30, 20200 found this helpful

Bird mites support group facebook

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February 3, 20210 found this helpful

Now their in the vacuum cleaner, make sure you treat the vacuum too. I swept constantly with the broom, and realized it was a host also. Broom had to go.

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February 7, 20210 found this helpful

Bird mites get rid of nest that got in it house sometime maybe in soffit or attic

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February 10, 20210 found this helpful

How did you get rid of them

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February 13, 20211 found this helpful

I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM. I used to use drugs but have been clean for years. With that being said I associated the feeling as my nerves from the usage of drugs. Like I said I have been clean for years so I'm wondering why am I feeling this I didn't actually fill it when I was getting high it's like after I quit is when I started selling them. They are also all in my hair in my ears I felt them hitting my face my arm but I don't see anything I see things fly past my face I see it land but I can't find it please please somebody help me. I have always wanted to comment but I wasn't really sure because this does say thriftyfun I hope I'm not making a fool out of myself right now.

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February 25, 20213 found this helpful

I've been plagued with these for 2 years .....please help

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February 26, 20212 found this helpful

Did u ever find out Im loosing my mind !!! I cry all the time because I cant get rid of them and I dont want to give them to anyone else so Im so isolated no help if you can let me know what you found out!

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February 27, 20211 found this helpful

Stop vacuuming. They will live in all parts of your vacuum cleaner. Get rid of all carpets. Ammonia and bleach kill them on the floors and walls. Ivermectin will help, but it is unlikely the doctors will recognise, Norwegian Scabies, or Crusted Scabies. I have them too, in Queensland Australia. 90 degree steam wash, or throw things away, even fabric furniture. Use a dryer for one hour at hot. It's controlling measures only. Unfortunately, doctors who think, I can't see it, it doesn't exist , must be left, and look for another doctor.

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February 27, 20211 found this helpful

Believe in yourself. People who can't see things you feel should help . It is easy to make someone feel crazy. Get ivermectin

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February 27, 20211 found this helpful

Get ivermectin for Noreigen Scabies, or Crusted Scabies. Australia. I have them too. Keep trying to get rid of them. Count on years.

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February 27, 20211 found this helpful

Get ivermectin for Crusted Scabies, called Noreigen Scabies. I know how you feel. Don't give up. Get rid of fabric furniture, carpets and get lice combs to help elevate them reproducing in their thousands daily. Wash your cloths, or throw them away, forget plastic bags, at 90 degrees, use a dryer for one hour. Rinse your body, don't use soap too much. Sussan sunshine coast Queensland Australia . I have it too. Let's keep talking about it, everyone until doctors listen.

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March 7, 20211 found this helpful

I have had this problem for two years! Im told Im crazy and take offense because I do deal with depression and anxiety for years! I have exhausted my friends and family to the loss of some. I dont know what works and am looking for answers. I keep everything in bags that I havent threw out. Vacuum constantly only sleep few hours a night and am loosing my hair !! I dont see any one thing Ive read I havent tried so please if someone knows please email me!!
Respectfully, KAR

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March 7, 20211 found this helpful

Yes this too!! They far Ive thought carpet beetles (2 years of searching) so Ive treated thatto no avail. I believe because they like dead insects, lint, animal hair, human hair, kitchen pantries and can bore through everything but glass. Im looking for any answers! Please help!

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April 5, 20211 found this helpful

Clothing moths and probably some sort of fungus. Dawn dish soap and vinegar in spray bottles all over my house and rubbing alcohol. I'm not sure if we're all blessed or cursed by seeing them. Everyone seems to have them but not all are bothered. I hear increasing some vitamins will help. I learned the hard way not to talk about these things to much to very many people. Find some kind of neutral balance to live with these boogers! Vaseline at night, washing face and neck several times a day. I sure hope this helps some of you, my heart aches for all of us.

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April 9, 20211 found this helpful

The answer is carpet beetles. They have different stages of development and leave a long looking single "strand of hair". They can be brown or black and sometimes small looking glitter looking or behind your ear or in your hair. A professional exterminator is needed.

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April 14, 20211 found this helpful

Wow thank you for sharing im out of my mind

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April 14, 20211 found this helpful

I totally relate i was on meds since i moved here started suboxone its crazy some nights r worse

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April 18, 20211 found this helpful

What did u use to kill get rid of this pest. Experiencing the exact same thing. Desperate for help?

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April 21, 20212 found this helpful

I have been going through an infestation that has escalated.
It's now entered my body.
Also my hair, ears and they paralyze my feet.
I've done tons of research on what these could be. The closest I can find is the assassin bug /kissing bugs.
They are extremely tiny black dots but can disguise as lint.
My boyfriend thinks I'm nuts and I'm going to be thrown in a loonie bin.
I take alot. Of pictures and I will show him what he cant see. I think that's wild that they can't be seen unless it's on cam. Anyways when the dust in the room doesn't land chances are its kissing bugs. At least it is here. These things are brutal and the scary part is they are getting bigger.
Like I mentioned they are in my body now so I need to find a really good parasitic cleanse.

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April 21, 20211 found this helpful

Hello, I don't know what the brown things are but I have been dealing with the black buggers that have gotten bigger and I have done so much research on what it can be. The closest thing I can find is that is the kissing bug! Assassin bug.
They look like extremely small black dots that of course will get bigger. They can also appear as lint and when I see dust I know to watch, and if it doesn't land its one of those damn things. The problem is, I don't know how to get rid of them.
I don't know, maybe you have yours figured out by now.
If anyone knows how to get rid of the assassin bug, please please share

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April 21, 20211 found this helpful

Hello, I don't know what the brown things are but I have been dealing with the black buggers that have gotten bigger and I have done so much research on what it can be. The closest thing I can find is that is the kissing bug! Assassin bug.
They look like extremely small black dots that of course will get bigger. They can also appear as lint and when I see dust I know to watch, and if it doesn't land its one of those damn things. The problem is, I don't know how to get rid of them.
I don't know, maybe you have yours figured out by now.
If anyone knows how to get rid of the assassin bug, please please share

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May 2, 20212 found this helpful

OMG I just found this article and read all of the letters written including yours I am crying my eyes out because someone finally understands I've had this for 3 years and I am out of my mind upset all the time with it my family thinks I'm crazy too because they don't see them or feel them (these bugs I mean or whatever they are)I need someone to talk to about it I won't take much of your time but would you be available at all for me to speak to my name is Angie I live in Northern West Virginia I have two kids and a husband no one's affected by this but me (and I guess, thank God, but, at the same time, if they could just spend one minute with it, they would understand what I'm going through)but, I don't wish this on anyone!! I really need to talk please let me know. Thank you

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May 9, 20210 found this helpful

Did you find out what this was? I'm suffering from the same symptoms.

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May 21, 20211 found this helpful

Did u ever get any help with identifying or treatment?

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May 21, 20211 found this helpful

Did you ever get them identified or treatment?

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May 21, 20213 found this helpful

Has anyone that has posted here obtained any credible information on these insects? I would like to form a committee to do research on this subject.

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May 21, 20211 found this helpful

I would like to get a committee, group however u want name it, together top do some real scientific research on this. It is a real true problem that is devastating to all manner of health and living. Is there anyway to let everyone on this post know and anyway to do a video chat with several?

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May 21, 20210 found this helpful

And how does one apply lye to oneself

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May 21, 20210 found this helpful

I have emailed you. Thank you

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May 21, 20210 found this helpful

You just described me. I want to get this on the web inn a different format is u have any ideas please

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May 23, 20210 found this helpful

OMG! I could cry!! I'm only now finding out it's not just me! Sumone PLZ help! Family/friends look at me w fear because they think its in my mind! Plz! Thank you in advance!

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June 2, 20211 found this helpful

They do call us crazy. Clowned me outta the hospital. They can manipulate plastic, hairs lint thread s. Can even make your clothes feel like it's pinching/sting you sometime.did you ever find out what these one thinking collective acting like they're communicate with other like they think a** creatures are. I recognize them all I got videos of them doing smart stuff as far as defense, movements and manipulation of things around them.

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June 30, 20211 found this helpful

Did you ever get any answers? I am losing hope.

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July 16, 20211 found this helpful

scabies, the grandchild, and everyone else in the home or close contact, will have to be treated at the same time, along with washing all clothes and linens, in hot water, and drying on the hottest setting. Im sure your doctor can tell you what you need to do to your home, Car, and personal contacts, and all sexual partners, not meaning anything ill by saying that. Good luck Dear, Im still battling the..

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July 16, 20210 found this helpful

They Black ones are male scabies. White ones are the females. Go see your Dr. Tell him you think you have scabies. If it goes untreated, it could turn into crusted scabies. You think what you have now is bad?? Crusted scabies, and about 100 times worse. Google it.

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July 16, 20211 found this helpful

Please have your Dr. Check you for Scabies! The little black dots are themales, white are females. The burrow under the skin (females) them lay eggs, Once they hatch the babies crawl to the surface, find another spot to burrow while they molt, then, they crawl out, burrow again , molt again, into adulthoot. From egg to adult, takes only 10 to 12 days. If it turns into crusted scabies, its 100 time worse, and so much more contagious! good luck.

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July 16, 20210 found this helpful

Bird mites is what they are.. Found out the hard way when I was cutting tree limbs . Got inside house and they started running across face and biting. So I made a nice, warm as I could handle Bleach bath. I added one pack Epsom salt, a small amount of bleach, and some BLUE original dawn for bubbles and to clean the dirty body oils off of body. I fully immersed myself under water and held my nose as I let the bath water do its job , cleaning all the hard to reach spots. After lathering up and rinsing , I noticed quite a few black specks in bottom of tub. It has been the ONLY thing that works for me. Whenever I'm working close to my trees I automatically take one of these baths. Hope it helps.

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August 4, 20210 found this helpful

What did you do ? I'm having the same problem and now my car is infested

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August 4, 20210 found this helpful

Have you gotten any answers?

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August 15, 20212 found this helpful

These things dont move but they have infested My car , my house and myself . Ive gone to Dermatologist Dr after dr and more Drs. Urgent care and emergency room 8 Drs think Im crazy and say Im going crazy thinking my body has bugs and my skin is normal
They bite around my cuticles , back,mouth,ears,eyes, face,arms,hair . They are in my clothes also
Has anyone got any answers on these infested biting bugs .
Im going suicidal with these Drs. Trying to tell me its just a freckle or a scab but its not ,its the bite from the bug and the black peeper ones hurt terribly after they attach to your skin and bite.

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August 15, 20210 found this helpful

Omg you said it so right everything I touch its literally everywhere within seconds but my family thinks Im crazy too
They are in my car ,house, me, Drs. And Drs. Think Im crazy and its my meds ADD meds. 5 Exterminators and ant find anything. I have the exact same as you and Im to the end with this. I cry everyday bc I cant find anyone that believes me . The black pepper looking ones are permanently attached to my skin in some spots but my dermatologist calls it a freckle. Omg I cant wait to get relief of this and prove I. Not fking crazy!!!

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August 15, 20210 found this helpful

My daughter Lisa has something like this and Dr's just don't believe her .my husband had bird mites and it was a year before we could get a Dr to check it out ! And now my daughter has the same thing! Dr's needs to test people and don't tell them they are crazy! My husband had bird mites so bad and that's the same thing you people are talking about now ! I'm trying to get a Dr,s to check her its bird mites! And give her something to help with this ! My husband he passed away, but its its something Dr's needs to believe there people!

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August 15, 20210 found this helpful

Hi Angie
Im feeling the same as you. My family, Drs., exterminators think Im crazy. I have been dealing with this 7 yrs. its literally ruining my marriage . I seem to be the only one getting bites all over my back, face, arms, hands and they are really attacking my cuticles also my hair is falling out from so many in my hair. Ive done lice treatments every 1-2 weeks nothing helps. Im going suicidal over this. They are on everything I touch in my clothes ,house, car. I tried everything but they always pop back everyday even when Im away from home I find them on everything Ive touched in the stores , groceries .
They seem to be able to get in any sealed plastic bags , sealed bottled drinks under the caps, no one can see nothing but me. So Im just looked at like the crazy lady now. Its impossible to sleep .
I stopped cleaning so much bc it wasnt helping them to leave my body. The thing about my hair is weird but I hear them in my hair lightly chirping so Im for sure crazy lady if I talk about them chirping to much to my family. I was told lint also.I just spray alcohol all over me and salt water with vinegar in the sun to kill them but they dont seem to leave my body. M just reaching out to see if you have had any luck finding a solution to getting them off the body. The bites are painful if you dont get them right after you feel it. They can get sore at times I can see the eggs hatch in my cuticles at times and they dont move much but they wiggle when I bleach or alcohol them.
Your not alone and Drs. dont even want to test my skin bc they think Its neurological. Im desperate to find help as well as you are anything you come up with plz let me know. Hers all my info if you ever want to talk Im here for you
Lisa Miller

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September 4, 20210 found this helpful

OMGGGGGGGG I thought it was just me!!!!! I thought perhaps Im sleep deprived and imagining things, but I know what I feel. Sometimes heck MOST times I cant even see them I just feel something on me and eventually biting me at times I see these black pepper things too when I KNOW I havent had any pepper in my restroom, or in my bed. Its annoying and irritating cause you can just literally be sitting on the couch watching tv or laying in the bed or staring blankly into the refrigerator and you will feel something flew onto you, or is crawling on you AND BITING YOU. I dont know what to do but I cant take it. I see them everywhere all the time. I was in a hotel before, just got there, I laid a white towel on the floor and sat on the floor and began painting my toe nails. Suddenly I started seeing them I would brush them off, and some time would pass and I would see some more. Dude someone has to know and have a cure. I was even at my brothers house, we were all sitting around the table. I know its not just me, because when I walked in I could clearly see on the table these same pepper looking bugs. I made it a point to remove everything from the table and clean it, low and behold they would return some time later, but STILL they returned. Can anyone help us all out? I can NOT deal with this!

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September 16, 20211 found this helpful

Did you find out what they were

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September 27, 20210 found this helpful

Yes it helps a little but what gets rid of it?

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September 27, 20210 found this helpful

Ive caught one of these things do u find like little back smooth pieces after u itch or Something it not a bidy lice nor lice nor flea or bed bug and they are everywhere get into everything no matter how much u clean

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September 28, 20210 found this helpful

The picture of the bug with yellow background is lice. The clear things are eggs, the black specs are their feces. They are probably super lice and immune to traditional treatment. There are products specially formulated for super lice. They are extremely hard to get rid of.

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October 5, 20210 found this helpful

Have you found out any information i see the same little things they look like little eyelashes and it goes under the skin..I dont know what they are and no one in my family believes me cause in the only one affected! In scared and dont know what to do..

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October 5, 20210 found this helpful

So wait im confused how did u get rid of them orkin told me it was nothing but debris Which was no help to me at im stuck in a contract with orkin for $700 with no relief whatsoever! If u have answers please let me know

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October 7, 20211 found this helpful

Cant be lint your body is making.. its a kind of bug, hard to see, it bites and is everywhere in cabinets, on appliances,bedding, clothes.

Its a pity no one knows what they are and how to eliminate them buggers

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October 15, 20210 found this helpful

Any answers I'm dealing with this now

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October 15, 20210 found this helpful

Can we exchange emails I am in the same boat. I find Epsom salt, lemon juice and peroxide in a bath help. Also essential oils help. Tea tree, neem, clove

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October 15, 20210 found this helpful

Any answers yet

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October 16, 20210 found this helpful

I'm dealing with the same thing has everyone got a answer how to stop it?

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October 17, 20210 found this helpful

Same issues with me for yrs. now. My everyday life is ruined bc it consists of Killing these damn glittery,black and reddish Powderly looking mites now.
Funny how all Dermatologists and all Drs. are fast to send you to psychiatrist. They dont know how to treat it or they think your immediately crazy!
Drs. Never are concerned enough to research or do a skin biopsy.
Drs. Told my family to involuntary commit me and thats just what they did. After being there 3 to 4 days. I was beginning to not feel any bites nor was I seeing them falling from me all over the place
I felt cured by the 2 weeks and I come home and yes! Its all over me again! In my cuticles, I feel them in my hair I even hear them sometimes a whisper softly noise in my hair. They have attacked the backs of my legs, my face,nose,eyes,mouth they are in my food I eat within seconds before eating it bc Ive touched it . Everything I touch they multiply by hundreds in minutes. Plz if anyone can help me before I end this nightmare
Whatever this is it is in my house also my car now and its only affecting me but then my husband drinks every night a lot so maybe thats why they arent affecting him at all but hes not a clean person either. Unlike me I like everything cleaned. He lived in a apartment as a bachelor6 yrs and never cleaned or vacuumed the carpet. It was a mess! I should have known he was nasty. We built our house 10 yrs ago and things have been biting me for at least 7 yrs. but now its crazy bad like it took them a while to infest my 3300 square ft home
We did a tall fake tree on my front porch right at my dining room window that a bird built a nest and I watched her lay the eggs to watching the baby birds fly away from the nest and they destroyed the tree. We threw the tree away after. But Im having the worst of this biting in the past 3 yrs. and its worst everyday Im at home. I see them but no one else see anything.
My husband never helps me clean he could careless if his clothes are clean or not he will wear the same clothes for a week or 2 now bc he works at home due to the covid. Im wasting my time trying to rid this stuff in my house bc he dont see anything and hes not concerned anymore since Drs and exterminators have found no infestation on me nor my house so what can you do if you have no support from anyone and your family blows you off everyday like maybe they wish I would end my life bc they are tired of hearing about bugs biting me!
This infestation has gotten worse since hes been at home 24/7
I dont know what to do but I have stopped cleaning so much bc they seem to crawl on me every time I clean the house. I try to stay out of the house as much as possible.

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

OMG! All these people are experiencing the same symptoms of WTH ever it is going through everything mintioned which I have read. I'm about too lose my freaking mind, always worse at night, little Bastard's all over me??? Hair Ears Nose Private Area... MoM thinks I'm making all of it up and claims she sees none of um or has any of the seymptoms, I feel like she is in denial because seeum all over her clothes. She works at a hospital not sure if this was were they came from or her little dog . We live on ten acres in the country. Neighbors own horses cows pigs chicken's heck IDK But do know i was not enfected until i moved in with her a few months ago. I'm going insane can't get any sleep. Have been to several doctor's and they tell me nothing is wrong. I feel like people are lying to me about it? HMMM You know GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY AMEN PLEASE HELP WITH MY ISSUES GOD BLESS

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

Dang you are experiencing what is happening with myself, so extremely crazy and everybody's denying any of this ain't true. GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY AMEN GOD BLESS.

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

WOW nice I'm about to check out the nest because the yard is always full of different kinds of birds OMG.God bless

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

I know for a fact it's not at all crazy. God bless

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

Oh wow sounds scary, so will this kill a person because I'm not feeling well as I used to and also beginning to think there's a hole forming on top of my head. I'm going crazy over this thing. thought it to be fleas aints noseums. Always feeling it in my ears sometimes nose. WTH Thanks God bless

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

Going through it just like you and people seem to tell me nothing is happening BS I'm not comfortable anymore at all. GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY AMEN GOD BLESS.

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

Wow sounds like what I'm dealing with but I'm hearing a popping noise in my head in my hair Ears and like Velcro pulling them off fabrics WTH??? GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY AMEN GOD BLESS. I'M A VERY GOOD PERSON ALWAYS HELPING PEOPLE IN NEED.HMMM

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November 16, 20210 found this helpful

I'm getting to this point also. We had fleas, got rid of them and I thought it was still the fleas biting me. It wasn't. The exterminator came and didn't see anything. They all think I'm nuts.

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November 27, 20211 found this helpful

This is sad because Im in the exact same boat. I was hoping I could find answers here. This is very upsetting. Sometimes my fingers will swell and I put vasoline on them and apply pressure to them one by one. I get a mist of them trying to escape my skin, it relieves the pressure and leaves behind a brown/grey stain on the cloth/paper towel. They make small abrasions on my skin, which later become firm, dark acne spots that take forever to heal. They also get under my nails and bite the $*** out of me. Ive seen a pcp and he looked at me like I was insane. My family told me to get off the drugs. They ask if Im so infested, then why arent they? I dont have an answer.

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November 27, 20210 found this helpful

I use vasoline to essentially smother them. If you put it on your entire body/effected area, get in the shower and apply pressure in a consistent downward movement, the water comes off of your feet and turns grey/black. It also is nearly impossible to remove if you leave it sitting until it dries. I know all this sounds hella weird and dont ask how I figured this out but it was the proof I needed to show my family that Im not insane. Another thing is that many of my side effects coincide with lichen planus, except I have the strange black/white bugs expelled from my skin too. I actually had to dig out hundreds of these things that had basically tunneled into my skin. I could hear them hit the ground when I pushed them out. Sometimes they would push themselves out if I put a layer of vasoline on the area. So weird but Im also an opiate addict ive been on suboxone for 8 months. Strange coincidence I used a powerful microscope to look under my nails at them and they r definitely bugs. The white ones look more like mites in their anatomy. But I have seen a brown/black one that is no doubt a bug. Ill try and get a photo thru this Meade scope but its very small 13mm to be exact.

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November 30, 20211 found this helpful

I have the same symptoms as most of the Folks stated in the comments. I have been dealing with this issues since I picked it up from a Friend April/28/2021! She called Me stating she was having a bad case of eczema for two months. She stated the symptoms of sever itching, rashes, and how she could not sleep do to the severity of the itch and said she was losing her mind! I asked if she been to see the dr and she replied she had been to the dr 3times but to no avail. She asked if I could help because I have some knowledge of herbs. I went to check on her a few days after the call and a week later MySelf and My Child began have the same symptoms. So I researched a contagious eczema and scabies came up; the symptoms exuded signs of scabies. I didnt seek a dr because I felt like if they could not help her it would be the same for Me; plus I dont have medical coverage. My place became infested within a week! My cat caught it, My clothes was infested, My couches, beds, shoes, hair, pillows, light switches I even passed it on to My Suns car and now He and My other Sun is dealing with this invasion of vermin. My symptoms included: scabies like bumps, needles in My hands, crawling under My skin, tingle sensations wherever they aliens made contact. My hair was infected, back,arms, legs, hands, feet, earlobes, Yoni , and buttocks! I would bath in essential oils at high temps and I would see black specks floating in the tub after a 20 minute soak! Would see them on My white sheets and squash them and a brown substance would come out of them! So I tried permethrin cream and it Damn near killed Me and My Sun! So I spent money on naturalis scabies relief, and it worked for a moment, but lost its effectiveness after a few weeks. I let My clothes set up in a plastic bag tossing diatomacis on them leaving them to sit up for 3months! I got rid of My bed, couches, threw most of My clothes away and because the sulphur shampoo or anything I did for My cat would not help Him I had let Him go to a animal shelter. My Sun purchased Myself and Child new clothes and I began drinking clove water and consuming neem tea, wormwood and bathing twice daily applying walnut oil blend with tea tree oil and coconut oil and after a month of this routine I felt normal again. I washed the clothes I let sit up for 3 months 2weeks ago and just started back wearing the washed items and noticed a stinging or prickly feeling and now I Am back where I started with the black spec invaders! Cant B scabies, because scabies R not hard to eradicate from clothes and a anti-parasitic diet can assist with a scabies dilemma. I wash My walls every two days and mop. These things are black specks and in some cases looks like glitter like someone stated! makes You feel unclean and plays tricks on Your mind if not careful. If they are not scabies then what is it? and why do they live in clothes and linen after a good wash in bleach, ammonia, enzymes, 1 hour of drying. What is it and why do they exist? Stopping My life and My Suns too! Thinking about throwing out everything new clothes too! because I hung My cleaned clothes up with the new ones. Big mistake!! My heart goes out to anyone having such drastic experience and hope Us all optimal health ASAP! And to get down to the bottom line and cures from this alien vermin soon. Be well!

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December 1, 20210 found this helpful

I have the same problem with this I have used everything and nothing is helping I've been to the emergency room numerous times and they treat me like I'm nuts if anyone can possibly help me with what I can do I would definitely appreciate it

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December 7, 20210 found this helpful

I have the exact same thing. OMG, what r they?

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December 24, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

Just hoping to find out if you ever got an answer?

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January 3, 20220 found this helpful

That's them! Omg that's what I have. They are trying to take over my whole house and my pets, dogs and cats. Someone please help. I'm indetifiying them from these pictures. That's them! What exactly are these things and how do I get rid of them, I am also a very clean person .someone please tell me.

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January 7, 20220 found this helpful

I live the exact same nightmare you all are living I am the only one in the house that is affected, now one of my dogs is getting something. It is something cause my neighbor did this to my home, I saw some kinda nests in my gutters and I caught him putting these nests around my property. I took bleach and dumped it down the drains. It seemed to kill them when I took a couple of them and threw in his yard he freaked out and sprayed his hole place. So someone knows what they are, and this is an awful thing to have to experience, I am now sick all the time.

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

I am experiencing the exact same thing as your pictures show. Asked the doctor and she couldn't even bother to look with a magnifying glass. Just prescribed different stuff but nothing worked. I think they are bird mites but bird mites, they say, cannot reproduce on humans blood. I think these do though because it's been 2 years and I still have them. I have an appointment with dermatologist. Hoping she is more helpful than my Dr.

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

I've been experiencing the same thing for 2 years. Funny that you mentioned government. Recently with Dr Fraudski funding GOf research it has come out that he ad also funded experiments on dogs where they locked dogs head into ad cage so he couldn't escape then let bugs into the cage. The poor dogs cannot even scratch or fight back. My point of mentioning this is. Why are they performing these experiments with parasitic bugs? Could it be that this is and engineered parasitic? I wonder.

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

Oh wow! Your neighbor knows and sounds like he is out to get you. What a prick! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

Wow! I'm going to try that ice thing. I'll try anything at this point, before I really do go mad!

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

Have you given a full inspection around your home like eaves for birds nests? If you find the birds nests, you're likely finding the problem. Rodents, I believe can also be the source of these tiny mites.

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

Have you found peppermint oil works? I'm using it but mix into neem oil with lavender or vaporub. I think some of these things help yo a degree but I still have them. But I'm not suffering as bad as some other people here. I manage to keep scratching itches to a minimum and use different creams and oils regularly. It's bearable now at least but still need to figure out exactly what it is and how to get rid of them.

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January 14, 20220 found this helpful

They are not scabies although they are often diagnosed as such but there are some big differences with the symptoms.

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February 9, 20220 found this helpful

Yes. The word is morgellion, and people all over the world are affected by it. Some of the photos show ACTUALLY what my skin is like. These things take your hair and teeth away. I don't even mention them to Doctors anymore, why. I mean the CDC says it's mental disorder we cause the damage to ourselves. Really! I've been dealing with this over five years and I refuse to give up. Most things work for awhile. I pray and pray. I'm glad we have found each other and hope we can help each other.

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March 4, 20220 found this helpful

Im having this same thing and im
Literallt picking them from my skin Im
Covered in bites from
Head to toe and Im in so much pain exterminator comes Monday and I feel like its wasting mt time after reading this Im scared I have three small children here to and moved in last year but they are also damaging mt stuff I took a huge loss money wise ruining dope frames my purses all over my clothes they look like lint etc Im being attacked

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March 6, 20220 found this helpful

Im having this same thing and im
Literallt picking them from my skin Im
Covered in bites from
Head to toe and Im in so much pain exterminator comes Monday and I feel like its wasting mt time after reading this Im scared I have three small children here to and moved in last year but they are also damaging mt stuff I took a huge loss money wise ruining dope frames my purses all over my clothes they look like lint etc Im being attacked

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March 16, 20220 found this helpful

Look up dermadex mite Buy tea tree oil or shampoo and body wash coconut oil works good

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March 25, 20220 found this helpful

Yes I have the same problem can any one help me

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March 29, 20221 found this helpful

U may have a compromised ammune system. I have all these problems , symptoms.. but im getting thinning hair now. Drs dont the crazy Dr on you. Its taking over my body and my life. I bathe 3 ..4 times a day. Get a lil relief sometimes but i generally bathe in a disinfectant..bleach doesnt help as much. They affect the way you sweat.. youll get a low grade fever.. eventually. They also will live in your mouth.. my gums are starting to receed and im beginnIng to have more dental problems. My face used to be smooth now its not.. its like their main sto away in my scalp n face.. now it looks like a rocky road.. i hate these things. The white, black red...diffrrent shapes and sizes..glittery. Is it a bug or a worm ..or exactly how one smart man put it. Aliens. Ive never seen anything like this!! It comes out your skin everywhere!! Or eggs fall off your whole body onto everything!! Its like being an incubater or hotel..only your wats for dinner. Eventually youll get sick.. tired all the time.. stomach just isnt rite and you wont .. want to be around anyone bc your embarrased or afraid it mite pop up / out infront of someone! Its torture!!

Any woman knows her body ..ino mine.. somethings not <&$=# >]? Rite . Antibiotics i took recently helped but didnt kill it!!



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June 2, 20220 found this helpful

I am in the same exact spot as you. Down to the meds, age and personal views. This has been going on for 2 years. SAME EXACT THING. University of Penn(Philadelphia citizen) has referred me 6 times to different docs. All of them suggested psych or morgellons. This sh!t has taken my head over. Anyone else?

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June 15, 20220 found this helpful

I want to share this experience to help others. I too have had a skin, crawling bug infestation that has gone on for the last year and a half. Ive been to doctors, specialists and tried every medication possible. Ive tried all the home remedies with some relief but nothing cured it. There were tiny pepper type mites on me but they only came out at night. They itched and my skin felt really itchy. In between my toes and my hair was really affected. My house was immaculately clean with all kinds of bug busting stuff used. I have spent thousands on finding a cure. I bought a microscope and found really colourful things and others that had hair tightly wrapped round it. I thought I had Morgellions. The only thing that completely cured this for me was hand sanitiser aka rubbing alcohol. I got the clear, cheap product and rubbed it everywhere on my body. It was immediate relief. No itching at all and the inflamed lumps on my head have gone right down. No itching between my toes. This stuff has been miraculous for me. My skin looks fantastic and its not itchy or inflamed anymore. I am completely exhausted from this experience but I hope this post brings relief to others with the same symptoms. I wish I had known about this product after spending thousands of pounds. X

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June 25, 20220 found this helpful

I had the same problem and found out they are scabies idk were I got them from as Noone else in my house has them and they keep coming back no matter how much I clean

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July 27, 20220 found this helpful

Looks like you have fleas. Please see my first post on Thriftyfun for information that could help you a lot...

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August 19, 20220 found this helpful

I am going through the same as well . They seem to target only me and people think am going crazy . They get into my hair , my nose , into my whole body including my pants , and into my bed . They bite and they are so irritating . They get into my house through the window ( glass window ) .
These tiny things have taken over my life and I feel so depressed. They attack me day and night . They come in different shapes . Someone told me that the flying ones are called Gnats , I see them coming to me like mosquitoes. I think there's something wrong with my blood . I've been to the Doctor but he couldn't help

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August 24, 20220 found this helpful

I have the same problem. I have finally figured out it is coming from me. I have tried for a year to get away from them. Like you I got rid of everything I own, including my car. My condition has morphed to white flakes and little hard whte specs that fall from my body. I am constantly using a lint roller to remove this from my clothes. When i pick them up with the lint roller, they are really black specs that bite. I am at my end. I have tried everything you can imagine. Nothing helps. I too thought it was bedbugs. I have spent over $20k trying to get rid of this. I looked up morgellans disease. I have a lot of these symptoms. Drs. think it is a psychological mental disorder. Please let m,e know if you have found any relief. thanks

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August 26, 20220 found this helpful

These sound like fleas. my advice is to buy a buy zapper, it helps tremendously of course along with the cleaning. I still have not found a solution to eradicating them from the hair/scalp. I have gone as far as shaving my head and trying to scrub it out. I can tell it works (some) but I have yet to get it totally out. Its a struggle.

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August 29, 20220 found this helpful

Researching this myself for 2 years, this is undiagnosed but I have discovered they are tiny seed like organisms that get under skin, a little white worm comes out and grows into a white larva/worm, then into some kind of bug. I know I got them from some clothes I ordered that unknown to me came from Wohan China. There were lice on them and I threw them out. I need to bring all this info to the people! Dr's will not help. Please contact me.

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September 7, 20220 found this helpful

I need help also been dealing with this 11 months,bites ear hair hand body feet ate up,need help please

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September 8, 20220 found this helpful

Im in Philly too! Im a nurse at Penn. I only started having this issue after moving into my new house that I just had built. Ive been experiencing this issue from the 2nd night after moving in. My Mom helped me move and the 1st night they ate her alive but when she left, I was the only person in the house so now Im their host. I feel like Im going insane. Ive done 5 rounds of permethrin, 2 doses of ivermectin and 2 weeks worth of abx. To no avail, nothing has worked. Im so tired all the time! My stomach is upset all the time. I just want my life back

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September 8, 20220 found this helpful

Do you still have these? I am on my last chance for a cure. You can contact me on here under my profile they have a message board.

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September 13, 20220 found this helpful

Oh wow yall!!
On one hand it such a relief to read this bc this makes me sooo crazy!!!
Ive been suffering from this for about 2 months now and it has taken its toll.
Ive aged 30 yrs!!
My skin is the worst and the itching. GOD!!!! I cant take it anymore!!
I believe the glittery sparkles are demodex mites. Just from doing my own research.
But getting rid of whatever this is is crucial to my sanity. I literally am going to lose my job soon if I cant find the way.

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September 16, 20220 found this helpful

Oh my goodness! After three months of staying up all night looking online for some kind of an answer.and then I found your post! These things are EVERYWHERE! Youre right, they fall from the ceiling and also the other day I noticed several safety pin-tip sized holes in the walls and in the paint of my room. Some of these holes have fully grown, winged, tiny, evil, biting, egg-laying, burrowing, black bugs that ABSOLUTELY have many, many stages! For me it started with what I thought were these horribly infected zits on my face, but also I started feeling like there were things (tiny bugs) crawling on me and biting me on my face, fingers, arms, neck, lower legs, feet & toes and scalp (even in my ears, nose and eyes sometimes) but because of my severe peripheral polyneuropathy, I assumed it was my nerves. Now, I know its TMI, but I have become an expert at surgically removing big zits but these zits I started getting on my face were NOT zits! They were much, much bigger than even an atomic zit where a cluster of adjacent pores all become clogged/infected together as one zit; These wouldnt come to a head, but fester and get sorta crusty to the touch, with major yellow pus and a small black dot in the center. Using needle-tipped tweezers and beauty-tipped q-tips, I aspirated one and a small black bug-looking thing came out but also when I removed the top layer of skin, small white (and tiny) what looked like flying lint came flying out of it. Weirder still, if these little tiny white flies landed on your skin anywhere else, they immediately stuck and absorbed into your skin, causing instant and extreme stinging/burning/itching/creepy-crawly sensations where it landed, followed by the skin turning red, getting warm and then ultimately a hard, painful red bump (that often would seem to have something pretty deep inside) would form right there!
LOOK: I know how crazy this sounds, but I am a details person
After I started picking at these bites, some majorly questionable looking stuff came out like what looked like a dust-bunny and also small round white sacksprobably egg sacks
Once I started opening these bites up though, they spread to my fingertips, toes, and now I have also hundreds of these tiny red dots all over my arms and legs. I am constantly feeling shit crawling on me and biting/stinging me. When I lint roll myself (because rubbing away with hand doesnt work) and boom: a tiny little nasty-ass black (usually winged) bug is on the lint roller! Some of these little black dots actually look just like those Morgellans balls of black, blue or red fibers but then some are actually winged with eyes and legs. [you cannot tell with the naked eye much except that it has wings. It tool forever for me to figure out where they are coming fromthe ceilings and the walls! I will have to wipe myself with bleach wipes, baby powder right after wetting skin then IMMEDIATELY showering and I have had to wipe everything down and kept in plastic bags; I vacuum four times a day but five minutes after I do these fucks are back! They range from little sharp splinter-looking things to small balck winged insects to small red crunchy balls and theres the REALLY small white ones that seem to be particles of white dust that float all around the air but are invisible but get a candle and keep it close to you and you can see these little white flyers with a torch or extremely bright flashlight (they will fly towards the light) These things have infiltrated my nose, ears, eyes, mouth and I am certain they are also inside. My hair is falling out in droves, I havent had to cut my nails for three months and they are super short and flimsy from these little things sticking to my nails and eating them! I have also been severely ill systematically along with secondary skin infections. I know this is scattered.

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October 16, 20220 found this helpful

I have the exact same problem going on 4 years almost , It has ruined my life I had to put my cat down because they were attacking his body so bad. Vet didn't bother to id these bugs, I also lost all my fish I have had for years just die off I believe from these. I see them in a lot of videos in lakes , rivers and now some ocean videos.... My yard is filled with this crap and it multiples like crazy. Your family will tell you it's nothing and treat you like you've lost your mind. It's taken over my entire body breeding in my scalp mostl. If anyone wants to contact Dr, Phil on TV it's are only hope. leave me a messave on here under my profile and I will contact you... It's better if we all get together to fight this .. Tired of doctors telling me I should take depression pills . Ugh

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November 12, 20220 found this helpful

I have the answer believe it or not carpet beatles. The black specks that fuzzballs. The larva will get all in clothes ,bed ,hair ,private.and there hairs prick u and some people have an allergic reaction some dont. When u do it itches like crazy and ur skin can burn. The fuzzballs are from them eating ur clothes. These things are tiny. The reason pest control says all I see is fibers is cuz well it is along with there hairs . God it feels good to know. At first I thought aphids and pirate bugs eating them. Then I found a larva in my bed. And they will crawl all up ur body to get to ur hair. In ur nose and ears for some people or maybe it's there hairs.

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November 12, 20220 found this helpful

Carpet Beatle larva hair

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November 12, 20220 found this helpful

Carpet beatle . The larvas hairs cause allergic reaction in some people.

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December 4, 20220 found this helpful

Did you find out what it was ?

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December 6, 20221 found this helpful

Please let me know if you found a solution. My problem is very similar to yours. Thanks.

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December 17, 20220 found this helpful

My heart reaches out to all of you as tears run down my face! This is the FIRST post I've seen that's dead on with everything I've been experiencing over the past few years! I was even told I had Delusional Parasitosis!!! I'm mentally completely broken! If anyone would like to do a group chat through Facebook Messenger or something, PLEASE let me know!!! I'm praying for a cure. My next step is to have a biopsy. So I will definitely relay the information I find! Btw:. Tractor Supply sells Ivermectin Paste for HORSES. It breaks down into 200lb increments and it definitely helps. I usually get relief within a day or 2, but it's always temporary and comes back. I give my system a break after I have used the entire syringe of paste(Applesauce isn't too bad!). I'm scared it's going to make them resistant to the Ivermectin if I use it continuously. Hope you can find some relief in this information. My name is Tonya Shearon-Schell on Facebook. My email is an easier way to find me. Im in New Bern, NC! Please add me and send me a message that you're from this forum. Otherwise, I won't add you. You guys are angels! Thank you for giving me my hope and partial sanity back!!!

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January 17, 20230 found this helpful

Black biting bugs

I loaned out my apartment to a friend and came back to biting bugs. Its has been hell on earth but I am making progress.
I use ecoraider weekly, spray it everywhere it is non toxic. My first round was ER, human grade neem oil, mixed with a permethrin which has new research saying it has a 100% knock down rate. I wore a suit and respirator and left for a day or two. I then let that dry used cimexa (a safe dessicant) and a duster to spread it, then I leave until it settles. Its a mechanical way to dry out bugs thats non toxic and when you put it behind things and in cracks it works!

I then wait a week and do the ER and cimexa combo after I vacuum all that up with the little red buddy vacuum that uses vacuum bags to suck up all the bugs.

Then they were in my clothes. I bought thermal strike ranger heating bag and cooked the hell out of my clothes. Washer dryer didnt work. Everything is in bags, I am throwing out a lot.

I use a rosemary shampoo and conditioner I bought at rite aid and add a few drops of tea tree oil and wash my hair and body with it 2x day. I use paper towels to dry off and bag everything up. I comb through my hair with a fine tooth comb while the conditioner is in it.

I carry and use a mini spray bottle and half fill with 90% alcohol and water, I put in peppermint lavender cedar oil and neem oil. I use that on the go.

I bought nuvan strips and put them in my closets and covered my couch with a paint drop cloth (super toxic) and put the strip underneath so I left for a week.

They also got in my car and I use the ER and cimexa weekly, sucks so bad its brand new.

I hope that sharing my experience will help others because I spent many sleepless nights that almost ruined my business and life figuring out how to deal with this.

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January 17, 20230 found this helpful


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January 17, 20230 found this helpful

Cimexa silica dust kills bugs after a day or so, wear protective mask til
Dust settles.

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January 18, 20230 found this helpful

Black biting bugs

I loaned out my apartment to a friend and came back to biting bugs. Its has been hell on earth but I am making progress.
I use ecoraider weekly, spray it everywhere it is non toxic. My first round was ER, human grade neem oil, mixed with a permethrin which has new research saying it has a 100% knock down rate. I wore a suit and respirator and left for a day or two. I then let that dry used cimexa (a safe dessicant) and a duster to spread it, then I leave until it settles. Its a mechanical way to dry out bugs thats non toxic and when you put it behind things and in cracks it works!

I then wait a week and do the ER and cimexa combo after I vacuum all that up with the little red buddy vacuum that uses vacuum bags to suck up all the bugs.

Then they were in my clothes. I bought thermal strike ranger heating bag and cooked the hell out of my clothes. Washer dryer didnt work. Everything is in bags, I am throwing out a lot.

I use a rosemary shampoo and conditioner I bought at rite aid and add a few drops of tea tree oil and wash my hair and body with it 2x day. I use paper towels to dry off and bag everything up. I comb through my hair with a fine tooth comb while the conditioner is in it.

I carry and use a mini spray bottle and half fill with 90% alcohol and water, I put in peppermint lavender cedar oil and neem oil. I use that on the go.

I bought nuvan strips and put them in my closets and covered my couch with a paint drop cloth (super toxic) and put the strip underneath so I left for a week.

They also got in my car and I use the ER and cimexa weekly, sucks so bad its brand new.

I hope that sharing my experience will help others because I spent many sleepless nights that almost ruined my business and life figuring out how to deal with this.

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Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
May 22, 20171 found this helpful

Please-return ASAP to your doctor for an overall evaluation and give her/him a copy of this letter to Thrifty Fun. You may have a skin problem that your doctor can identify from your complete explanation here.

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September 8, 20175 found this helpful

I am having the same issue and I have a microscope photo of them and still can NOT identify them Also the Dr's don't help... they think you need help alright.... mental help!

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March 16, 20183 found this helpful

I have the same issue with young kids . I'm sorry you're going threw this have you found anything that helps or what it is?

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June 10, 20182 found this helpful

Just from reading all of everyones stories and having a friend who had a recent encounter with her little boy, all of these stories sound like scabies! I know it sounds gross, because supposedly its considered an STD, but its really not..its spread by skin to skin contact, which is why its spread so easy with sexual contact...its teeny tiny microscopic itch mites and burrow in your skin and cause rash and itches...they get in clothes and they infest rapidly..but look it up!

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July 6, 20183 found this helpful

Having same problem. Doctors are no help
I have several kinds of bugs living on my scalp. Ive had this condition 4years. Is there is any help? Please!

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November 16, 20183 found this helpful

Not scabies... Ppl & Dr's would Know! They stay in little areas & get pussy & grow out (Almost like ring worm). Can get bigger, but Not Bites Like theses ppl & My Husband are talking about!
No See-em's have been Identified, but Can be some of ppls problems?! We Don't have those in S CA. & I haven't seen any little black fly's, but my husband (day or night) will have small itchy bites that have dots like look around them (like a mini rash) so you cant see a bite hole, like flea, spider or mossies!

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January 15, 20192 found this helpful

They are wood mites I have had them for 10 years just figured it out

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February 27, 20192 found this helpful

Demodex mites is all ur problems I'm sure try ivermectin and tea tree oil 100 percent pure

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April 9, 20190 found this helpful

Just wanted to know if your rid of this problem now. If so how do you get rid of them

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May 24, 20196 found this helpful

Its not scabies! I have the same problem and first started the day after Thanksgiving. I got them working on a trailer I planned to move into. I had four or five different bugs dig down under my skin. Everyone thoufht I was crazy but since they have realized I'm not. It is on our entire ten acers. The cooler it is the better. I just found out I have mold of the skin from some black mold spores. Now I get ate by fungus gnats spider mitees mold mites dust mites and mold spores are air born. I'm a carrier of mrsa and think that has a part in this mess. Cleaning vinager keeps them tamed down

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July 3, 20190 found this helpful

Dont help at all

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August 8, 20194 found this helpful

Ive had scabies treatments have not helped

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August 29, 20197 found this helpful

How did you find out about the mold infestation what type of doctor did you use Im having a issue with the apartment I live in again- same issue last time I rented this same unit- no other tenants have this issue and the tenant who resides between me was a slob. Ive bleached used permenthine have my personal exterminator here 4x in one month treat it for bed bugs,caulked sealed every crevice, thrown out 2/3 my clothes belonging and furniture, my scalp has some weird black infestation I cannot seem to pull a mite or anything out of (I am a natural dark blond, have bleached my hair and a day after my roots were black) hair moves on its own and blackness migrates, scalp feels like someone is constantly pulling on my hair where ever it is, I feel buggy and yet no bugs. I do have black mold spores I pay to constant have my dehumidifier and ac running to keep it at 45% here.... Im traumatized wont even get into my own shower have stayed at hotels and it seems to now follow me.... please help me Im a 29yesr old accountant female, my 30th birthday is a month and I just dont want to even see another day living like this

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November 6, 20191 found this helpful

I don't know what your bugs could be, but while camping in Tennessee with 15 family members I alone experienced crawling biting bugs mainly around my groin area that everyone insisted were chiggers.They were not. Traveling back to Florida I bought a brand new change of clothes and took a shower at a truck stop. It helped until my husband and I switched seats. he didn't get bit at all ,I could hardly stand to stay in the car. I tried different remedies but nothing seemed to be effective. Researching online I found a person with similar symptoms she slathered on tea tree oil with coconut oil head to toe for 2 weeks I tried it and it worked! Good luck

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February 10, 20205 found this helpful

I have also to no avail but your not alone thete are many of us....i found black mold recently also and had mrsa see comon denominators will help .....just moved into new house when this started we need to brain storm find all common denominators....we deserve to know what and how to stop this i want my life back. .....over next few weeks im gonna try to reach some ppl with similar symptoms......plz if you read this and are experiencing these things dont be silent contact me so we can put together a check list to see why we are or 3308437098 john

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February 21, 20201 found this helpful

New apartment, and Mrsa here!

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March 9, 20200 found this helpful

I am also going through this awful situation! I feel like they communicate with dust mites and other insects. I am a very clean person, like OCD and I feel like my home always looks dusty, look In your shower grout? I feel like these things build a road in my grout to get out of shower?? It stArted in my scalp and now It is everywhere! My husband also calls me crazy! I have tried everything, borax and peroxide and apple cider vinegar and tto works best for me so far!

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March 24, 20201 found this helpful

How did you get rid of them pls help

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April 22, 20200 found this helpful

Help. I have been off work since end of January with this problem. Cannot rid them out of my clothes and have spent several thousand pound having the house fumigated.

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June 18, 20201 found this helpful

I think I have the same thing you have.l I'm going crazy ! If you have any advice or tips or tricks please email me back, let me know, ok? I want to know what these things are and what I can do to get rid of them!

Thanks ,

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December 1, 20200 found this helpful

It's not Morgellons disease. And they aren't no-see-ums either. I can see them very clearly, and can assure its not a psychological manifestation my mind has made up either. These "bugs" are very much real and since my last post, have permeated my entire house! Other people can see them as well, however you have to put them under magnification to be able to see that it's more than dirt or fibers of some kind. Im not crazy! These things bite me by the trillion at one time-wnere you wipe of one arm covered, the other arm is covered, you wipe that arm and your prior arm is once again covered-within seconds!
If nobody buys that, then explain why when I get bitten by so many of these things, that I have a severe allergic reaction every time, each time a bit worse than the last?? Last night and early this morning I nearly was so bad I would have gone to the emergency room at the hospital if I could have found a ride..see for yourself ( see attachment)
My allergic reaction is steadily getting more severe each night. I AM DESPERATE FOR ANSWERS! I'm running out of time!! I can't move, I have no place to go. No friends. No family. Not anyone who can let me stay with them. I live off disability pension, so can't afford to just pick up and move. I have to have a while to save money for deposits, a truck, etc..and that would take 3 to 4 months to save back enough needed for everything, because of small income being its disability pension, and because my budget is extremely tight already. There is no paper lease where I live, with the bugs, and my landlord refuses to pay for an exterminator, even blaming me for the issue saying I had to have brought the infestation with me when I moved in- which is not true at all!!! I've spent close to $300 on insect treatments of every variety, and nothing works!! I told her how its affecting my physical and mental health, how my son and granddaughter can't even come over to visit. How I can't afford more and more repellent and killers when they aren't working etc. The only thing that heartless woman is concerned about is loss of rent money she won't be able to collect if I move because I RUINED HER RENTAL by infesting it with bugs!! Thus, no help from her, and the blame pointed at me to boot! Since there is no lease, I can't legally act on it because I never signed a lease, there is no proof I even live there, so no proof means no legal action can be made due to no legal agreement. In turn, since she CAN prove its her property, she can say I was a squatter, and have me arrested for trespassing. Please if anybody out there knows anything about what these things are (its not Morgellons disease) and they don't fit any criteria of any insect behaviors that invade and infest homes! I need help please! PLEASE?! My allergic reaction to thier bites 24/7 .is getting more severe each time. If I don't find a solution to this, I'm either going to end up homeless in cold winter, or the allergic reaction will get so severe I die from it, or I'll eventually snap because of the incessant 24/7 crawling, stinging, rash, and extreme fatigue, and not one moments peace!!! HELP!!

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December 1, 20201 found this helpful

The skin rash I have as a result of this bug/ parasite or whatever it is; bites. I can feel the bite, swipe the tiny black pepper sized vermins, and literally see and feel my skin and body reacting to it. My skin will sting, like tiny pinpricks, watch as the skin swells, turning raw and hot like a bad sunburn with a almost maddening itch. Then my muscles and joints will start to ache, I'll be running a fever. Then extreme fatigue, like I've never felt before, talking all my energy just to talk. Then I'll begin to feel slightly disoriented, my head will feel full of water like how your ears feel all day swimming. Sometimes accompanied with nausea and diarrhea. Headache. Chills.
The hives or rash will be so raw it will hurt when the water from the shower hits your skin.
This is no skin condition. This is a reaction to bites. Whatever chemicals injected into skin when they bite

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December 1, 20201 found this helpful

Diatomaceous earth and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle undiluted holds them off for a few hours. Then they come right back. I tried ant and roach spray and bedbug spray on them-didnt affect them whatsoever. Neither did tea tree oil. Now when I used foggers, or bug bombs, the flea and roach ones had little to no affect. The spider and bedbug ones kept them away for about a week. Nothing I've tried so far kills them, if anything it only makes them sick for a short time, then they come right back

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December 1, 20201 found this helpful

That pisses me off! Even my own son, when I attempted to show him a magnified picture of them, took a quick glance, looked at me and said "Mom that's just dirt or fuzz, you're batshit. I haven't been to the doctor because I just know they will label me too without hesitation. A person has to almost go through several days and nights, actually being swarmed by these things, feeling them crawling, biting, stinging. Then they too will want to see what the hell it is, and when they notice the specks on their skin, and sheets and in their hair and clothes. Only then will they finally want answers for us....seems nobody is going to take it seriously until they experience the sheer madness and uncomfort for themselves

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December 22, 20201 found this helpful

I feel so bad for you. I have been doing tons and tons of reading on this. I believe it is some kind of mite. Have you tried kleen green? I sprayed my hair and body with it. I was given some relief. I also read that mites can only live for so long without thier host which is up to 72 hours. I am not sure if you can maybe rent a hotel room for a few days, spraying yourself before entering the room with kleen green. Before going back home spray again. Your whole body. I know money can be an issue.
I have this problem now in my home but I believe it all came from my BF's plants, he has way way too many and I suffer not him. My face, especially my eyes are being attacked, they attack my eyes so bad to where I can't see, now my right eye sees two tiny dots with like a tiny string between them. The back of my thighs feel like I'm being stabbed, I have rashes where I have been told maybe I have scabies which I mean could be possible from these things crawling under my skin. I have Nix cream which I'm going to try and a bedcover that is supposed to keep mites and bugs off of. I feel horrible to see and hear what you are going through and your landlord should care about you as a tenant that rents from her. That's terrible.

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January 7, 20211 found this helpful

Hi there firefly, I'm having the same problem it's doing my head in, wish someone could help, there must be something that gets rid off them, I can't sleep at night anymore, I go round trying to kill them with a magnifying glass, you can well see them, I burn them, got burn marks everywhere but I'm past caring, I feel lost, can't talk to anyone about it

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April 12, 20211 found this helpful

The same thing is happening to me. Drs tell me it's dirt. I'm super clean and ocd. I took a blood allergy panel. I'm allergic to around 26 different things. I'm a carrier of mrsa. Waiting for my allergist appointment the 22 of this month to test for mold toxicity and air pathogens I'm being exposed to. my hubby thinks I'm crazy and the drs too. This started in my scalp and now my skin is so bad, I won't even wear shorts. I will be testing my skin to see if md is growing on it. It's driving me crazy too. The glitter, the black specs, the fiber looking stuff. I'm constantly looking around to see.if others notice It and they don't. A few have.

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May 9, 20210 found this helpful

Call natural genesis for help you will rid if any mite . They have a powder you can drink they have. Cal them phone on webdudev

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August 15, 20210 found this helpful

Well Ive been to dermatologist over and over Drs. ,emergency room,urgent care centers, every dr. Said it was neurological and I dont have scabies besides that my family would be having the same symptoms if its contagious bc this has been going on for 7 yrs. and its only attacking me , my car, in my house but its not biting my family. Exterminators cant find anything and they have sprayed outside and inside numerous times nothing helps. So what ever it is its not contagious I know for a fact

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May 19, 20220 found this helpful

How did you find out it was all those things

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June 7, 20173 found this helpful

I am a coputer instructor in a college and a few years ago, i had this kind of a problem in my computer lab where no one is allowed to eat or drink. it felt like something crawling over my face, neck, body. initially i thought it as lice or something but one day while was writing on the white board, i noticed from a certain angle extremely small nearly invisible insects crawling on the board. the whole lab was infested but especially on the wall near airconditioners.
after fumigation of the lab and cleaning of the airconditioners, it was revealed that some dead bird was caught in the fans and these insects were eating it up. no problems since then.
some varieties of these insects live and are transported by rats and mice as well.

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March 29, 20186 found this helpful

Thank you for the information but would need them be a little more help to answer the question by telling us what kind of bog by name it is so that everybody would have a chance to look the bug up and report the bug problem with its original name so that the exterminator can do his job in the correct way ! I do not understand you folks who answering ... if you have had the same problem why in heavens name arent you helping people in the proper Way by telling the species and name ! That would be so much easier instead of just telling what you did for gods sake tell us the name of the bug and not just your story about how to get rid of them without telling the name !!!

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June 30, 20182 found this helpful

I believe it is mites. They can be carried in by mice or a dead animal around your home. I'm dealing with the same problem. Some things that help.
1. Run a shallow like warm bath and put Tea Tree Oil with Epson salt. Just soak for about 10 min. You will see the small black bugs floating in the water. I drain the water and do it again. Then take a shower. Put tea tree oil in your shampoo, body wash and conditioner. I'm searching for answers.
2. I wrapped my bed in plastic (both box spring and mattress) seal it with tape. Buy covers for your pillows or use trash bags..
3. I wash all day long. I use Borax, Ammonia and yes tea tree oil.
4. Pack away all pillows, stuffed animals or anything stuffed. Put in plastic bag and seal. If you can take them out of your house its best.
5. Vacuum everything everyday and throw away bag every day.

6. There is fogger with Nylar which stops bug growth. It doesn't kill larvae.
7. Clean everything to kill larvae and bugs. I use Clorox and water or tea tree oil and water.

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March 24, 20201 found this helpful

Because we still have it and dont know what it is

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August 15, 20210 found this helpful

We are all frustrated with the no solutions this bug.
I agree tell us what the bug is no one can see but the person it is attacking most definitely can see them on us but impossible to get anyone to identify with a name . Were not crazy as exterminators and drs. Think we are insane but exterminators need to have a way to check the home with microscopes or some sort of tool that shows a bigger few and determine it that day of inspection bc everything they couldnt see I could plainly see . Need more professionals training then just going in a home and spraying something thats not going to do any good

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July 15, 20174 found this helpful

Wow I'm having the exact problem. They have infested my car no matter how much I vacuum and spray and my work place is awful.

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December 14, 20171 found this helpful

Yes, they have gone to my skin, the Dr thinks it's all in my mind, they are in my car. Taking Ivermectin helps on my body but I can't get them out of my car. Any one had any success in identification and eradication?

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March 20, 20192 found this helpful

They have a Lysol sanitizer for laundry dilute it half and half spray your car down every 6 days for a works... No one knows what these are? I'm in s small town its not SCABIES they don't live and breed in your scalp or face... This stuff also works on your clothes.. And Lysol the spray kills in contact..

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March 20, 20194 found this helpful

Lysol kills on contact. Also Lysol sanitizer for laundry I dilute half and half spray every thing including my body dilute 1 quarter to 3 quarters for body .. I have dealt with this 2 years they are also now inside of me... Idk but the doctors have no clue...check out bird web site a lot of people are dealing... The next pandemic... I feel your pain...

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April 7, 20192 found this helpful

I had the same problem.
HAVE YOUR CAR professionally shampooed then use 1875 watt hand held steamer and steam all the carpets and trunk.Be sure to steam each section a couple of seconds.
Before you buy the steamer make sure you have your house sprayed with permetnryn and walk ins and closest sprayed too.
Ask your doctor for scabies lotion as it will kill all the mites and noaseeum eggs on you.
Wash your clothes and dry them at last 30 minutes then steam.
There will always be so e to y itty bitty ones left but if you keep doing all that you will begin to take control and make the situation less drastic.
After washing and drying and steaming, isolate all in ziplocks or clear plastic bags so they do not get contaminated again b4 you can wear them.
Perseverance is the key.
Good luck!

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July 24, 20191 found this helpful

I had my car infected. I got ready of them placing a Permethrin aerosol. However, the Permethrin damages the plastics. Best cover dashboard, steering, and screens with a news paper. You have to repeat twice a week or so apart. Car must be off, air vents to outside closed, windows closed. Once aerosol can is set off close door and leave alone for a couple of days. Then air well to include vents and vacuum, preferably commercial. Drive with windows down and roof for a few days. Your clothes can re contaminate car. Repeat after 10 days.

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February 10, 20200 found this helpful

Im here to tell u your wrong i have them in my face but i believe its due to my hair being coarse for example like pubic hair.......none in my scalp although i have had some in region slightly above sure location will vary person to person

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October 18, 20210 found this helpful

Dr ant give you any mes bc they think you need a shrink
Drs said its not scabies so they call it self inflected on your medical history! Why would I harm myself. You can see its bugs thats made scratches on you

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July 29, 20179 found this helpful

I'm beyond frustrated with this unknown biting, burrowing bug. Nothing seems to kills them except smashing or burning them. Washing clothes in cold water helps. I freeze water in 16 oz plastic bottles and soak them in the rinse cycle for an hour, then remove them before restarting the washer. Also I soak my feet and ankles in water with the frozen water bottles. It's the only relief I've found for the itching and biting. I've seen them absolutely everywhere. I'm so tired of it. Indoors, outdoors, in my poop and in the stores. On my food and on my cat, I can't think of a place their not at.

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June 9, 20181 found this helpful

You might want to try 1% or 1.5% hydrocorticone cream to ease the itch. I have the same problem, bitten by some mysterious bugs evey summer. I am looking for answer.

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March 20, 20193 found this helpful

Lysol. Kills them... You are infested so am I. Lysol sanitizerfor laundry works with hot water also mix 1 part to 4 parts use in shower on your body.vacuum every thing and spray this mix half and half for the house you will see relief... Idk what to do internally

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August 4, 20194 found this helpful

I have had these bugs for over 4 years now, I went crazy for a while. I can't wear shorts or short sleeves because of the welts and sores on my legs arms tummy I have tried all these things listed, believe me they are real and nothing gets rid of them they even eat through my metal pans sheet rock on my wall they love wood too. They are everywhere and I think the government knows there is a problem. Other countries are to blame shipping goods and all the people coming here from poor countries.

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August 7, 20194 found this helpful

Exactly! Wow! Your words are exact.

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September 15, 20191 found this helpful

Have you heard that leprosy is coming back. Do you think this is it?

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February 7, 20202 found this helpful

Eat raw garlic in large amounts, take shots of raw organic apple cider vinegar, cut out sugar and processed foods. Eat whole organic foods. These parasites thrive off of low immune systems and sugar, making your body inhabitable to these things is the key.

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April 11, 20210 found this helpful

Omg this sounds like my problem and no one believes me

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August 1, 20174 found this helpful

You have to use kleen green you order it off Amazon bet you want ever see them again but u have to krep using it. It's call the invisible bug syndrome

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October 21, 20171 found this helpful

I might be able to help you with some of it. There is a phenomena called efflorescence whereby groundwater is pulled up through your walls dragging minerals with it. Little bits of these minerals are probably bursting out of your trim and any small openings and pinging off of you. With your ceilings, the water is pulling the minerals out and creating that really fine powder. I don't completely understand the process but if you aim some space heaters at your walls, blow dry your ceiling, and stop spraying water around (even if its mixed with vinegar) it should stop most of it. You will probably also want to get your home inspected because if its that damp you may have mold.

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October 26, 20173 found this helpful

I've had the same problem for a couple of years and can't seem to get any relief. I've been told everything from 'you're crazy' to fibromyalgia to internal parasites. I've looked it up so many times and find different explanations from morgellans to a type of 'fuzz' bug that comes from overseas in clothes you buy. The only relief I have gotten is from getting rid of the carpet and cleaning in the Mr. Clean Antibacterial cleaner - Summer Citrus scent is that only one that phased it for me. I even add it to my hot laundry water and let it soak. I spray it on things directly just barely diluted, except surfaces used for food and you Have to rinse those completely. I haven't managed to get rid of them yet but I really hope to find a way to. As far as on your body, try Apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Sounds strange but the chemical reaction on your skin seems to help somewhat.

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November 6, 20174 found this helpful

Hi I was looking up the same for my sister and came across mould spores mould mites they can be from laptop to towels in a cupboard but seriously have a look on google about mould mites hope this helps

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March 25, 20200 found this helpful

Really I looked up mould mites it says they are not a pest to humans and dont bite quit wasting peoples time when they are looking for help

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February 21, 20184 found this helpful

I have the EXACT same ones and Im start g to get really depressed! They are under my skin now. I do see them and can take them out sometimes. Looks a bit like a larvae

Moth, flea or mites I dont know

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March 7, 20180 found this helpful

These behave like biting midges (sand flies, punkies, no-see-ums). The only ways to get rid of them are to eliminate their egg-laying places and to eradicate the adults by spraying and trapping. They lay eggs in any kind of standing water in your house. Repeated spraying may kill off adults.

Another expensive option is to have your house heated up to a high temperature, as they cannot live in dry heat.

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April 17, 20187 found this helpful

I work in the HVAC industry.

This round microscopic Bird Mites are chemically resistant bird mites and or Stick tight fleas.

i have used almost all of the known chemicals over the counter to erraticate these microscopic black round blood suckers.

there resistant because they are bird mites or stick tight fleas from comercial chicken yards that use the strongest chemicals to kill these insects that become immune to New chemicals.

i watched as these dripped from a birds nest in the AC/HEAT unit on persons in an church.

i then inspected the 24in outflow vents and saw the twigs and bird nests pieces in the vent grates... to late they had fallen on me and i also was infected and now have reoccurring bites and infestation.

going to try and get ivermectin because these mites sticktight fleas drink blood. ivermectrin in a systemic chemical that comes in 3..6..12mg tabs.

some people have sold homes over these insects.

also to determine if there scabies...

google mite infestations and read the HORROR STORYS.

then you will have empathy for anyone fighting this microscopic warbattle

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January 14, 20200 found this helpful

I appear to have similar bugs. Im so freaked out about this. I dont want to infect anyone else. I have a very young grandson that I worry about.
How do you keep from spreading this to others?

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February 10, 20200 found this helpful

Good info......any of your own experience you can add to help anyone im trying to put together a checklist of dos and donts to help those infected

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January 26, 20220 found this helpful

Listerine helps get rid of no see ums. Try the amber (original kind). My HVAC guy told me it keeps bugs off. Maybe they will come off.

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April 26, 20181 found this helpful

I had them. Put Diamestaceous Earth all over your body and hair, clothes, in your bed and pillows and anywhere else. Do this until they're gone. Remember to wear a breathing mask to bed because the powder is so fine but it works.

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May 8, 20180 found this helpful

Is that all you did to get rid of them? I cant use DE for my car and work. Any suggestions? Obviously I cant wear clothes dipped in DE to the public.

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July 2, 20191 found this helpful

Get food grade DE and eliminate face mask. I bathe in it and it's safe for pets too.

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February 10, 20201 found this helpful

U can also ingest food grade to kill of any parasites

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March 24, 20200 found this helpful

I have been on this for a month now and it is reducing them Im using it topically and Im eating it

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March 25, 20200 found this helpful

My pets and I are both eating DE for a little over a month. it I would like to know r u just adding it to the bath water and how much ?

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March 25, 20200 found this helpful

How did you have this and how long did it take the DE to work where they were 100% gone

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October 18, 20210 found this helpful

Sarah have you gotten rid of the mites or still struggling like me.
No support I feel like giving up already. Its been yrs and exterminators,Drs. have no answer or they cant see wha I see.
This is so difficult and Im tired of talking about it bc my husband shuts me off when even mention mites on me

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August 8, 20181 found this helpful

I had a small bug i found burrowing into my arm today and i took it off and put it in a glass jar. Turned out to be 8 legged. A mite i might(haha) have picked up outside or anywhere. Bugs are EVERYWHERE. Our bodies are a whole eco-system for good and bad bugs. Millions if not billions of living things are crawling over our skin and hair all the time. I have a feeling many people cant handle that psychologically and end up sounding crazy. Anyway, the bug turned out to be a spider that thought it could bite or burrow in my forearm. Dematillomania may be the culprit in many cases as well. All of these comments remind me of the alien phenomena. Lots of reports and no proof. None of these people ever seem to be able to procure one of these illusive black bugs that not only are in the home but seemingly parachute themselves off ceilings and travel miles to bother the complainer. Please just see a psychologist. I personally had a bad experience with insects as a kid and still have a slightly unhealthy fear of insects and arachnids.

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August 26, 20185 found this helpful

Really? That is what you have to say?? If you could see my face, arms, and chest you would not give that advice. Trust me nobody wants to feel this and the way I look, I wouldn't wish this on nobody. The bites hurt and take forever to go away. I want to tell you where you can go.

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November 16, 20180 found this helpful

there are pictures above....

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September 1, 20183 found this helpful

I have it too. Tiny black bugs in the carpet, little white clumps of stinking matter everywhere, starry white things that float through the air, white & black things in my mouth, my food... everything. Had this over a year, spent fortunes on pest controllers who think I'm crazy as they can't identify them. At night get scratches on my hands and something burrowing through my veins. Covered in bites and broken veins and clothing being chewed. Please, please HELP. Am beginning to get suicidal thoughts now.

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February 28, 20194 found this helpful

Your not alone, I too have this exact problem. It comes and goes, the sticky stuff falling from me and making everything sticky is really getting old!!!!

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August 7, 20192 found this helpful

Hello i fellow sufferer. Did you find anything to help? I know its real and your descriptions are right on.

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January 14, 20200 found this helpful

Have you find out what it is and how to eradicate it?

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September 5, 20184 found this helpful

OK. I am just happy there are others who have had this experience,
(well, not really!) but I'm glad I'm not I feel like I'm going crazy..but I know I am not making this up. You have all described the same thing I have.. I believe it is cat brought them in, and now they are everywhere in the house and on me. I started giving the cat a bath every couple of days, and constantly cleaning it's ears and putting in mite killer in ears. I constantly washed everything, vacuumed daily and washed floors twice a day w/ disinfectant. I sprayed Lysol disinfectant spray all over,as well as vinegar, and "spray anywhere" bleach..I take a soapy shower before bed, and always put the bed linens,pillow,comforter and sheets in dryer for 40 min. (heating it up to hot) before getting into bed.EVRYTHING I use, wear, or touch has been washed, or heated in dryer beforehand, and the same thing after I use it once!! I was putting vinegar all over my skin after a shower, followed by aloe vera gel ( which is soothing to the skin.)I live in Florida..which is hot and humid in summer, which brings them out. I try and keep as much humidity out of( inside air )as possible. I've had these before,and they seemed to go away when it turned cool out..up till then, one must keep persevering.I sprayed the yard with "Insect Disease and Mite control" found in garden section at HomeDepot or Lowes. I've also tried taking B vitamins, and taking sugar out of my diet..(I'll try anything!) In the car, vacuuming the floors, seats etc. helped me, (I take it to a carwash and have them do it) and then spraying Lysol disinfectant in car and letting it sit closed up over night. Hope this helps.

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March 25, 20200 found this helpful

Im right there with you git I love in Florida em I have had it for 6 months now !!!

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September 5, 20184 found this helpful

I left a lengthy comment at the end of this article (Dianacc) with
suggestions, but in further reading I saw this bit of information...
Onslaught Insecticide..which can be sprayed inside the house... has
no odor, and (supposedly safe for pets and kids after it dries.), has
time released agent to work over months..sounds really good. I am
going to call the company to ask a few questions, but I am really anxious to try it, as it is a pyrethin..which is for mites..which I think these tiny black (& white) biting bugs are.. so .. look it up. good luck.

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March 19, 20192 found this helpful

The onslaught works!
So dues a uvc light
And ozone machine

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December 13, 20190 found this helpful

Dont waste ur $ . I ve used gallons of the onslaught! It does nothing like all the other stuff. No works for more than a day, period!

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December 13, 20194 found this helpful

Dont waste ur $ . I ve used gallons of the onslaught! It does nothing like all the other stuff. Nothing works for more than a day, period!This is madening can someone please figure this out . Theres so many of us and we not crazy. I see them in the sunlight They are real. I ve spent so much $ on this ,its crazy.
We need help please. I cant believe no one has the Anwsers we need. No one knows what they are or honestly how to get rid of them .wow we put people on the moon , we dont have an anwser for these tiny bugs. That are destroying so many of us. Really. This is an epidemic!!!!

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February 10, 20201 found this helpful

You are not alone but never give up contact me when u just need someone to talk to or bit of advice from someone also going through or john at 3308437098 txt first plz solid minds can prevale

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September 12, 20183 found this helpful

It sounds like your problem is Bird Mites. As global warming takes hold Bird Mites are now infesting humans, and yes, the latest 2015-17; research shows that they can live exclusively on human blood. Government agencies and MDs are relying on research done in 1958! This research has been shown to be totally wrong, inferring that Bird Mites cannot inhabit humans. Anyone claiming to have an infestation must therefore be delusional/paranoid.

You will not get any help from these official sources. It has been shown that new research generally takes 30 years to reach the coal face in government. You may want help before then!

A good starting place is

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October 5, 20183 found this helpful

Step 1
Onslaught chemical your whole house.

Step 2
Mix a growth inhibitor like Precor or IGR.

Step 3
You will need a large sprayer like the pest control companies use. YES you must spray WALLS and CEILINGS!!!! Shower walls, floors and ceilings, doors, fans, blinds, curtains, everything!

Step 4
Spray again in 7 days.

Step 5
With Zenprox and IGR so the eggs don't hatch and reinfest you.

Step 6
Bag anything and everything that is cloth.

Step 7
Including mattress and pillows.

Step 8
STEAM and HIGH HEAT is the answer to killing the eggs and riding yourself of the problem. Carpets, furniture, dry clothes extra high heat 2 cycles each load. Washing doesn't do anything. ONLY the drier part. NOTHING will kill the eggs except steam and heat.

Step 9
Now onto your body. Biting is not good. You are still in a really bad situation if you are having bites because only adults bite and only adults lay eggs. REMEMBER the hardest thing to get rid of is the eggs. STEAM and HEAT! Once the IGR kicks in you will just feel them crawling on you. For your 3rd week, spray SteriFab mixed with a IGR.

Step 10
VACUUM EVERYDAY with a SEALED ALERGIN HEPA FILTER vacuum. Empty carefully and discard immediately. Spray your whole vacuum down with a quick spritz of ammonia, vinegar or alcohol.

Step 11
They CAN and WILL travel with you and infest your car, your workplace etc. So getting them OFF of YOU is VERY IMPORTANT and the 2nd hardest thing other then killing the eggs.

Step 12

Step 13
BUY Permethrin 10% on Amazon.

Step 14
Buy Aveno Lotion because it is thick.

Step 15
Mix 2 cups lotion with 2 cups Permethrin.

Step 16
Use a ziplock bag and then cut the corner so you can squeeze it out. Cover your entire body and hair. Careful not to get it inside any body parts and not in your eyes. Smother yourself in it and rub it in the best you can. Go to bed. When you wake up take a shower. Use tea tree shampoo and conditioner sold at Walmart or Peppermint hemph soap, or sulfur soap. You will see immediate relief.

Step 17
The next day use NIX ULTRA. Don't go cheap or generic and has to be the ULTRA because this solution is different then other brands and the regular NIX. It kills eggs and super lice. Use it on your whole body and hair. Apply when you are dry and your hair is dry, NOt while you are wet or in the shower. Leave on for 15 minutes. Follow directions on box. Try not to reinfest yourself but it will happen. Be prepared to do this step alot. The more careful you are the less you will have to do this. LASTLY ALWAYs SPRAY the shower down including the ceiling with vinegar, rubbing alcohol etc. USE only white towels and sheets so you can add a little bleach and borax to each load. Let wash soak.

Step 18
IDENTIFY your bug. If it is mites probably the bird mite or rodent mite. They are the most likely to bite humans. Bed bugs, body lice, head lice, you can see but they are small. MITES are almost impossible to see without magnification. CATCH your culprit by putting a large bowl of super hot water in an area where you feel them on you the most. Try to do it late at night. The later the better. They will be in the water in the morning. Scoop the top layer of water and put them in something like a ziplock. Add a little alcohol to preserve them. If you look at the top of the water from a sideways angle that is when you can see them. Tiny, Tiny white dots! Some companies like Terminex will treat your problem and give you a guarentee. Don't let your guard down even when things seem to get better. The eggs will hatch and you will have to start all over again. GOOD LUCK!

Step 19
Bird Mites- thanks to a guest and their pet staying at our house. Mom, Dad, 3 little kids and 1 little dog paying the price big time. Husband says no more guests staying with us EVER! Oh yeah, quarantine and treat your animals to. They will just carry it and spread it all around your house!

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January 15, 20190 found this helpful

How about using co2 bombs and bomb your house and car I used it in my cars for the same problem and solved it for now and I am planning co2 bomb my house with everything in it except people and cats

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October 18, 20210 found this helpful

Terminex has been spraying my house and yard and nothing gets rid of these mites. They half ass inspect your house! Im so frustrated with terminex. They tell me they cant see them when I can see them all over my counters walls and bathroom and me everywhere in my house! Because my husband dont have a issue with them biting him they blow me off but hes a heavy drinker and I believe that is why he dont feel them but I see them on his clothes and bites on his body but he thinks its a pimple. Omg Im at the end with these mites. Drs told my family to involuntary commit me and thats just what they did and after 4 days in (I was there for over 2 weeks) I was not feeling any bites or them crawling on me and I came home and its all back to day 1 all over again. I stopped cleaning so much bc they were attacking me more I clean. Now they are in my car.
I try to stay away from home as much as possible. Had my car professionally cleaned bc you could see them inside my roof top and windows trying to escape from the high temperatures this summer it was disgusting I even had a small hornets nest in the drivers door of my car! Even after that they are all back again in my car
Terminex calls everything I show them lint. This is driving me to end my life Drs. Dont help exterminators act like they are nothing! What else can you do bc you have no support anywhere. Its a loss cause with these things I think they are bird mites bc I had a nest right at my dining room window 7 yrs. ago and just this past 2 years it has gotten on me like inside my mouth nose eyes hair face
I dont know anyone that will help with this infestation but they know it exists but dont want to bother with it bc its gotten uncontrollable now. If they had of treated my house with the right chemicals at the beginning then I probably wouldnt have this infestation. They still today tell me today theres no bugs in my house. I cant live like this anymore.

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January 27, 20191 found this helpful

Has anyone tried sulfur supplements? I am ready to kill my self over this 4 years tried it all moved and sold my car switch jobs they float off the ceiling on my head

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February 18, 20190 found this helpful

See my post feb 18

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February 18, 20192 found this helpful

These terrible bugs are called Cheyletiella mites. Come from dogs, cats and rabbits but bite people too. Google it. Treat the pet and spray the flea spray on furniture and pet bed, wash everything with some white vinegar and it should naturally clear in a few weeks once the pet is no longer a host. I just figured it out a couple days ago (after much stress and researching)and put advantage 2 ( for fleas and ticks) on my cat...will go to vet in morning when open to discuss treatment

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February 18, 20190 found this helpful

Also drink ACV morning and eve ( or take the capsules) and they wont like your ph and will leave you be until you can decontaminate your house and treat the pet. Ivermectin is prescription for it

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February 18, 20190 found this helpful

I also found the diatomaceous earth DE ( very fine dusting... dont want a thick layer) to be very helpful. Also turn up heat and get over 80 degrees. You want lowest possible humidity.. under 20%. I put a small space heater in the bathroom and shut the door so they would get no moisture or humidity from there. Dont leave dish water in sink or anything that will add humidity. The DE combined with low humidity should dry out your home and help get rid of them quicker

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March 25, 20200 found this helpful

I took that medication and it didnt work for this I also have always had my dogs on advantix and still do and they have it too

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February 27, 20190 found this helpful

Demodex mites

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March 9, 20194 found this helpful

The black tiny bugs that look like "pepper flakes" may be springtails. They are difficult, not impossible, to eradicate. I'm currently engaged in insect warfare and learning as I go. Hydrogen peroxide is your friend, vinegar too. Permethrin Cream helps the itching, there is also an oral version of the meds that can be taken. These bugs can enter your system through nasal passage (wet a Q-tip and clean out your nostrils, look for tiny black spots). I have an as yet unidentified insect, tiny white "moth" looking body with naked eye, attaches to clothes, washing in hot, drying in hot, doesn't kill them. They bite, they HURT and cause severe itching. When I look at them under magnification, they look fuzzy and oval shaped, some appear to have long curled hairs coming out of them.
They are FREAKY. I have no idea what they are. I am going to send a sample to my local Ag department for identification.

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March 20, 20192 found this helpful

I have this too. For 2 years now they have went internal.. The doctors say nothing because only really bother and bite at night . they are in my mouth .vagina. Everywhere. There is no relief.oh yes my nose has tiny white eggs doc says allergies..REALLY NO THEY ATTACH TO CLOTHING ETC. LYSOL LAUNDRY SANITIZER WORKS ALSO THEY HAVE A KITCHEN COUNTER SANITIZER CLOROX AND PURELL HAVE ONE OUT JuST SPRAY AND IT kiLLS ON CONTACT... I can't get rid of them on my cats and internally any help please I'm dying this is killing me...

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June 9, 20195 found this helpful

For the internal issue- try a in-depth parisite cleanseIve been dealing with a similar issue- I think Im finally coming to an end with it- after much trial and error -
And parisite cleansing is an important step

this is what I have found helps

-no standing water/ liquids anywhere in the house - drink bottled beverages you can put the cap back on after drinking
I put down water in my dogs bowl- let her drink and remove..
If you have pets you must fully treat them too-
For my dog I have been bathing her daily ( vet recommended- the bathing ) my research has brought me to this : a combo of neem oil ( affects the reproductive cycle of insects) tea tree oil shampoo (dr bronners) and Avalon organics anti dandruff shampoo .
After her bath I spray her down with Kleen green and let her air dry ( clean free or any of these types of protein enzyme cleaners will work- buy a few gallon of this product to start -trust me you will never go another day without it in your house- once youre free of this plague)

I treat her ears w a homemade solution of Neem oil , grape seed oil and oil of oregano .
I put the same combo on her paws.

Im using NaturPet D Wormer which uses wormwood and walnut hull in combo to kill and expel parasites not just worms...

I feed her a homemade diet already but have added- food grade DE- to her food- organic pumpkin oil with a few drops of oil of oregano in it and ACV..

For the humans- I am and suggest a good parasite cleanse beginning w dr Clarks full parasite cleanse -uses. Wormwood walnut hull clove plus some other ingredients-
The company kroeger makes the same formula but cheaper- either are good
Add in a garlic supplement
And take food grade DE as well internally-
I also recommend , highly recommend that you see a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine in your area that works w herbal formulas their are several wonderful formulas for parasite expulsion-find someone that can work w you online if there is no one in your area .
Wu Mei Wan Is one of the formulas Im talking about it can be tailored to your medical needs..
( interestingly I just found out its a treatment for type 2 diabetes as well)

Many of these internal approaches are for worms flukes etc but its working on these mysterious pests as well- , but appears to be useful in this mite? No- see-um? Plague ..
A few months in to this - which is where I am now) having a back ground in TCM) I began to think maybe for some people their is a Russian doll like parasite issuethe external parasite is carrying an internal parasiteand that doing internal parasite cleaning would be needed as well..
So I have began that phase and its turning the tide..

Cut out all foods/drinks that parasites are attracted to sugar alcohols wheat while you cleanse a canadia cleanse if you will make you much less attractive to the pests.

Drink two cups of neem tea a day
(Buy online)
Why are parasites attracted to some people and not others? The idea is if your body is very yin- or imbalanced with yeast- sugar etc- you are just a better meal so correcting this is important and making your body ph unattractive to parasites a must..

Externally-very helpful
At night
bath in a solution of neem oil ( mix w a little dish soap for dispersal) Epsom salts and vinegar -soak for 2mins air dry
Alternate with a bath in Kleen green ( 4-8 ounces in bath) 20 mins air dry
Also you can spray your body w Kleenex green solution and air dry..
I made a balm with neem oil-and apply nightly

When showering i use a salt scrub w tea tree soap and the above mentioned natural dandruff shampoo
( dandruff is thought to be caused by mites now) which is what brought me to that. ) I spray myself down w kleen green after and air dry
A neti pot for the nasal passage and sinus I use FG hydrogen peroxide w the salt water solution and add colloidal silver ( you could use a nasal spray w this as well) and some oil of oregano as well if its affecting your nose and sinuses this will really help.

Neem cream

10 grams tamanu (Madagascar) oil
30 grams cocoa butter
30 grams shea butter
10 grams jojoba oil
20 grams grape seed oil
10 grams neem oil
5 drops tea tree oil
10 drops patchouli essential oil
10 drops lemongrass (or lavender) essential oil
5 drops rosemary extract
5 drops non-GMO vitamin E oil

This has been very helpful.

For the house- I tried so many things - cleaning surfaces w ammonia is helpful but again the kleen green comes in at the top of the listI clean surfaces with it - especially the floors! This stuff is a miracle! Amazing
The combo of the kleen green or its equivalent and the neem has been powerful.
I bought a good small high heat steam cleaner- and clean walls cleaning all surfaces w it .very helpful

I also use Lysol to clean
Of course vacuuming..and the usual crazy cleaning mentioned in many posts..
For the car I had if fully steam cleaned didnt work-
Lysol-kleen green full spray downs daily has been working..
I would suggest- staring with laying down a thin layer of FOod grade DE on all floor surfaces- leave down for 3-5 days make sure you get under everything all furniturework itbin the couch crevices etc..
Then start in w the Kleen green cleaning once you vacuum that up
After a week start the process again
You can work the DE in your pets coat as well massage down to the skinyou can put it in your hair and on your skin at night as well.. wait till your hair is dry after the bath or clean green.
Food Grade DE is something I will forever keep in my home after this experience..

When it stared a few months ago- I took the advise of those who had dealt w mites etc and literally got rid of everything- my health and my dogs health is more important to me then stuff I know its extreme but I felt it was nessaery tondeal w this a fAst a possible its not for everyone but I have no regrets..

Also I travelsd to Canada to see an old friend who has been a great vet for 20 years and brought my dog to him my excellent vet in the states just wasnt cutting it- shes 14 and I did not honk she could handle a bunch of allopathic treatment..
Sam not only worked with me on the issues in a creative and tailored way he spoke at length about what he has been seeing with the increase of these types of pests particularly mites of all types..over the past decade- they are migrating to human and companion animal hosts as there natural host environments are being destroyed and their usual animal/ bird hosts have are decreasing in the wildof course they are adapting for survival.
He thinks it is already a silent public health crisis- and its going to get worst. And made worse by the strange belief that we dont get parasites here- its a poor country problem as we know this is not true! And has nothing to do w being clean!
He suggested I get rid of everything i ownwhich I had aleady done he said this is the hardest thing for ppl to do
Not only does it rid you of pests but I makes it much easier to clean.
This is an exhausting issue to deal with..
When I read ppl had gotten ridden of there homes cars etc - at first I thought thats crazy- but not anymore..

I hope my finding are helpful to you..

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June 9, 20190 found this helpful

Correction * bath for 20min at least not 2

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July 24, 20191 found this helpful

They say Springtails don't bite,but correct,identical to Springtails,i was told by a marine biologist and professor that springtails of the same colony can be the black and red and brown specks,as well as long like rice and Eve white.I have all this,but the white is like a caccoon or something,its fiber like,and appear most after I let loose the D Earth,Hot salt water in a sprayer,chlorine water,etc,i see a glint like glitter sometimes,even on a couple.These specks like pepper don't seem to move,ive looked at it for long periods of time.
They don't affect the other human in the house,just our dog

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August 25, 20190 found this helpful

Finally someone else used a microscope! Same findings here under microscope. My bugs/mites appear white to the eye, some even translucent sesame seed like. They burrow into my skin which is the painful bite you feel. Any luck on figuring it out? My dermatologist has my samples and we are waiting until next week to find out what the lab results are.

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August 25, 20190 found this helpful

Finally someone else used a microscope! Same findings here under microscope. My bugs/mites appear white to the eye, some even translucent sesame seed like. They burrow into my skin which is the painful bite you feel. Any luck on figuring it out? My dermatologist has my samples and we are waiting until next week to find out what the lab results are.

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October 27, 20190 found this helpful

What came out your doctor test?

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February 10, 20201 found this helpful

Plz contact me you have good info i have a few more to are not alone as u can see or if you need a friend whos going through it also to talk to dont give up strong minds will prevale we just gotta get or john at 3308437098 plz txt first and anyone else seeing this with info that can help plz contact me

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February 10, 20202 found this helpful

Awesome post lots of great info id like to add reg lysol may work but lysol kitchen spray (red label) works best also i use equate castile soap ($8) big bottle can be used for dishes laudry been at this six months

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March 25, 20200 found this helpful

Same here six months now not n my v tho

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July 24, 20191 found this helpful

Hi. I have been affected by the same creatures. They look and behave just as you described. I think they are some kind of modified pest control bug gone wrong. I think is what is killing the bees. I wash clothes and linens with borax and detergent in very hot water >120 degrees. I let clothes sit in the water for at least 20 minutes. Add to the rinse cycle lysol laundry sanitizer. Dry at very high temp for 40 minutes. Permetrin aerosols seem to work. Got car infected and took two apps to get them out plus driving with roof and windows open to keep population down. If you have an item of clothing you must keep, place in a plastic bag and place in microwave for 15 to 40 seconds then wash. Ensure has not been sprayed with alcohol or any insecticide. Otherwise may burn. After wash I place items in sandwich bags, push air out and seal. Clean hepa vacuum and empty bag outside. Imagine like dust floating. Use air filter that filter mites and Polen. Replace monthly and gently put in a plastic bag after pulling out so dust don't get around while you handle and take to trash.

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September 16, 20195 found this helpful

How can we join together to bring this out to the public. Seriously imagine how many others are suffering or even went mad. 50 MILLION died from the plague (spread by fleas). I think we all need to contact the World Health Organization sooner we can unite the sooner this will be over.

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October 23, 20195 found this helpful


I was 22 when it al begon. I moved out my mothers house for about half a year now. I was totally happy, my first own place with my dog and my kitten.
3 months later it was my biggest nightmare. My dog and I had constantly the need to ich, and my kitten did not had any trouble with itching. Also my clothing and bags were eaten!
My vision reduced, my memory and speak ( thinking what I was going to say in a situation) were getting worse. There are a couple parts of my body that are constantly swollen.
I dont feel healthy and I feel definitely not as myself.

I work 8 years in a pet shop and I specialized myself in flea protection and that kind of stuff. So I know what Im talking about and what I was doing.

Because I saw those little bugs jumping (and my dog is very sensitive about it, and I was one week late with the flea protection) I assumed they were fleas. After I helped my pets, and cleaned the house I thought it would be beter.
It went worse... those basterds were crawling into my skin! It was really bad and the worse part it that I have one fear.. And that is little bugs crawling into my skin.
So you can assume that this was like a living hell for me! I got ivermectine from my docter but it worked for the bugs that moment, but after that It wasnt working anymore.
And I need to pay those pills by myself, and they are expensive!!
If you saw my feet after those pills.. My feet were empty (out of a long swim in a pool feet) and the holes where the bugs were staying were very clear

Those creatures (and there were multiple species) were coming alive around 23:00 till 05:30. Between that time my dog and I were screwed.
I sleep upstairs and I have carpet (was there when I got in. Also cleaned it when I got in), so I wasnt coming upstairs anymore and I was sleeping on the couch.
I got less and less sleep and went a little insane. They bite me and they were everywhere. If I put a glass down for like 5 minutes the whole glass was filled with crazy stuff...
I fled away from my home with my animals towards my moms house. I got there again my peace, and went back with a new hopefully spirit.

I cleaned and cleaned. Everything in the washing machine and keeping it clean.

It looked like it was all gone, but that was to good to be true.

They came back. With even more!
I found everywhere eggs! Glued to my furniture. It was like sugar.
How more I cleaned How worse it would get. At one point they were even in my eyes and genitals!
My brand new furniture RUINED!
So I assumed mice.

I went again towards my mom to get some peace.
And after my return i went cleaning again.
I used halamid. That stuff goes around the bug and the bug suffocates, the eggs also.
I was totally in my element with my plant moisturizer.
I was also steam cleaning my couch and putting stuff in the freezer.
It was going the right way!

Also to good to be true.
So again I went towards my mom.
I was feeling so bad. My work suffered from everything (nightly cleaning and no sleep because of those bastards) and also my health.
I was also working 6 days a week at that point and have 2 jobs. And a hour longer at work was normal.
I couldnt keep it together.
I overslept almost on daily basis (when I slept) and got a warning. I was non stop just cleaning with no end in sight. My depression came back and I didnt want to get out of my house.

My familie and friends thought that I was on drugs and nobody believed me!
To be honest, that was the hardest part..
I was collecting evidence, but nobody saw it.
All my hope left.

As I tell my story here, Im making it a easy story, Because mentally I broke down.

Luckly one friend believed me and stoot open to understand everything. He helped me pay the insect control (you can understand that ALLOT of money got into this).

When te insect control wanted photos, they even did not know what those things were. I collected those bugs and wants to hand them over, but the boy said that he was going to look for himself. He did it not well because he couldnt find anything, but when I got home it was immediately a strike. I have a camera in my house, he was gone within a half an hour. Now I dont have a big house, it is more likely very small. But he said that he would do things (open the cabinets and also clean them) but that couldnt be done in half an hour. They cleaned my house. But I know that the boy did not did it well. Also they wont answer me, that is going to be a long story.
Until now, I am still sleeping on the couch. And I have still those annoying bugs!!!!

How am I supposed to get ride of them?

I like to experiment with things. Bleach and dish soap was a good combination, BUT today I found something new!
I learned from the last times that the fastest way to get ride of those strange bugs was moping! In the beginning I took that mop to every place where I went and made sure that I mopped every step I made. I was in my bathroom and I have those tiles with cement between them. And they will hook them into the cement... I used washing machine cleaner with lemon, and they came loose!! Most of them dead!
Im also combing my hair every day and still air steam my couch every day (did it with bleach but I will also now use washing machine cleaner with lemon).

It is all about to stop a new generation of those strange bugs.
You cant do anything but clean. And I know.. it is endless. There is no end in sight. Till this moment every time I think that they are gone they appear! My clothes I still wash at 60 degrees. I air steam allot. I keep my fridge clean, because they were also there once.
I put new clothes on every day or when I change it goes into the washing box. It gets allot more peaceful now. It is not gone but sort of live able.
I also love the freezer, I freeze in allot of clothes that cant be wash at 60 degrees.

Please dont give up. It looked endless, and I am also still not there. I got health issues because of them, and I am still looking with my Doctor how to make everything normal again.
But one day it will be more peaceful! It took me half a year, and I am curious what it is.
I read morgellons, but that is a disease in your head. BUT, Borrelia is a upper species, and comes forward in the disease of Lyme. You can get borrelia from your dog. And with morgellons the bugs (dochters say they are in your head, but they are made from a specific protein) and the same protein is found in borrelia. So morgellons is not a disease that is just happening in your head. I only have to say that those creatures and my creatures are not that similair. Just read about it, it is interesting.

Also, I have a camera in my house, and what a conscious that those nasty bugs were eating a rip of clothing in front of my camera!!! Hehe I FINALY GOT THEM HAND STILL AND ALSO IN NICE PIXELS ON RECORDING! Take that! Also, nobody still knows what those strange creatures are.
I read somewhere else that the government knows of there existence, but they need to investigate those things and that costs them money, and they dont like spending money.

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November 4, 20210 found this helpful

i went through all the same as you after taking in a sick cat that i found living on a nature preserve. $40,000 and 2 years later and my entire family and pets affected , it tested for a "water fowl mite" heres what finally worked- get a cedarcide fogger and spray. Fog your entire house as per their instructions, i believe it is 2X in 48 apart. spray it on yourself including your hair for an hour. do it top to bottom . hair first fully saturated. work your way down to your toes, spray bottom of feet last. best to do this in your tub. it kills many kinds of mites. its a few hundred $$ but it works. good luck.

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October 23, 20192 found this helpful

FOLLICULITIES. (I dont know how to spell/fix it) but Im always willing to help. That was a good bandaid fix

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November 23, 20192 found this helpful

I FOUND IT!!! At least this is spot on for what I have. It is a worm not a mite. Going to an ingectious disease doc next week to see if Im right. Strongyloides fuelleborni. They manifest in skin and cannot become adult worms but they lay eggs over and over. The ones that invade you internally go to your lungs and intestines and become adult worms. Fortunately they do not lay eggs internally as the eggs wont survive. They can only hatch on or in surface skin. Hope I am right and that this helps some folks! See article here:

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July 17, 20200 found this helpful

Is this what you had?

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December 17, 20190 found this helpful

Oh my gosh please tell me you found a solution because I'm in desperate need of help my situation is 100% the same as yours I get this cut on my hand and everything I'm going to go crazy and everyone think I'm crazy I really lost it but I have not

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March 5, 20200 found this helpful

Ok. This started with me in Mid December after returning from a business trip in California. It started out as 3 huge bites on my chest. Though prior I would wake up a couple of nights with a hive like bite on my upper inner arm and below my nipple line of my chest that would disappear later that day. Then after coming back from California I had the bites but didnt know they were bites. I had confused them for folliculitis which I get time to time. So I put all sorts of body washes and lotion treatments. All it did was make it worse. Went to doctor was prescribed cipro. Then went to dermatologist as was given doxycycline and she biopsied one of the bites that came back staph bacteria. So then I went to minor ER and they thought I was crazy the 1st time and did a CT scan to check my organs were affected. Waist of time. During all these visits back at home I was constantly being attacked by an black little fly, a flying hair follicle, little off white bugs, sometimes they were red too!, tons of little white dots on the floor, the ceiling, or any object in my apt no matter how many times I Mopped, vacuum, wipe down, still more the next day. Anywhere I walked into new or if I stood still long enough something would fly up at me from out of no where though I couldnt tell exactly where nor hardly could see it. Several times I would wash off these black flies when I took showers, skin always felt slimy and if I put an ointment on my skin from head to toe it would become very illuminate for about 20 seconds then disappear. If I walked barefoot in my apt my feet would stick to the ground especially in the shower. If I had socks on my feet and had not active to sweat and normal temperature every where else; my feet would leave a wet residue where I walked. Mind you I work from home too so being home all day only made this thing manifest to a larger scale. Finally one day it got too the point of intolerable I Packed one pair of clothes and left everything and my apt behind and shuffled to a different hotel room every two days buying cheap new clothes every other day. But the second I would set them down in the hotel room bagged and sealed this thing would invade the new clothes and unravel the seems with a little white ball waiting on the end for me to put on my clothes so it could make its attack. The upside to this is the frequency of moving to a different environment every few days lessen their chances of survival and after 3 weeks and racking up an expensive bill on my credit cards I finally closed on my new house a month ago and out everything in my apt in a storage unit and wore a full blown hazmat suit to pack it all up to prevent any attacks from these things. Well after buying everything brand new for my new house they have recently returned but arent as abundant because Im aware of their presence, I constantly clean, I attached a lent roller to a paint roller and get stickiness grabs them right up from off of anything. They still reproduce faster than I can clean them up. One thing that is keeping the bites to almost headed is a fungus cream the doctor prescribed after two months of them not healing. Second, I just bought this aromatherapy mister and used tea tree in it and it has been repelling them away from attacking me 90%. Tomorrow Im going to go do cryotherapy to see if I cant freeze the fuckers out of my body they have Invaded as for when its cold inside when cold outside they Are almost non existent.

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March 10, 20200 found this helpful

You and I have done all the same. But I recently found a solution. Take 3-4 hot baths in garlic powder with eucalyptus and tea tree oil. You will reduce the biting and attacks down by 90%. Then buy as many cans as you can of the Lysol Fresg Air Aeresol Can Spray and Spray everything in your house and anything you are surrounded by: it will kill off them for a while till it reproduces and then repeat this step. Next but colloidal silver bar of soap and body lotion. Apply and it will repel them off of you. What you have internally like myself is mold mycotoxins in your body that have derived by the underlying case of Lyme disease or Bortallia. Your body is fully of mold toxins that fungus nats, mold mites, fleas, and ticks are all attracted to and fighting one another for to feed off of for survival. That is why you Are the only one of many at work having these issues. To get rid of the mold internally you can go to your doctor and he can prepare a treatment plan to get the mold out of your body. Hope this helps for everyone.

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April 5, 20200 found this helpful

I've been going through this exact thing! Has anyone found an answer??? I'm losing my mind!

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May 7, 20200 found this helpful

Im certain the things listed below will be of great help to some. Im simplifying this after dealing with this issue (first affecting a relative who warned it may be contagious) and ultimately becoming impacted personally. My first experience was the feeling that I was being attacked by gnats or something that I couldnt see coming from my laptop. I thought there might be fruit flies somewhere in my den so I took my laptop to another part of the house. Well, when that didnt help, I realized I had a problem beyond my comprehension. Everything snowballed from there.

My recommendations include the importance of keeping the outer body clean, the inner body clean (including building the immune system and eliminating sugar from the diet), and keeping your home environment clean. These parasites invade a weak immune system and will take over if not thwarted. I found all of the following helpful.

Apple cider vinegar
MSM (contains sulfur) or food grade sulfur
Alcohol (Isopropyl, ethyl, Denatured)
Witch Hazel
Essential Oils (Clove, peppermint, oregano, tee tree, lemongras, lavender, etc.)
Coconut Oil
Baking Soda
Epsom Salts
- Colodial Silver
Anti-bacterial soap
Hand sanitizers
- Food grade Diatomaceous Earth
- Neem Oil capsules
- Aloe Vera juice
- Black walnut hulls
- Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide or Oxygen tablets

The items listed helped get me though the nightmare of dealing with being attacked by invisible parasites that caused itching, were very aggressive, and seemed to put up a fight to take over my body, home, and life. One just has to be persistent in the cleaning sequences because those things multiply otherwise. I am now back to a normal situation aside from still using many of the products listed above to maintain my freedom and peace of mind. Those I dont use anymore, I keep on hand. Going through this has not only made me wiser about infections and bacteria/toxins that can attack the body but it has also made me healthier because Im certain my immune system had been weakened.

Essentially, I have a couple glasses of seltzer or spring water with either 2 tablespoons of ACV or AV juice each day. I was taking food grade sulfur as a nutritional supplement but now I take MSM supplements. I wash my hair with baking soda and use ACV as a rinse. I add coconut oil, DE or BWH to my tea every daysometimes with a drop of peppermint or clove oil. I also use coconut oil and DE sometimes in meal preparation. I exfoliate with baking soda. I mix clove oil or lemongrass with other oils or lotions and apply daily to deter my attackers. I add Oxiclean, Borax, and ACV when doing my laundry. I clean with baking soda, ACV, alcohol, clove oil, and Oxiclean. I bathe with anti-bacterial soap, sometimes I add Oxiclean to bath water. I take Epsom Salts internally at least once a month. I use sanitizers and witch hazel because they are deterrents. Sounds extreme I know but it has all given me back a normal existence which I feared might never happen at the beginning of this whole saga. (I threw out carpets, furniture, bedding, pillows, etc.) I used the heat from my hair dryer to stop the attacks from my laptop which was my first realization that I had a problem. I tried many of the suggestions given on various sites and that was how I overcame it. This all took quite a while with a lot of trial and error. Applying the heat to my laptop eliminated them for good from that source. I also prepare my own antibacterial spray which consists of a water base with witch hazel, alcohol, and a few essential oils. I want to thank everyone who has posted their experiences to help others; I just dont know what I would have done without all of the suggestions given. I started this journey without a clue. Im certain I got this from contact with the relative I mentioned. No one in the family believed him, nor did the doctors he had consulted.

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July 26, 20200 found this helpful

Thank you and everyone for sharing this information. I'm old and exhausted, and so tired, and scared to wake up or go to bed. I just moved into my new place and within A couple of weeks I began to itch and my left nostril was always runny or clogged. Wherever I walked in my hardwood floored home, the bottom of my feet would be blackened with what at first appeared to be dirt. But after scrubbing every inch of my floors with bleach and ammonia (deadly combo, I know, but I was willing to take my chances) with windows and doors open, my feet would still yield the same results within a day or so. I began noticing little tiny black spots on the walls bedding and my body where it would itch. I see what appears to be dead flaky skin, but that's also always where it's itchy. I even see tiny red dots that appear to be chipped fingernail polish. But I don't wear the shit. I hate my life. My MD prescribed lice and scabie (sp)? lotion, shampoo, etc. 5% and even an oral pill, and my boyfriend has treated my entire unit with a gallon's worth of insecticide spray that's supposed to kill everyfuckingthing, but to no avail. I feel like making the ultimate sacrafice and giving these assholes my entire body to feast on because I'm too goddammed tired to fight this shit any more. Fuck my life. I would try your suggestions, but I'm on a fixed income, this COVID19 has me out of work forever, I'm 60 years old, and all my thousands of dollars worth of essential oils were stolen or lost during my move here. Other than new place is really beautifully renovated. Everything is brand new, but what lurks inside the walls has been there a very long time, and now they are on my side of the walls and everywhere. I'm SCREWED.

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September 11, 20200 found this helpful

I know you're frustrated, and deservedly so. I can relate, but I won't get into it - this is your post.

If not mold mites, it sounds very much you are dealing with severe contact dermatitis. You're skin is reacting where you are touching things (your feet on the floor, your back on the bed, etc). It can spread. Maybe change to hypoallergenic everything. Very cheap thing to try first.

Please be careful. You just listed a massive load of chemicals. Any one of those could be easily adding fuel to the fire of your anger. Chemicals are not just air irritants, they irritate the skin and the lungs and your brain - and they can certainly exascerbate our emotions.

Good luck - and please let us know how you are.

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May 14, 20200 found this helpful

They look very much like fleas, look online at the flea process

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May 21, 20200 found this helpful

I have had this issue for over a month now. I was told I have scabies. I used the medicine more than once. This is definitely not scabies. The Dermatologist took a biopsy and said it was scabies or a creeping eruption but they didn't find any mites. I have had an exterminator come, our cleaners came twice, and we just sent out all of our laundry. I was able to sleep last night without getting bit and I believe it is due to my humidifier that i purchased yesterday. I also added Tea tree oil in the tray on the bottom. Aloe Vera helps relieve the bites and itch. I not only apply this to my skin but I also bought the drink and add in with some juice. I have been drinking protein shakes to get my immune system up. Nobody is getting bit except for me. My dog was scratching here and there but not enough to think she has them. I check her daily. I will continue to try new things and let you know what works. Please send me an email if anyone finds a solution.

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June 27, 20200 found this helpful

I can't tell you what they are, but I was able to capture what I believe to be an adult black bug for the first time by chance. I think what happens generally is, people get the first stage of the little black bug, and exterminate them as fast as they can. Unfortunately, they don't rid so easily. Anyway, they kill them before they reach there adult stage and so far they can't, or haven't been identified. Or worse there doctors don't do there do diligence and try to help there patient with this problem, they assume the patient is the problem. Any I really hope this helps everyone somehow in the identification of this little biting pest. I know I will continue trying to get the right answer in how they can be eliminated from not just my body, but my home and truck as well. They are starting to cause serious issues to the skin, especially the face. And no these are not scabies. These if Iam correct are a whole new breed of parasite the public as well as scientific community are not yet aware of... WELL HERE IS THE PROOF OF THE LITTLE BLACK BUG..
Good luck and keep everyone informed if you find new information..thank you..

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June 29, 20201 found this helpful

I definitely believe these are mold mites, check your house for any signs of mold and clean the areas immediately and ventilate the house! This helped me immediately, also shower if they are on your body. I cleaned my bed sheets and my carpets and its gone!

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September 16, 20200 found this helpful

I was wondering if anybody had answered your back on what they were I could have written the same article in people do think I'm crazy they try to convince me that it comes out of the air conditioner or that it's dirt they have infested my bed to the point that I carry a lint roller to bed with me every night and that's after I vacuum my bed change my sheets every day or so I read one article where when lady said that people try to make her think she's crazy but she's no she's not because when she goes to other peoples houses she's fine I am the same way I even look for him around the complex I live at they're not in anyone else's house and you're in the past few weeks I have started seeing the white Things 2 it's just crazy it really is if anyone can figure out what they are cuz they're not please and not bed bugs I don't know about mites cuz I don't really know much about mites however the pictures they have of mites don't really look like what I'm dealing with if anyone out there figures out what these things are please please send me an answer sometimes I almost feel like I am going crazy

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September 27, 20200 found this helpful

I am right there with all of you...exactly. I have been battling this for about 3 years now and I will have periods where they seem to be completely gone and then out of the blue they are back. I also agree that they do not go to hotels or other people's homes with you. I have hundreds of pictures that I take with my phone and blow up. I have noticed that it seems to get really bad one night a week and the rest of the time they are manageable. I am assuming the eggs must hatch every 7 days. I feel like I am losing my mind as well. I have been to the Dr twice and both times they tell me to stop picking and use hydrocortisone cream. Give me a break. If only it was that simple. I think it is more than one pest. I also think it has something to do with mold. I change my sheets at least every other day and vacuum every day. I also change my furnace/air filter constantly. Lysol spray does seem to help immediately only it doesn't last because new ones hatch. Sometimes I can run my hand over my chest and have the salt like eggs everywhere. Normally if I feel biting I use my magnifying glass and can find one of the black bugs. I will pick the white, black, and reddish color ones off my clothes, bedding and skin and gather them up and burn them. When I get ready in the bathroom my sink will be covered by the time I'm done and I have no idea where they came from. I have been using an anti fungal soap that I bought at Walmart and it really seems to be helping my skin tremendously. I also buy rid or nix shampoo and put it all overmy body after showering and drying and leave it on over night and it has given me much relief as well. I also spray my feet with tinactin at least twice a day and this has helped too. I think our bodies have a fungal infection and the mites (whichever kinds) are feeding on that. Please please please...if anyone ever gets a definite confirmation from a Dr or exterminator please let us all know. I hope everyone finds their peace once again!!

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October 3, 20200 found this helpful

Hi, you have over 16k comments on this thread. I have the same issue, can't tell what this pepper size black things are, sometimes they look like dead dust and then I saw one jump, I had the fan on, but still I'm sure I saw it jump. I've tried looking at a couple of them with a magnifying glass and they didn't look like bugs, they looked like tiny rocks. I really don't know if these are lice or not. I take a bath everyday, wash my clothes with super hot water and dry them but the stuff is just there and doesn't go away. Sorry I can't contribute an answer for these things, I can only say that I have them just as you all.

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December 17, 20200 found this helpful

I personally never got a clear identification on what these bugs are. My situation got so bad I had to vacate my rental home and am now homeless and staying with a friend. I had to leave 98% of my belongings behind, and no one, including my ex landlord, will believe that I'm anything more than schizophrenic. I was so sick and continuously, non stop bitten that my health was critical and I had no choice but to walk away to save my life. Im on an extremely fixed income and cannot afford alot of rent. I have a limited amount of time to stay with my friend, and am having a extremely difficult time finding anything within my budget. I lost nearly all of my belongings and when my time is up with my friend, I have no family or friends of whom I can seek help from. This issue has literally ruined my life. I had a home, with security, and never would have abandoned it if this hadn't gotten to life or death in severity. I cleaned continuously, tried all the natural and chemical "suggested solutions" above mentioned, Diamotacious earth, bleach, Onslaught, ammonia, vinegar, sevin dust, salt, Crossfire, neem oil, citronella oil, tea tree, etc etc etc. Regular washing and bathing of self and surroundings, 100s and 100s of dollars spent and attempts, still they only got worse and worse. Im out money, a home, and leaving was the only solution left. Now I'm homeless in winter and nave no one to turn to or any idea what to do-and no answer as to what they are, how to exterminate them, and now have a "crazy lady" label to boot on top of the loss, stress, health decline and trauma. I've all but given up. By the time I vacated the rental, the bugs were so bad, they literally were on and in everything. What little I could manage to keep has been outside under a tarp since, hoping the bitter cold will kill them and I don't have to lose literally everything. I'm at a loss, scared and afraid of what to do and how to get back on my feet alone, and no one believes me STILL. Maybe I should've just stayed in the infested rental and passed away , if nothing more than to prove I'm not insane, suffering the hell, at least not homeless, in the dead of winter, nearly Christmas, and let them literally eat me alive until I was found dead. Now I'm homeless and hopeless and not sure which demise would have been worse ...

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January 29, 20210 found this helpful

For the past year I have been fighting these things. Ive spent hours and days and nights (because you cant sleep!!) researching and never found anything helpful until I found this post tonight. Although, its really only helpful to know that this is REAL and ruining the lives of thousands of people, not just me. Its not helpful to see that theres no clear answer and everyone has their cocktail of fighting the stuff but still havent gotten rid of it. It makes me feel helpless. Like many commenters, I have been told by my doctor that all I needed was Prozac and sleep, Ive been treated like a crazy person on drugs in the ER, and my parents also now believe that Im using drugs and have gone insane (never used drugs). Thankfully, my husband and my sister both have seen all the stuff were all dealing with and believe me. Im grateful to have their support and to not be completely alone like many here. (Im here for you!!!!!! If you ever need someone, reach out and lets connect!!!) Im 26 and until last year I have always been healthy, happy, emotionally stable, a morning person, blah blah blah. I feel like Ive aged 40 years in the past 12 months and each cycle of the flare up is worse and worse. Im just tired. And I feel like theres no answer and no hope.

Also, does everyone else just have this kinda crap ALLLLL over their house/clothes/bodies????

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March 3, 20210 found this helpful

Bird or rat mites

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March 31, 20211 found this helpful

Oh my God thank you. I just happen to browsing, see EXACTLY what I've been suffering from for get this...6 years. I am just about one big scar from digging the damn things out when they've burrough under my skin. I can't go in the sun or even get hot for that matter. Dermatologists have told me stop itching they'll go away. .no, I need to see a shrink about this mental illness I have imagining bugs on my skin ...well I might need as shrink but not for bugs, lol....then there's the Morgellons Disease, I'll never get that 6 months investigating symptoms and Lyme disease to find out it's like the Fibromyalgia, thousands of symptoms and not much they'll do about it. In 2015 I had a stomach ulcer which I was unaware of, rupture. MD360 says everyone's got that virus, it's just got to take its course. Somehow made it 2 more days til I just couldn't take the pain, I could hardly breath. Got to the ER to find out I was only hours away from flatline. That stomach acid had leaked out the place that ruptured and was burning up my other organs. So my trauma surgeon was a gift from God I didn't think I was gonna make it. 8 days, right through Christmas, with a feeding tube making peace with my life ending and here I am. The reason I shared that experience is because at my 1 month check up to get those staple out from rib cage to navel, I called it my zipper, Dr says So What's Up With The Bumps Everywhere? That's when this nightmare began and if it wasn't for my daughter, I'd have hung myself a long time ago, and that's no joke. So that's my story and I am so thankful that I'm not alone.

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April 23, 20210 found this helpful

Alright, so as far as I've gathered from my personal war with these parasitic ass clowns, is that we've all got cat fleas at least, then possibly but more probably dust mites as well, followed up with some lice.....the unholy trinity if you will. The white ones are flea larva, when you jump in the tub and can see em that's just them out of there little larva shell, oh and it's fun seeing them jump around out of your peripheral vision, looks like little white rockets, that's just the larva coming unattached from their back leg/butt area, I fucked up and had a whole bunch of styrofoam in my apartment and let me tell you how much fun that was. The hair like things the one guy was talking about is just more than likely see the larva pupae spinning its little cocoon. So it's the wild fucking west over here I've got a Dyson vacuum a shop vac and compressors with air nozzles attached, I've gone through all the sprays as well until I actually thought about the situation more strategically. So first I looked at the places they would most likely be hiding (oh and by the way I got mine from 3 containers of drop clothes I got from a friend who had those boxes sitting outside for years) so I looked at all the baseboards and I caulked the bottom of them all, and cabinets and tub and sinks,, even inside all the drawers, I caulked everything, the next step is separate all your stuff, and clean the shit out of it, pack all your clothes, pop some flea bombers and go to a coin laundry and wash all your shit at once, preferably one next to a self wash carwash and vacuum the piss out of it. Or you can go to Home Depot buy an industrial shop fan, those things blow so hard that fleas can't even get near, there's a lot of other stuff but I'm tired and trying to get my buzz on.....oh yeah almost forgot First Rule in FleaLand is always pound down a couple of martinis before going on the

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May 3, 20210 found this helpful

I fighting a similar situation and figure that it is more complex than just a bug.There is a good possibility of contact dermatitis and allergy that you have that your husband or others might not have to said insect.Also, have you ever had Lyme disease this might be part of the problem ask your infectious disease doctor.All of this can spread outside of you,moisture, causing something like diaper rash or yeast.It sounds like a combination of your own immune system, an invasive species or two and zelious psychiatrist trying to tell you you're nuts. Good news see you dermatologist and infectious disease doctor and an immune specialist.Those 3 will debate the psychiatrist out of the 'imaginary' position and get your problem fixed.

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May 20, 20210 found this helpful

I have had these little black bugs for al ost a year. They are tiny black dots. They move around in my hair and at times I feel like Lin pricks. My husband doesnt believe me, and neither does my doctor. To make it worse I am in a wheelchair. And its hard washing clothes and vacuuming, I see them in our car, but my husband thinks its dirt, Insee them on him. And he doesnt seem to know it. I am basically on my own. I wAsh my hair with Rid often. It doesnt last, they come back. What are they? I feel like crying a lot. But that doesnt help. If someone has an answer, please let me know

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May 21, 20210 found this helpful

Do you have any better photos?

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May 30, 20210 found this helpful

I have been suffering from this for 7 yrs now. I do not have answers but I can share what I do know.
They are relentless and affect pets as well as people. I have come to find not everyone feels them but most will become affected by them 1 way or another after long enough exposed to them.
Keeping pets treated for mites lice and fleas etc helps but does not cure it.
I vacuum the bed and bedding every night before bed and change bed every 3rd night or more.
They love wet areas laundries, kitchens and bathrooms.
I avoid dark or black coloured clothing or bedding.
Carpet is useless I try to rip it up and keep hard floors vacuumed daily mopped every 3rd day or more.
We wash in everything and anything that may help but vinegar is the best and salt I think.

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June 5, 20210 found this helpful

Wow, lots of comments, glad to know I'm not alone. A few weeks ago I became itchy all over. A strange type of itch that felt like a pinprick and would happen intermittently. Several days passed and I ran my hands over the knees of my pants and felt lots of little tiny, hard, prickly things embedded in the fabric. Pulled some out and they resembled fleas but weren't moving. Sometimes they are white instead. To the naked eye can just look like a piece of fluff.

This is what I've done so far: Checked my cats for fleas, couldn't see any but treated them anyway. They didn't react to treatment like they had in the past when they had fleas. Sprayed flea spray on carpeted areas of the house and vacuuming regularly. Slowly been washing all garments, bedding, etc. Steam cleaned the inside rim of the washing machine and bought a washing machine cleaning liquid that I use on tub clean mode. Bought cedar balls and put them in my wardrobe etc as natural bug repellents since moth balls stink/are toxic. Burning sandalwood incense occasionally. Checked my mattress for any bed bugs. Bought scabbies cream and sometimes applying that before bed since I figure that even if it's not scabbies, the cream has a good chance of killing anything that bites me. Have to be careful though since it's poisonous to cats.

I have a few thoughts on what it might be. Firstly, it occurred shortly after I did a load of washing that was all the yucky stuff like steam-mop heads and bath mats. Have done so many times in the past no problem. Only thing different this time one mop head did have some cat pee after an accident. Secondly, my Mother has an infestation of carpet moths that's so bad that she's ended up with internal parasites. I've avoided seeing her and won't go to her house but have met up with her (reluctantly) a couple times. No signs of damage to my carpet. Few little holes in clothing but nothing out of the ordinary. Thirdly, folliculitis. My skin has been blotchy with enlarged pores. I do have a fungal toenail infection, perhaps having baths with it could've transferred bacteria? It could explain that pinprick, hair standing on end feeling but doesn't explain the things embedded in my pants. Since I've started looking, I find them quite often but tbh, since they're not moving, it could well be common dust mites or hard bits of fabric, dirt or whatever :/ Maybe my skin is just feeling extra sensitive. Lastly, could be well-hidden bed bugs. A couple days ago I wasn't itchy until I went to bed and became so itchy that I actually made myself bleed and eventually dragged myself out of bed to apply calamine and found what does look like bite marks. As some others have said, tends to look like a flea bite but sometimes it's more like a tiny scratch. Most commonly noticing it on my knuckles.

In summary. Guess I'd better go to the doctor. Haven't had much help from them in the past so not expecting much. Took photos of the bites at their worst. Will keep applying the scabbies cream. Very frustrating not knowing what it is. I just try not to scratch and hope it goes away. Some good suggestions here like Trichomycosis, mine did start in the groin area. Anyone who wants to discuss further can email me

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July 4, 20210 found this helpful

So extremely happy I found you guys who are suffering in silence like me!! I say in silence, because I also tried to tell my husband and family, and they immediately said I was hallucinating. So I quickly stopped talking about it, and never went to dr, in fear of same answer from them. Even though I have tons of zip lock bags full of these things stuck to lint roller paper. I have absolutely no answers unfortunately. But, it does make me feel better to know that it's not just in my head. I recently had a terrible infection in my eye. Almost lost my eye. Due to these! I wipe them off my eyelashes every night by the dozens. And every day, they are back. It's gotten my kids. I'm sure my husband. But he wants to hear nothing of it. My left toes are numb, and my hands and feet have swollen for 2 years. Rheumatology can't figure it out. They just say my inflammation panel is high. Ya think!?!?!? No sh*t!! I'm swollen all over my body! I hope we can figure this out. I'm exhausted.

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August 13, 20210 found this helpful

Any answers yet, what is this and why is there no real data??

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December 21, 20210 found this helpful

We are experiencing the same tiny black speck bugs and white, cream, and red colored too. Different sizes, I think different stages of life. We tried everything. Finally purchased an ozone generator from amazon. Commercial grade, highest level of ozonation and coverage area. Sealed off each room in the house and ran 4 or 5 hours in each room. The ozone it produces kills all living things that breathe, including these bugs. We all treated ourselves with a full body and hair delouser and promethrin cream. We ran the machine in the house and all of the vehicles too. Finally got rid of them, only to be reinfected by a visiting family member. We are getting ready to go through the process again. My husband went to several doctors including two dermatologists who all came up with nothing. We hope this treatment works for all of you if you are able to get the necessary machine, soaps and cream. It may even be easier than that, but that's the process we trued when we finally got results.

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March 22, 20220 found this helpful

Hiya. It is birds nest mites affecting you. They come down the chimney or crevices. Spray with Innodex gives you protection for 3 months. Use Neem oil on your body to get rid of them Good luck.

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September 16, 20220 found this helpful

Hey EVERYONE suffering with this S*#!:
Lets draft up a petition! The only thing is, who exactly do we send it to? My guess is the CDC and the WHO? Anyone else have more ideas about this idea?
ALSO:!these things seem to rely on you scratching, rubbing, and picking because this will ensure the spread of them even further. I had one living in the corner of my big toe and when I picked it, a small flying bug flew out of it and disappeared. Then, I started getting those sticky cotton-like fibers coming out of the wound it left; I think they rely on you to touch it so that it can stick to your finger and set up shop elsewhere or on your fingernail or the fibers will even move over themselves. If you plan to use deterrents, soaps, chemicals, or ANYTHING: do ONE spot on your body at a time! Trying to do everywhere all at once will ensure that these f*#!*s have a chance to jump to another fresh spot anywhere on your body. Holding a candle (a long, thin one work better) around yourself will first, reveal the ones actively flying around you and some accidentally burn, and also a super bright flashlight or even a torch lighter (not an actual torch!) will reveal them in a dark room. More later'
Questions? Advice? Possibilities? Hit me up

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